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  • saska/thesis-template
1 result
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Commits on Source (70)
with 579 additions and 447 deletions
% \begin{abstract}{finnish}
% Tämä dokumentti on tarkoitettu Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen osaston opin\-näyt\-teiden ja harjoitustöiden ulkoasun ohjeeksi ja mallipohjaksi. Ohje soveltuu kanditutkielmiin, ohjelmistotuotantoprojekteihin, seminaareihin ja maisterintutkielmiin. Tämän ohjeen lisäksi on seurattava niitä ohjeita, jotka opastavat valitsemaan kuhunkin osioon tieteellisesti kiinnostavaa, syvällisesti pohdittua sisältöä.
% Työn aihe luokitellaan
% ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) mukaisesti,
% ks.\ \url{}.
% Käytä muutamaa termipolkua (1--3), jotka alkavat juuritermistä ja joissa polun tarkentuvat luokat erotetaan toisistaan oikealle osoittavalla nuolella.
% \end{abstract}
Write your abstract here.
In addition, make sure that all the entries in this form are completed.
Finally, specify 1--3 ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) topics, as per \url{}.
Each topic is specified with one path, as shown in the example below, and elements of the path separated with an arrow.
Emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
by the use of bold face for high importance or italics for intermediate
\appendix{Sample Appendix\label{appendix:sample}}
You can add one or more appendices to your thesis.
%% History:
%% May 2019 Tomi Männistö, Antti-Pekka Tuovinen proofreading; 30 vs. 40 cr theses, etc.
%% May 2019 Tomi Männistö changed from babelbib to bibtex; Abstract page (and other pages as well) reformatting.
%% January–May 2019 several issues fixed by Niko Mäkitalo; long fields in abstract
%% March 2018 template file extended by Lea Kutvonen to exploit HYthesisML.cls.
%% Feb2018 This template file for the use of HYgraduML.cls was modified by Veli Mäkinen from HY_fysiikka_LuKtemplate.tex
%% authored by Roope Halonen ja Tomi Vainio in 2017.
%% Some text is also inherited from engl_malli.tex versions by Kutvonen, Erkiö, Mäkelä, Verkamo, Kurhila, and
%% Nykänen, to accompany tktltiki.cls (by Puolakka 2002).
%% Follow comments to support use. %% Follow comments to support use.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% STEP 1: Choose options for MSc / BSc layout and your bibliographic style %% STEP 1: Choose options for MSc / BSc / seminar layout and your bibliographic style
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Language: %% Language:
...@@ -20,40 +9,22 @@ ...@@ -20,40 +9,22 @@
%% Pagination (use twoside by default) %% Pagination (use twoside by default)
%% oneside or twoside, %% oneside or twoside,
%% Study programme / kind of report %% Study programme / kind of report
%% csm = pro gradu in new Computer science MSc; %% csm = Master's thesis in Computer Science Master's Programme;
%% cs = pro gradu in old Computer Science MSc; %% tkt = Bachelor's thesis in Computer Science Bachelor's Programme;
%% tkt = BSc thesis in new curricula; %% seminar = seminar report
%% tktl= BSc thesis in old curricula; %% For Master's thesis choose your line or track:
%% For MSc choose your line or track: %% (30 cr thesis, 2020 onwards, Master's Programme in Computer Science = csm)
%% (30 cr thesis, 2020 onwards, Master of Computer Science programme = csm)
%% software-track-2020 = Software study track %% software-track-2020 = Software study track
%% algorithms-track-2020 = Algorithms study track %% algorithms-track-2020 = Algorithms study track
%% networking-track-2020 = Networking study track %% networking-track-2020 = Networking study track
%% (30 cr thesis, Master of Computer Science programme = csm)
%% sw-track-2018 = Software Systems study track
%% alko-track-2018 = Algorithms study track
%% nodes-track-2018 = Networking and Services study track
%% (30 cr thesis, Master of Computer Science programme = csm)
%% sw-line-2017 = Software systems subprogramme
%% alko-line-2017 = Algorithms, Data Analytics and Machine Learning subprogramme
%% bio-line-2017 = Algorithmic Bioinformatics subprogramme
%% nodes-line-2017 = Networking and Services subprogramme
%% (40 cr thesis, = cs)
%% sw-line = Software Systems specialisation line
%% alko-line = Algorithms specialisation line
%% bio-line = Algorithmic bioinformatics specialisation line
%% nodes-line = Networking and Services specialisation line
\documentclass[finnish,twoside,censored,tkt,sw-line]{HYthesisML} \documentclass[english,twoside,censored,csm,software-track-2020]{HYthesisML}
% In theses, open new chapters only at right page. % If wanted, open new chapters only at right page.
% For other types of documents, may ask "openany" in document. % By default, "openany".
\PassOptionsToClass{openright,twoside,a4paper}{report} %\PassOptionsToClass{openright,twoside,a4paper}{report}
%\PassOptionsToClass{openany,twoside,a4paper}{report} \PassOptionsToClass{openany,twoside,a4paper}{report}
\usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{csquotes}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
...@@ -66,7 +37,7 @@ ...@@ -66,7 +37,7 @@
%% Reference style: select one %% Reference style: select one
%% for APA = Harvard style = authoryear -> (Einstein, 1905) use: %% for APA = Harvard style = authoryear -> (Einstein, 1905) use:
\usepackage[style=authoryear,bibstyle=authoryear,backend=biber,natbib=true,maxnames=99,maxcitenames=2,giveninits=true,uniquename=init]{biblatex} \usepackage[style=authoryear,bibstyle=authoryear,backend=biber,natbib=true,maxnames=99,maxcitenames=2,uniquelist=minyear,giveninits=true,uniquename=mininit]{biblatex}
%% for numeric = Vancouver style -> [1] use: %% for numeric = Vancouver style -> [1] use:
%\usepackage[style=numeric,bibstyle=numeric,backend=biber,natbib=true,maxbibnames=99,giveninits=true,uniquename=init]{biblatex} %\usepackage[style=numeric,bibstyle=numeric,backend=biber,natbib=true,maxbibnames=99,giveninits=true,uniquename=init]{biblatex}
%% for alpahbetic -> [Ein05] use: %% for alpahbetic -> [Ein05] use:
...@@ -81,6 +52,23 @@ ...@@ -81,6 +52,23 @@
% remove the punctuation between author names in Bibliography % remove the punctuation between author names in Bibliography
%\renewcommand{\revsdnamepunct}{ } %\renewcommand{\revsdnamepunct}{ }
% Asked I'm using biblatex package, but it prints odd format volume.number in reference list, while this should be volume (number). How to fix this?
%Answer (shortened):
% Redefine the volume and number format
% Please remove the boldface from the volume and number fields:
% Now this generated format volume.(number). How to remove the dot? (and so on with some adjustments):
%\setunit*{\addnbspace\addthinspace}% <-- Adjust spacing here
%% Block of definitions for fonts and packages for picture management. %% Block of definitions for fonts and packages for picture management.
%% In some systems, the figure packages may not be happy together. %% In some systems, the figure packages may not be happy together.
...@@ -116,32 +104,23 @@ ...@@ -116,32 +104,23 @@
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Set up personal information for the title page and the abstract form. %% Set up personal information for the title page and the abstract form.
%% Replace parameters with your information. %% Replace parameters with your information.
\title{Tutkielman otsikko} \title{Title}
% TM: Contributors to template editors now listed in the beginning of the file in comments \author{Firstname Lastname}
\author{Outi Opiskelija}
\date{\today} \date{\today}
% Set supervisors, use the titles according to the thesis language
% in English Prof. or Dr., or in Finnish toht. or tri or FT, TkT, Ph.D. or in Swedish...
% Set supervisors and examiners, use the titles according to the thesis language
% Prof.
% Dr. or in Finnish toht. or tri or FT, TkT, Ph.D. or in Swedish...
\supervisors{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why} \supervisors{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why}
\examiners{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why}
\keywords{algorithms, data structures}
\keywords{ulkoasu, tiivistelmä, lähdeluettelo}
\additionalinformation{\translate{\track}} \additionalinformation{\translate{\track}}
%% For seminar papers and such, cover page and abstract %% For seminar reports:
%% requires these three basic items of information. %%\additionalinformation{Name of the seminar}
%% Label as needed and remove comment marks.
%%\programme{Tietojenkäsittelytieteen andidaattiohjelma}
%%\subject{Seminaarisarjan nimi}
%% Replace classification terms with the ones that match your work. ACM %% Provide classification terms, to appear on the abstract page.
%% Replace the classification terms below with the ones that match your work.
%% ACM Digital library provides a taxonomy and a tool for classification %% ACM Digital library provides a taxonomy and a tool for classification
%% in computer science. Use 1-3 paths, and use right arrows between the %% in computer science. Use 1-3 paths, and use right arrows between the
%% about three levels in the path; each path requires a new line. %% about three levels in the path; each path requires a new line.
...@@ -151,7 +130,7 @@ ...@@ -151,7 +130,7 @@
\ Applied computing $\rightarrow$ Document management and text processing $\rightarrow$ Document management $\rightarrow$ Text editing \ Applied computing $\rightarrow$ Document management and text processing $\rightarrow$ Document management $\rightarrow$ Text editing
}} }}
%% if you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document. %% If you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
%\quoting{Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get them laminated.}{Jeph Jacques} %\quoting{Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get them laminated.}{Jeph Jacques}
...@@ -184,48 +163,21 @@ ...@@ -184,48 +163,21 @@
% Generate title page. % Generate title page.
\maketitle \maketitle
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% STEP 3: %% STEP 3:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Write your abstract to be positioned here. %% Write your abstract in the separate file, to be positioned here.
%% You can make several abstract pages (if you want it in different languages), %% You can make several abstract pages (if you want it in different languages),
%% but you should also then redefine some of the above parameters in the proper %% in which case you should also define the language of the abstract,
%% language as well, in between the abstract definitions. %% as below.
\begin{abstract} \include{Ch.00_Abstract}
Tämä dokumentti on tarkoitettu Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen osaston opin\-näyt\-teiden ja harjoitustöiden ulkoasun ohjeeksi ja mallipohjaksi. Ohje soveltuu kanditutkielmiin, ohjelmistotuotantoprojekteihin, seminaareihin ja maisterintutkielmiin. Tämän ohjeen lisäksi on seurattava niitä ohjeita, jotka opastavat valitsemaan kuhunkin osioon tieteellisesti kiinnostavaa, syvällisesti pohdittua sisältöä.
Työn aihe luokitellaan
ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) mukaisesti,
ks.\ \url{},
käyttäen komentoa \verb+\classification{}+.
Käytä muutamaa termipolkua (1--3), jotka alkavat juuritermistä ja joissa polun tarkentuvat luokat erotetaan toisistaan oikealle osoittavalla nuolella.
Use this otherlanguage environment to write your abstract in another language if needed.
Topics are classified according to the ACM Computing Classification System
(CCS), see
check command \verb+\classification{}+. A small set of paths (1--3) should be used, starting from any top nodes
referred to bu the root term CCS leading to the leaf nodes. The elements
in the path are separated by right arrow, and emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
by the use of bold face for high importance or italics for intermediate
level. The combination of individual boldface terms may give the reader
additional insight.
% Place ToC % Place ToC
\newpage %\newpage
\mytableofcontents \mytableofcontents
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% STEP 4: Write the thesis. %% STEP 4: Write the thesis.
...@@ -233,20 +185,23 @@ additional insight. ...@@ -233,20 +185,23 @@ additional insight.
%% Your actual text starts here. You shouldn't mess with the code above the line except %% Your actual text starts here. You shouldn't mess with the code above the line except
%% to change the parameters. Removing the abstract and ToC commands will mess up stuff. %% to change the parameters. Removing the abstract and ToC commands will mess up stuff.
%% %%
%% You may wish to include material to avoid browsing the definitions %% Command \include{file} includes the file of name file.tex.
%% above. Command \include{file} includes the file of name file.tex. %% A new page will be created at every \include command,
%% As a side effect, subsequent inclusions may force a page break. %% which makes it appropriate to use it for large entities such as book chapters. Cannot be nested.
%% It is useful for a big project, as changing one of the include targets
% BSc instructions %% won't force the regeneration of the outputs of all the rest.
%\include{bsc_finnish_contents} %% Alternatively, \input is a more lower level macro
%\include{bsc_english_contents} %% which simply inputs the content of the given file like it was copy&pasted there manually.
% MSc instructions
%\include{msc_finnish_contents} \include{Ch.10_Introduction}
\include{msc_english_contents} \include{Ch.20_Methods}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\cleardoublepage %fixes the position of bibliography in bookmarks %\cleardoublepage %fixes the position of bibliography in bookmarks
\phantomsection %\phantomsection
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname} % This lines adds the bibliography to the ToC \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname} % This lines adds the bibliography to the ToC
\printbibliography \printbibliography
...@@ -254,16 +209,17 @@ additional insight. ...@@ -254,16 +209,17 @@ additional insight.
\backmatter \backmatter
\begin{appendices} \begin{appendices}
%\input{instructions_english} %% A sample Appendix
\input{instructions_finnish} \include{Ch.90_Appendix_1}
%% another appendix
%% yet another appendix
\appendix{Sample Appendix\label{appendix:model}} % BSc instructions
usually starts on its own page, with the name and number of the appendix at the top. %\include{instructions/bsc_finnish_contents}
The appendices here are just models of the table of contents and the presentation. Each appendix %\include{instructions/bsc_english_contents}
Each appendix is paginated separately.
In addition to complementing the main document, each appendix is also its own, independent entity.
This means that an appendix cannot be just an image or a piece of programming, but the appendix must explain its contents and meaning.
\end{appendices} \end{appendices}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
...@@ -7,38 +7,6 @@ ...@@ -7,38 +7,6 @@
%% is to spread the style to uses at other departments as well, by %% is to spread the style to uses at other departments as well, by
%% making localisations easy. %% making localisations easy.
%% %%
%% The style class history:
%% * modifications Veli Mäkinen, 2019
%% * modifications Tomi Männistö, 2019
%% * template for BSc and MSc by Niko Mäkitalo and Lea Kutvonen, 2019
%% * tktltiki style and bibliography style by Anton Puolakka, 2002
%% * inspired by that, a version by Department of Physics, 2017
%% * template and style updates by Veli Mäkinen, 2018
%% * technical renewal and enhancement by Lea Kutvonen, 2018
%% to be extended to similar looking word template as well
%% Changes between policies in 2002 and 2018:
%% * cover pages changed (also from Physics)
%% * use of new (and old) curricula terms in titlepages and
%% in abstracts (level of theses, study programme and subject domain
%% within it, supervisor and examiner data for the needs of physical
%% sciences)
%% * utf8 as default
%% * mnemonic abbreviations in bibliographies have been abandoned,
%% instead choise between numberic and apacite styles
%% are made optional
%% * nomenclature shall be fixed soon (for Physics)
%% * technical internal changes has been necessary for gaining
%% stability of service for users: many packages have become obsolete
%% or changed a lot (very loose expectations have been given for
%% the required packages to ease the use on individual, separately
%% administered computers, watching out merely for major package
%% behaviour changes causing mismatches)
%% * translator.sty was adopted to support dictionaries on terms
%% related to curricula and scientific area, allowing each
%% department to provide their own key phrases
%%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version. % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
...@@ -79,13 +47,14 @@ ...@@ -79,13 +47,14 @@
\DeclareOption{alko-line}{\def\track{alko-line}} \DeclareOption{alko-line}{\def\track{alko-line}}
\DeclareOption{nodes-line}{\def\track{nodes-line}} \DeclareOption{nodes-line}{\def\track{nodes-line}}
\DeclareOption{bio-line}{\def\track{bio-line}} \DeclareOption{bio-line}{\def\track{bio-line}}
\DeclareOption{sw-line-2017}{\def\track{sw-line-2017}} %- should some of these be removed? TM2021
\DeclareOption{alko-line-2017}{\def\track{alko-line-2017}} % \DeclareOption{sw-line-2017}{\def\track{sw-line-2017}}
\DeclareOption{nodes-line-2017}{\def\track{nodes-line-2017}} % \DeclareOption{alko-line-2017}{\def\track{alko-line-2017}}
\DeclareOption{bio-line-2017}{\def\track{bio-line-2017}} % \DeclareOption{nodes-line-2017}{\def\track{nodes-line-2017}}
\DeclareOption{sw-track-2018}{\def\track{sw-track-2018}} % \DeclareOption{bio-line-2017}{\def\track{bio-line-2017}}
\DeclareOption{alko-track-2018}{\def\track{alko-track-2018}} % \DeclareOption{sw-track-2018}{\def\track{sw-track-2018}}
\DeclareOption{nodes-track-2018}{\def\track{nodes-track-2018}} % \DeclareOption{alko-track-2018}{\def\track{alko-track-2018}}
% \DeclareOption{nodes-track-2018}{\def\track{nodes-track-2018}}
\DeclareOption{software-track-2020}{\def\track{software-track-2020}} \DeclareOption{software-track-2020}{\def\track{software-track-2020}}
\DeclareOption{algorithms-track-2020}{\def\track{algorithms-track-2020}} \DeclareOption{algorithms-track-2020}{\def\track{algorithms-track-2020}}
\DeclareOption{networking-track-2020}{\def\track{networking-track-2020}} \DeclareOption{networking-track-2020}{\def\track{networking-track-2020}}
...@@ -125,11 +94,6 @@ ...@@ -125,11 +94,6 @@
\if@defaulttypesize \if@defaulttypesize
\PassOptionsToClass{12pt}{report} \PassOptionsToClass{12pt}{report}
\fi \fi
%TM- changed a4page->a4paper \PassOptionsToClass{openright,twoside,a4page}{report}
%TM: Moved to ...main.tex
% In theses, open new chapters only at right page.
% For other types of documents, may ask "openany" in document.
\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}}
% Report class takes care of any errors in options. % Report class takes care of any errors in options.
...@@ -302,7 +266,7 @@ ...@@ -302,7 +266,7 @@
%%%% trilanguage handling %%%% trilanguage handling
\RequirePackage{translator} % see the 3 files of translator-UHCSthesis \RequirePackage{translator} % see the 3 files of translator-UHCSthesis
\usedictionary{translator-UHCSthesis-coverpage-dictionary} \usedictionary{template/translator-UHCSthesis-coverpage-dictionary}
%%%%%% Define commands for filling abstract %%%%%% Define commands for filling abstract
%%%%% For form texts %%%%% For form texts
...@@ -368,7 +332,7 @@ ...@@ -368,7 +332,7 @@
{\translate{department2018}} {\translate{department2018}}
\renewcommand{\oppiaine}{{Koulutusohjelma --- Utbildningsprogram --- Study programme}} \renewcommand{\oppiaine}{{Koulutusohjelma --- Utbildningsprogram --- Study programme}}
\renewcommand{\getSubject}{\programme} \renewcommand{\getSubject}{\programme}
\providecommand{\track}{} \providecommand{\track}{}
\fi \fi
\if@tktl \if@tktl
\newcommand{\level}% \newcommand{\level}%
...@@ -383,7 +347,7 @@ ...@@ -383,7 +347,7 @@
% VM: poistin "oppiaineeseen laitos" lisäämällä allaolevan % VM: poistin "oppiaineeseen laitos" lisäämällä allaolevan
\renewcommand{\department}{\programme} \renewcommand{\department}{\programme}
\renewcommand{\getSubject}{\programme} \renewcommand{\getSubject}{\programme}
\providecommand{\track}{} \providecommand{\track}{}
\fi \fi
\if@cs \if@cs
\renewcommand\subject{\translate{\track}} \renewcommand\subject{\translate{\track}}
...@@ -423,6 +387,12 @@ ...@@ -423,6 +387,12 @@
% \fi % \fi
% } % }
\fi \fi
\renewcommand{\oppiaine}{{Koulutusohjelma --- Utbildningsprogram --- Study programme}}
%% actual parameters from document %% actual parameters from document
...@@ -436,6 +406,12 @@ ...@@ -436,6 +406,12 @@
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % For better math \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % For better math
\usepackage[footnotesize,bf]{caption} % For more control over figure captions \usepackage[footnotesize,bf]{caption} % For more control over figure captions
\usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{blindtext}
\newcommand{\frontmatter}{ \newcommand{\frontmatter}{
\setcounter{page}{1} \setcounter{page}{1}
...@@ -444,24 +420,30 @@ ...@@ -444,24 +420,30 @@
\newcommand{\mainmatter}{ \newcommand{\mainmatter}{
\cleardoublepage \toggletrue{mainmatter}
\thispagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{empty}
\pagenumbering{arabic} \pagenumbering{arabic}
\setcounter{page}{1} \setcounter{page}{1}
} }
\newcommand{\backmatter}{% \newcommand{\backmatter}{%
\addtocounter{numberofappendixes}{1} \clearpage % needed so that mainmatter is fully flushed before turning off the counter
\setcounter{numberofpages}{\value{page}} \togglefalse{mainmatter}
\addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}} \addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}}
\cleardoublepage \cleardoublepage
\titleformat{\chapter}{\large\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter\newline}{0.5em}{\setcounter{page}{1}\pagenumbering{roman}\markboth{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter}{\chaptertitlename \space\thechapter}\label{Appendix.\thechapter}\thispagestyle{empty}} \titleformat{\chapter}{\large\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter\newline}{0.5em}{\setcounter{page}{1}\pagenumbering{roman}\markboth{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter}{\chaptertitlename \space\thechapter}\label{Appendix.\thechapter}\thispagestyle{empty}}
% \titleformat{\chapter}{\Huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter\newline}{0.5em}{\setcounter{page}{1}\pagenumbering{arabic}\markboth{}{}\label{Appendix.\thechapter}} % \titleformat{\chapter}{\Huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\space\thechapter\newline}{0.5em}{\setcounter{page}{1}\pagenumbering{arabic}\markboth{}{}\label{Appendix.\thechapter}}
\thispagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{empty}
} }
% Additions and changes for document key terms. % Additions and changes for document key terms.
...@@ -519,48 +501,22 @@ ...@@ -519,48 +501,22 @@
\renewcommand*{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} %footnote symbols for one page only \renewcommand*{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} %footnote symbols for one page only
\MakePerPage{footnote} \MakePerPage{footnote}
% user command to ask for the value
\providecommand{\recallcounter}[1]{\@ifundefined{stored@#1}{Rerun or fix for number of pages info in abstract}{\csname stored@#1\endcsname}}
% used at the aux
\providecommand{\restorecounter}[2]{\expandafter\gdef\csname stored@#1\endcsname{#2}}
}% end of end preamble
%%%%%% Appendices %%%%%%% %%%%%% Appendices %%%%%%%
\newcounter{appendixPagesCounter} \newcounter{appendixPagesCounter}
\setcounter{appendixPagesCounter}{0}% \setcounter{appendixPagesCounter}{0}%
\typeout{***appendixPagesCounter \theappendixPagesCounter}
%TM: This one set the last page of each appendix to 1, which kinda is not what one wants %TM: This one set the last page of each appendix to 1, which kinda is not what one wants
%TM:- \setcounter{page}{1}% %TM:- \setcounter{page}{1}%
\chapter{#1} \chapter{#1}
} }
\renewcommand{\appendices}{% \renewcommand{\appendices}{%
\setcounter{page}{-1}% %\setcounter{page}{-1}%
% \setcounter{appendix}{1}% % \setcounter{appendix}{1}%
% \newpage % \newpage
% %\pagestyle{empty} % %\pagestyle{empty}
...@@ -572,83 +528,38 @@ ...@@ -572,83 +528,38 @@
} }
% Biblatex doesn't use bibname or refname. Instead it overwrites it with its own value.
% These values must be fixed manually, and done after biblatex has been loaded.
bibliography = {L\"ahteet}
editor = {red.},
editors = {red.},
bibliography = {Referenser}
\AtBeginDocument{ }
\newcounter{selfdefined} \AtBeginDocument{
\newcounter{numberofpages} \newcounter{numberofpages}
\newcounter{numberofappendixpages} \newcounter{numberofappendixpages}
\newcommand{\numberofpagesinfo}[1]{\gdef\@numberofpagesinfo{#1}} \setcounter{numberofpages}{0}
\newcommand{\numberofappendixesinfo}[1]{\gdef\@numberofappendixesinfo{#1}} \setcounter{numberofappendixpages}{0}
% hidden setcounter cmds from aux for all counters above here
% view together with same split in \atenddocument
}{% appendixes exist, backmatter takes care of mainmatter pages
}{ % author defined cases handled by separate user command below
% write to aux all texts (note: lang spesific)
% to become available as author command elements
% on the second pdflatex run
% only used as author command
} }
\AtEndDocument{% \AtEndDocument{%
\typeout{***AED Number of Appendices \thenumberofappendixpages}
\iffirstrun{ \typeout{***AED Number of pages \thenumberofpages \pp}
\typeout{***AED Number of Appendices \theappendixPagesCounter}
\typeout{***AED Number of pages \thenumberofpages \pp}
} }
...@@ -677,26 +588,26 @@ ...@@ -677,26 +588,26 @@
\setcounter{page}{-998} \setcounter{page}{-998}
\label{in} \label{in}
\thispagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{empty}
\if@censored % \if@censored
{ % {
\par % \par
{\bf\supervisorslabel}\par % {\bf\supervisorslabel}\par
%TM: parindent only indents the first line -> use \leftskip within {} % %TM: parindent only indents the first line -> use \leftskip within {}
% {\addtolength{\parindent}{2em} % % {\addtolength{\parindent}{2em}
{\leftskip=2em % {\leftskip=2em
\@supervisors % \@supervisors
% \addtolength{\parindent}{-2em}} % % \addtolength{\parindent}{-2em}}
\par % \par
} % }
\par % \par
{\bf\examinerlabel}\par % {\bf\examinerlabel}\par
{\leftskip=2em % {\leftskip=2em
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# University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science - Thesis templates # Thesis templates
## University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science
## How to use this template?
### Instructions for teachers to modify this template
Development version of this template is kept elsewhere and new releases will be directly pushed here.
Contact the owners of this project if you wish to contribute to the development.
## Instructions for the students
#### STEP 0 - Copy the thesis template for yourself
One template for all theses:
You can download this template as a ZIP-file from the download-button.
You can also clone this template from the clone-button, as you would any Git-repository.
Either way, copy the whole repository for yourself.
#### STEP 1 - BSc or MSc thesis?
1) Select whether your are writing BSc (tkt for new, tktl for old) or MSc (csm for new, cs for old, dsm data science) thesis
2) Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish
3) If you are writing MSc select your line / track
#### STEP 2 - Set up your personal information
1) Write the working title of your thesis
2) Write your name to the author field
3) Write the names of your supervisors and examiners of the thesis
#### STEP 3 - Write your abstract here
1) You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with:
Your abstract text goes here.
#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis
1) There are some instructions on writing the thesis in \[bsc/msc\]_\[finnish/english]_contents files.
2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/engilsh_contents file and write your thesis inside that file
#### STEP 5 - Set your bibliography style
1) The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases
This template is maintained on the repository
If you want to make or suggest changes to the template, then notify first the CSM board at
*Note (2021.08.26):* All instructions for the use of templates will gradually be moved from this repository to the webpages of the BSc or MSc programs. The repository will be used only for the maintenance of the template.
* MSc Students: For your MSc thesis, refer to the [MSc Thesis webpage]( for instructions.
* BSc Students: For your BSc thesis, find basic instructions [here](
File moved
# Thesis templates: Instructions for BSc students
# University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science
#### STEP 0 - Copy the thesis template for yourself
One template for all theses:
You can download this template as a ZIP-file from the download-button.
You can also clone this template from the clone-button, as you would any Git-repository.
Either way, copy the whole repository for yourself.
#### STEP 1 - Bachelor's thesis or seminar report.
1) Select whether your are writing Bachelor's thesis (tkt) or a seminar report (seminar)
2) Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish
#### STEP 2 - Set up your personal information
1) Write the working title of your thesis / report
2) Write your name to the author field
3) Write the names of your supervisors of the thesis (can be omitted for seminars)
#### STEP 3 - Write your abstract here
1) You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with:
Your abstract text goes here.
#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis / report
1) There are some instructions on writing the thesis in \[bsc\]_\[finnish/english]_contents files.
2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/english_contents file and write your thesis inside that file.
3) For seminar reports, make adjustments as needed (limited support currently)
#### STEP 5 - Set your bibliography style
1) The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases
\appendix{Instructions for LaTex}
\section{General Setup}
In the HY-CS-main.tex file you will find the following STEPS 0--5. Below you can find related instructions.
\textbf{STEP 0 -- Access the thesis template}
\item Import the thesis template into a new Overleaf project. The easiest way to do it is to:
\item Obtain a zip file of the LaTeX template from the webpage of your programme.
\item Go to \url{} and login to Overleaf with your university credentials.
\item Go to the list of your projects at \url{}, click ``New Project'' and ``Upload Project''., the projects under your account
\item Then upload the zip with the template.
\item You are now ready to write your thesis in Overleaf by editing the template, you can start by renaming the project.
{\textbf{STEP 1 -- BSc or MSc thesis?}}
\item Select whether your are writing BSc (tkt) or MSc (csm for CS) thesis.
\item Select your language: \texttt{finnish}, \texttt{english}, or \texttt{swedish}.
\item If you are writing MSc select your line / track.
{\textbf{STEP 2 -- Set up your personal information}}
\item Specify the title of your thesis with \texttt{\textbackslash title\{\}}.
\item Specify your name to the author field with \texttt{\textbackslash author\{\}}.
\item Specify the names of your supervisors of the thesis with \texttt{\textbackslash supervisors\{\}}.
\item Specify the keywords of the thesis with \texttt{\textbackslash keywords\{\}}.
\item Specify the ACM classification terms of the thesis with \texttt{\textbackslash classification\{\}}. See \url{} for more information.
{\textbf{STEP 3 -- Write your abstract}}
\item You can have the abstract in multiple languages with the \texttt{otherlanguages} environment. The example below shows how to provide an English abstract:
Your abstract text goes here.
{\textbf{STEP 4 -- Writing your thesis}}
\item There are some minimal contents and instructions below
\item Remove, or comment out, this appendix from your thesis.
{\textbf{STEP 5 -- Set your bibliography style}}
\item The default is Author-Year style (Einstein, 1905), but it can be easily changed to numbered [1] or alphabetical [Ein05] , as the examples of these are in comments.
\item Discuss the style to use with your supervisor.
\section{Bibliography in Latex}
The bibliography is defined in a separate \texttt{.bib} file. For this template, it is named \texttt{bibliography.bib} and includes the content show in Figure~\ref{bibexamples}.
Chapter Bibliography lists all the works that you refer to in your text. You refer to the works in the bibliography using an appropriate \emph{citation key}.
%This thesis template contains an example of a bibliography.
References are done using \texttt{\textbackslash citep\{einstein\}}, which generates in text a citation formatted according to the selected style \citep{einstein}, or \texttt{\textbackslash citep\{latexcompanion,knuth99\}}, which generates \citep{latexcompanion,knuth99}.
As examples of a different kinds of citations (see how these look in the Latex source), we can write \citep{einstein} to refer to the work written by \citeauthor{einstein} in \citeyear{einstein}, because the work by \citet{einstein} appears in the bilbliography included in this template.
Note that there are different possible styles for the bibliography and citation keys.
Consult your supervisors on the chosen style -- and once you arrive at a preferred style, use it consistently throughout the thesis.
author = "Albert Einstein",
title = "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German})
[{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]",
journal = "Annalen der Physik",
volume = "322",
number = "10",
pages = "891--921",
year = "1905",
DOI = ""
author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",
title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
year = "1993",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts"
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Digital Typography",
year = "1999",
publisher = "The Center for the Study of Language and Information",
series = "CLSI Lecture Notes (78)"
\caption{Examples of bibliographic reference in .bib file.}
%In the last reference url field the code \verb+%7E+ will translate into \verb+~+ once clicked in the final pdf.
\section{Some instructions about writing in Latex}
The following gives some superficial instructions for using this template for a Master's thesis. For guidelines on thesis writing you can consult various sources, such as university courses on scientific writing or your supervisors.
For more detailed instructions, just google, e.g., "Overleaf table positioning", and your chances of finding good info are pretty good.
Besides text, here are simple examples how you can add figures and tables in your thesis.
Remember always to refer to each figure in the main text and provide them with a descriptive caption.
Figure~\ref{fig:logo} is an example of a figure in the document (see the source about how to add them).
%Using figures is particularly useful to display plots of experimental results.
\caption{University of Helsinki flame-logo for Faculty of Science.\label{fig:logo}}
Table~\ref{table:results} gives an example of a table.
Remember always to cite the table in the main text, table captions go on top of the table.
\begin{table}[h] % h positions the table here, t! would force on top of the page, or example.
\caption{Experimental results.\label{table:results}} % caption is here to make it on top
\begin{tabular}{l||l c r}
Experiment & 1 & 2 & 3 \\
\hline \hline
$A$ & 2.5 & 4.7 & -11 \\
$B$ & 8.0 & -3.7 & 12.6 \\
$A+B$ & 10.5 & 1.0 & 1.6 \\
\appendix{Tutkielmapohjan käyttöohjeet}
\texttt{HY-CS-main.tex} tiedosto sisältää viisi askelta STEPS 0--5. Alla on kuvattu, mitä nämä askeleet tarkoittavat ja miten niitä seuraamalla luot pohjan tutkielmallesi.
\textbf{STEP 0 -- Kopioi tutkielmapohja}
\item Hae tutkielmapohja uuteen Overleaf-projektiin. Tämä käy helpoiten seuraavasti:
\item Lataa Latex-pohjan zip-tiedosto koulutusohjelman sivuilta.
\item Mene osoitteeseen \url{} ja kirjaudu Overleafiin yli\-opiston tunnuksillasi.
\item Overleafissa (\url{}), klikkaa ``New Project'' and ``Upload Project''.
\item Valitse lataamasi tutkielmapohjan zip-tiedosto.
\item Nyt voit lähteä kirjoittamaan tutkielmaasi suoraan pohjaan, voit aloittaa esim. vaihtamalla projektin nimen.
{\textbf{STEP 1 -- BSc vai MSc tutkielma?}}
\item Valitse (tiedostossa \texttt{HY-CS-main.tex}) oletko tekemässä BSc (tkt) vai MSc (csm tietojenkäsittely) tutkielmaa.
\item Valitse kieli jolla kirjoitat tutkielman: \texttt{finnish}, \texttt{english} tai \texttt{swedish}.
\item Jos olet kirjoittamassa maisterintutkielmaa, valitse linja/opintosuunta.
{\textbf{STEP 2 -- Aseta henkilökohtaiset tietosi}}
\item Kirjoita alustava otsikko tutkielmallesi: \texttt{\textbackslash title\{\}}.
\item Kirjoita oma nimesi kohtaan \texttt{\textbackslash author\{\}}.
\item Lisää ohjaajien nimet \texttt{\textbackslash supervisors\{\}}.
\item Määrittele avainsanat \texttt{\textbackslash keywords\{\}}.
\item Määritä tutkielmasi ACM luokittelutermit \texttt{\textbackslash classification\{\}}. Ks. lisätietoa: \url{}.
{\textbf{STEP 3 -- Kirjoita tiivistelmä}}
Voit kirjoittaa tiivistelmän (koko tiivistelmäsivu) eri kielillä \texttt{otherlanguages}-ym\-\-ris\-tön avulla. Alla esimerkki jolla kirjoitat englanninkielisen tiivistelmän muulla kuin englannin kielellä kirjoitettuun tutkielmaan:
Your abstract text goes here.
{\textbf{STEP 4 -- Kirjoita tutkielma}}
\item Kirjoittamisesta Latexilla löydät hieman ohjeita alempaa.
\item Poista tämä liite ja muu ohjeistus tutkielmastasi, esim. kommentoimalla.
{\textbf{STEP 5 -- Aseta kirjallisuuslähdeluettelon tyyli}}
\item Oletustyylin tekijä-vuosi, eli (Einstein, 1905), voit vaihtaa viittaustyylin (tiedostossa \texttt{HY-CS-main.tex}) helposti (eri mallit kommentoituna) esim. numeroituun [1], tai aakkostyyliin [Ein05].
Lisää ohjeita liittyen viittaustyylin säätämiseen {Bib}\TeX issä löytyy verkosta: \url{}
\item Sovi käytettävä tyyli ohjaajasi kanssa.
\section{Kirjallisuusviitteet Latexissa}
Kirjallisuuslähteet ylläpidetään erillisessä .bib-tiedostossa. Tässä tutkielmapohjassa käy\-te\-tyt kirjallisuuslähteet, joista esimerkkejä kuvassa~\ref{bibexamples-fi}, löytyvät tiedostosta\newline \texttt{bibliography.bib}.
author = "Albert Einstein",
title = "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German})
[{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]",
journal = "Annalen der Physik",
volume = "322",
number = "10",
pages = "891--921",
year = "1905",
DOI = ""
author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",
title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
year = "1993",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts"
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Digital Typography",
year = "1999",
publisher = "The Center for the Study of Language and Information",
series = "CLSI Lecture Notes (78)"
\caption{Esimerkkejä kirjallisuuslähteiden kuvaamisesta .bib-tiedostossa.}
Viitteet kirjallisuuslähteisiin muodostetaan komennolla \texttt{\textbackslash citep\{einstein\}}, josta generoituu tekstiin valitun viittaustyylin mukaisesti muotoiltu viite \citep{einstein}, tai \texttt{\textbackslash citep\{latexcompanion,knuth99\}}, josta tekstiin puolestaan generoituu \citep{latexcompanion,knuth99}.
Voit esimerkiksi kirjoittaa \citep{einstein} viitataksesi julkaisuun, jonka on kirjoittanut \citeauthor{einstein} vuonna \citeyear{einstein}, kun vain lähde \citet{einstein} on oikein lisättynä kirjallisuuslähdetiedostossa (katso miltä nämä näyttävät Latex lähdekoodissa).
Tekstissä viitatut kirjallisuuslähteet tulevat automaattisesti viiteluetteloon. Kirjallisuuslähteiden tietojen oikeellisuus ja yhdenmukaisuus .bib-tiedostossa vaikuttavat luonnollisesti siihen, miten tiedot tutkielmassa näyttäytyvät. Tämä on syytä huomioida, sillä esim.\ verkosta valmiiksi {Bib\TeX} muodossa löytyvien tietojen täydellisyyten tai samanmuotoisuuteen ei pidä sokeasti luottaa.
Keskustele viittaustyylin valinnasta ohjaajan kanssa.
%Joitain vaihtoehtoja on osoitteessa:\\
\section{Joitain ohjeita Latexilla kirjoittamiseen}
Seuraavassa on joitain ohjeita tämän tutkielmapohjan käyttöön maisterintutkielmassa. Kirjoittamisohjeita löytyy useasta eri lähteestä. Voit esimerkiksi tutustua kandidaatintutkielman ohjeisiin.
Ohjaajan kanssa on hyvä keskustella aikaisessa vaiheessa työn rakenteesta.
Yksityiskohtaisia ohjeita Latexin käyttämäsestä saa parhaiten hakemalla verkosta, esim. haku englanniksi "Overleaf table positioning" tuottaa oletettavasti aika toimivan vastauksen.
Kuva~\ref{fig:logo-fi} toimii esimerkkinä kuvan lisäämisestä työhön (katso tarkemmin mallia Latex lähdekoodista). Muista myös viitata jokaiseen kuvaan tekstissä.
\begin{figure}[ht] % remove [h!] for automatic placement, which is probably better for a thesis with more text on page
\caption{Helsingin yliopiston logo matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan värein.\label{fig:logo-fi}}
\newpage % just to keep the table on the same page with the short piece of text
Taulukossa~\ref{table:results-fi} on esimerkki kokeellisten tulosten raportoinnista taulukkona. Muista myös viitata jokaiseen taulukkoon tekstissä.
\caption{Kokeelliset tulokset.\label{table:results-fi}}
\begin{tabular}{l||l c r}
Koe & 1 & 2 & 3 \\
\hline \hline
$A$ & 2.5 & 4.7 & -11 \\
$B$ & 8.0 & -3.7 & 12.6 \\
$A+B$ & 10.5 & 1.0 & 1.6 \\
\appendix{Template instructions}
In the HY-CS-main.tex file you will find the following STEPS 0--5. Bellow instructions what each STEP means and how to set up your thesis by following these STEPS.
\textbf{STEP 0 -- Clone the thesis template}
\item One template for all thesis types: \url{}
{\textbf{STEP 1 -- BSc or MSc thesis?}}
\item Select whether your are writing BSc (tkt for new, tktl for old) or MSc (csm for new, cs for old, dsm for data science) thesis.
\item Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish.
\item If you are writing MSc select your line / track.
{\textbf{STEP 2 -- Set up your personal information}}
\item Write the working title of your thesis.
\item Write your name to the author field.
\item Write the names of your supervisors and examiners of the thesis.
{\textbf{STEP 3 -- Write your abstract here}}
\item You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with otherlanguages-environment. Bellow example how to add an english abstract to a thesis written in some other language than english:
Your abstract text goes here.
{\textbf{STEP 4 -- Writing your thesis}}
\item There are some writing instructions in [bsc/msc]\_[finnish/english]\_contents.tex files.
\item You can delete the contents of [bsc/msc]\_[finnish/english]\_contents.tex file and write your thesis inside that file.
{\textbf{STEP 5 -- Set your bibliography style}}
\item The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases.
\appendix{Tutkielmapohjan käyttöohjeet}
HY-CS-main.tex tiedosto sisältää viisi askelta STEPS 0--5. Alla on kuvattu, mitä nämä askeleet tarkoittavat ja miten niitä seuraamalla luot itsellesi oikeanlaisen tutkielmapohjan.
\textbf{STEP 0 -- Kopioi itsellesi tutkielmapohja}
\item Tämä sama pohja on käytössä kaikille tutkielmatyypeille:\\ \url{}
{\textbf{STEP 1 -- BSc vai MSc tutkielma?}}
\item Valitse (tiedostossa HY-CS-main.tex) oletko tekemässä BSc (tkt uusi tutkinto, tktl vanhatutkinto) vai MSc (csm uusi tutkinto/30~op, cs vanha tutkinto/40~op)
%, dsm datatiede)
\item Valitse kieli jolla kirjoitat tutkielman: finnish, english, tai swedish.
\item Jos olet kirjoittamassa MSc tutkielmaa, valitse linja/opintosuunta.
{\textbf{STEP 2 -- Aseta henkilökohtaiset tietosi}}
\item Kirjoita alustava otsikko tutkielmallesi.
\item Kirjoita oma nimesi.
\item Kirjoita ohjaajien ja tarkastajien nimet (mikäli tiedossa).
{\textbf{STEP 3 -- Kirjoita tiivistelmä(t)}}
\item Voit kirjoittaa tiivistelmän (koko tiivistelmäsivu) eri kielillä \texttt{otherlanguages}-ympäristön avulla. Alla esimerkki jolla kirjoitat englanninkielisen tiivistelmän muulla kuin englannin kielellä kirjoitettuun tutkielmaan:
Your abstract text goes here.
{\textbf{STEP 4 -- Kirjoita tutkielma}}
\item Tutkielman kirjoittamista varten löydät ohjeita tiedostosta \newline \texttt{[bsc/msc]\_[finnish/english]\_contents.tex}.
\item Kun olet tutustunut ohjeisiin, voit poistaa tiedoston \newline \texttt{[bsc/msc]\_[finnish/english]\_contents.tex} sisällön ja kirjoittaa oman tutkielmasi kyseiseen tiedostoon.
{\textbf{STEP 5 -- Aseta kirjallisuuslähdeluettelon tyyli}}
\item Oletustyyli tekijä-vuosi, eli (Einstein, 1905), voit vaihtaa tyylin (tiedostossa HY-CS-main.tex) helposti kommentointia muuttamalla numeroituun, eli [1], tai aakkostyyliin, eli [Ein05].
Lisää ohjeita liittyen viittaustyylin säätämiseen {Bib}\TeX issä löytyy verkosta: \url{}
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