In the HY-CS-main.tex file you will find the following STEPS 0--5. Bellow instructions what each STEP means and how to set up your thesis by following these STEPS.
In the HY-CS-main.tex file you will find the following STEPS 0--5. Below you can find related instructions.
\textbf{STEP 0 -- Access the thesis template}
\item One template for all thesis types: \url{}
\item Import the thesis template into a new Overleaf project.
\item The easiest way to do it is to:
\item Obtain a zip file of the LaTeX template from the webpage of your programme.
\item Go to \url{} and login to Overleaf with your university credentials.
\item Go to the list of your projects at \url{}, click ``New Project'' and ``Upload Project''., the projects under your account
\item Then upload the zip with the template.
\item You are now ready to write your thesis in Overleaf by editing the template.