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  • Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% Follow comments to support use.
    Veli Mäkinen's avatar
    Veli Mäkinen committed
    %% STEP 1: Choose options for MSc / BSc / seminar layout and your bibliographic style
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %%  Language: 
    %%      finnish, swedish, or english
    %%  Pagination (use twoside by default)  
    %%      oneside or twoside,
    %%  Study programme / kind of report
    Veli Mäkinen's avatar
    Veli Mäkinen committed
    %%      csm  = Master's thesis in Computer Science Master's Programme;
    %%      tkt = Bachelor's thesis in Computer Science Bachelor's Programme;
    %%      seminar = seminar report
    %%  For Master's thesis choose your line or track:
    %%      (30 cr thesis, 2020 onwards, Master's Programme in Computer Science = csm)
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %%      software-track-2020 = Software study track
    %%      algorithms-track-2020 = Algorithms study track
    %%      networking-track-2020 = Networking study track
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    % If wanted, open new chapters only at right page.
    % By default, "openany".
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% Some notes on bibliography usage and options:
    %% natbib -> you can use, e.g., \citep{} or \parencite{} for (Einstein, 1905); with APA \cite -> Einstein, 1905 without ()
    %% maxcitenames=2 -> only 2 author names in text citations, if more -> et al. is used
    %% maxbibnames=99 as no great need to suppress the biliography list in a thesis
    %% for more information see biblatex package documentation, e.g., from 
    %% Reference style: select one 
    %% for APA = Harvard style = authoryear -> (Einstein, 1905) use:
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% for numeric = Vancouver style -> [1] use:
    %% for alpahbetic -> [Ein05] use:
    % in case you want the final delimiter between authors & -> (Einstein & Zweistein, 1905) 
    % \renewcommand{\finalnamedelim}{ \& }
    % List the authors in the Bibilipgraphy as Lastname F, Familyname G,
    % remove the punctuation between author names in Bibliography 
    %\renewcommand{\revsdnamepunct}{ }
    Veli Mäkinen's avatar
    Veli Mäkinen committed
    % Asked I'm using biblatex package, but it prints odd format volume.number in reference list, while this should be volume (number). How to fix this?
    %Answer (shortened):
    % Redefine the volume and number format
    % Please remove the boldface from the volume and number fields:
    Veli Mäkinen's avatar
    Veli Mäkinen committed
    % Now this generated format volume.(number). How to remove the dot? (and so on with some adjustments):
      %\setunit*{\addnbspace\addthinspace}% <-- Adjust spacing here
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% Block of definitions for fonts and packages for picture management.
    %% In some systems, the figure packages may not be happy together.
    %% Choose the ones you need.
    %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % For UTF8 support, in some systems. Use UTF8 when saving your file.
    \usepackage{lmodern}         % Font package, again in some systems.
    \usepackage{textcomp}        % Package for special symbols
    \usepackage[pdftex]{color, graphicx} % For pdf output and jpg/png graphics
    \usepackage[pdftex, plainpages=false]{hyperref} % For hyperlinks and pdf metadata
    \usepackage{fancyhdr}        % For nicer page headers
    \usepackage{tikz}            % For making vector graphics (hard to learn but powerful)
    %\usepackage{wrapfig}        % For nice text-wrapping figures (use at own discretion)
    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % For better math
    \singlespacing               %line spacing options; normally use single
    %\sloppy                      % sloppy and fussy commands can be used to avoid overlong text lines
    % if you want to see which lines are too long or have too little stuff, comment out the following lines
    % \overfullrule=1mm
    % to see more info in the detailed log about under/overfull boxes...
    % \showboxbreadth=50 
    % \showboxdepth=50
    %% STEP 2:
    %% Set up personal information for the title page and the abstract form.
    %% Replace parameters with your information.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    \author{Firstname Lastname}
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    % Set supervisors, use the titles according to the thesis language
    % in English Prof. or Dr., or in Finnish toht. or tri or FT, TkT, Ph.D. or in Swedish... 
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    \supervisors{Prof.~D.U.~Mind, Dr.~O.~Why}
    \keywords{algorithms, data structures}
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% For seminar reports:
    %%\additionalinformation{Name of the seminar}
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% Provide classification terms, to appear on the abstract page.
    %% Replace the classification terms below with the ones that match your work.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% ACM Digital library provides a taxonomy and a tool for classification
    %% in computer science. Use 1-3 paths, and use right arrows between the
    %% about three levels in the path; each path requires a new line.
    \classification{\protect{\ \\
    \  General and reference $\rightarrow$ Document types  $\rightarrow$ Surveys and overviews\  \\
    \  Applied computing  $\rightarrow$ Document management and text processing  $\rightarrow$ Document management $\rightarrow$ Text editing
    %% If you want to quote someone special. You can comment this line out and there will be nothing on the document.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %\quoting{Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get them laminated.}{Jeph Jacques}
    %% OPTIONAL STEP: Set up properties and metadata for the pdf file that pdfLaTeX makes.
    %% Your name, work title, and keywords are recommended.
        unicode=true,           % to show non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
        pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat’s toolbar?
        pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat’s menu?
        pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
        pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
        pdftitle={},            % title
        pdfauthor={},           % author
        pdfsubject={},          % subject of the document
        pdfcreator={},          % creator of the document
        pdfproducer={pdfLaTeX}, % producer of the document
        pdfkeywords={something} {something else}, % list of keywords for
        pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
        colorlinks=true,        % false: boxed links; true: colored links
        linkcolor=black,        % color of internal links
        citecolor=black,        % color of links to bibliography
        filecolor=magenta,      % color of file links
        urlcolor=cyan           % color of external links
    % Generate title page.
    %% STEP 3:
    %% Write your abstract in the separate file, to be positioned here.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% You can make several abstract pages (if you want it in different languages),
    %% in which case you should also define the language of the abstract,
    %% as below.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    % Place ToC
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %% STEP 4: Write the thesis.
    %% Your actual text starts here. You shouldn't mess with the code above the line except
    %% to change the parameters. Removing the abstract and ToC commands will mess up stuff.
    %% Command \include{file} includes the file of name file.tex.
    %% A new page will be created at every \include command, 
    %% which makes it appropriate to use it for large entities such as book chapters. Cannot be nested.
    %% It is useful for a big project, as changing one of the include targets 
    %% won't force the regeneration of the outputs of all the rest.
    %% Alternatively, \input is a more lower level macro 
    %% which simply inputs the content of the given file like it was copy&pasted there manually.
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    %\cleardoublepage                          %fixes the position of bibliography in bookmarks
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bibname}  % This lines adds the bibliography to the ToC
    %% A sample Appendix
    %% yet another appendix
    % BSc instructions
    Heikki Ahonen's avatar
    Heikki Ahonen committed