%% Set up personal information for the title page and the abstract form.
%% Replace parameters with your information.
\title{Tutkielman otsikko}
% TM: Contributors to template editors now listed in the beginning of the file in comments
\author{Outi Opiskelija}
\author{Firstname Lastname}
@@ -101,13 +101,14 @@
\supervisors{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why}
\keywords{ulkoasu, tiivistelmä, lähdeluettelo}
\keywords{algorithms, data structures}
%% For seminar reports:
%%\additionalinformation{Name of the seminar}
%% Replace classification terms with the ones that match your work. ACM
%% Provide classification terms, to appear on the abstract page.
%% Replace the classification terms below with the ones that match your work.
%% ACM Digital library provides a taxonomy and a tool for classification
%% in computer science. Use 1-3 paths, and use right arrows between the
%% about three levels in the path; each path requires a new line.
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
\ Applied computing $\rightarrow$ Document management and text processing $\rightarrow$ Document management $\rightarrow$ Text editing
%% if you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
%% If you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
%\quoting{Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get them laminated.}{Jeph Jacques}
@@ -166,25 +167,21 @@
% Työn aihe luokitellaan
% ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) mukaisesti,
% ks.\ \url{https://www.acm.org/about-acm/class},
% käyttäen komentoa \verb+\classification{}+.
% ks.\ \url{https://dl.acm.org/ccs}.
% Käytä muutamaa termipolkua (1--3), jotka alkavat juuritermistä ja joissa polun tarkentuvat luokat erotetaan toisistaan oikealle osoittavalla nuolella.
% \end{abstract}
Use this otherlanguage environment to write your abstract.
Topics are classified according to the ACM Computing Classification System
(CCS), see
check command \verb+\classification{}+. A small set of paths (1--3) should be used, starting from any top nodes
referred to bu the root term CCS leading to the leaf nodes. The elements
in the path are separated by right arrow, and emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
Write your abstract here.
In addition, specify 1--3 ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) topics, as per \url{https://dl.acm.org/ccs}.
Each topic is specified with one path, as shown in the example below, and elements of the path separated with an arrow.
Emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
by the use of bold face for high importance or italics for intermediate
level. The combination of individual boldface terms may give the reader