1) Select whether your are writing Bachelor's thesis (tkt for new, tktl for old), Master's thesis (csm for new, cs for old, dsm data science) thesis, or a seminar report (seminar)
2) Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish
3) If you are writing MSc select your line / track
3) If you are writing Master's thesis, select your line / track
#### STEP 2 - Set up your personal information
1) Write the working title of your thesis
1) Write the working title of your thesis / report
2) Write your name to the author field
3) Write the names of your supervisors and examiners of the thesis
3) Write the names of your supervisors and examiners of the thesis (can be omitted for seminars)
#### STEP 3 - Write your abstract here
1) You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with:
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ Your abstract text goes here.
#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis
#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis / report
1) There are some instructions on writing the thesis in \[bsc/msc\]_\[finnish/english]_contents files.
2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/engilsh_contents file and write your thesis inside that file
2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/english_contents file and write your thesis inside that file
3) For seminar reports, make adjustments as needed (limited support currently)
#### STEP 5 - Set your bibliography style
1) The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases