diff --git a/HY-CS-main.tex b/HY-CS-main.tex
index c1120e0e0f02941c846719147194246c9ae81b66..078f5dd00c8c3be99ea09ab251dbe3ef507d7452 100644
--- a/HY-CS-main.tex
+++ b/HY-CS-main.tex
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
 %% Set up personal information for the title page and the abstract form.
 %% Replace parameters with your information.
-\title{Tutkielman otsikko}
 % TM: Contributors to template editors now listed in the beginning of the file in comments
-\author{Outi Opiskelija}
+\author{Firstname Lastname}
@@ -101,13 +101,14 @@
 \supervisors{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why}
-\keywords{ulkoasu, tiivistelmä, lähdeluettelo}
+\keywords{algorithms, data structures}
 %% For seminar reports:
 %%\additionalinformation{Name of the seminar}
-%% Replace classification terms with the ones that match your work. ACM
+%% Provide classification terms, to appear on the abstract page.
+%% Replace the classification terms below with the ones that match your work.
 %% ACM Digital library provides a taxonomy and a tool for classification
 %% in computer science. Use 1-3 paths, and use right arrows between the
 %% about three levels in the path; each path requires a new line.
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
 \  Applied computing  $\rightarrow$ Document management and text processing  $\rightarrow$ Document management $\rightarrow$ Text editing
-%% if you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
+%% If you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
 %\quoting{Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get them laminated.}{Jeph Jacques}
@@ -166,25 +167,21 @@
 % Työn aihe luokitellaan  
 % ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) mukaisesti, 
-% ks.\ \url{https://www.acm.org/about-acm/class},
-% käyttäen komentoa \verb+\classification{}+. 
+% ks.\ \url{https://dl.acm.org/ccs}. 
 % Käytä muutamaa termipolkua (1--3), jotka alkavat juuritermistä ja joissa polun tarkentuvat luokat erotetaan toisistaan oikealle osoittavalla nuolella.
 % \end{abstract}
-Use this otherlanguage environment to write your abstract.
-Topics are classified according to the ACM Computing Classification System
-(CCS), see 
-check command \verb+\classification{}+. A small set of paths (1--3) should be used, starting from any top nodes
-referred to bu the root term CCS leading to the leaf nodes. The elements
-in the path are separated by right arrow, and emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
+Write your abstract here.
+In addition, specify 1--3 ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) topics, as per \url{https://dl.acm.org/ccs}.
+Each topic is specified with one path, as shown in the example below, and elements of the path separated with an arrow.
+Emphasis of each element individually can be indicated
 by the use of bold face for high importance or italics for intermediate
-level. The combination of individual boldface terms may give the reader
-additional insight. 