In practice, we use the MCMC functionality of Stan\footnote{\url{}} to obtain a sample \sample of this posterior distribution, where each element of \sample contains one instance of parameters \parameters.
Sample \sample can now be used to compute various probabilistic quantities of interest, including a (posterior) distribution of \unobservable for each entry in dataset \dataset.
\spara{Computing counterfactuals}
Having obtained a posterior probability distribution for parameters \parameters in parameter space \parameterSpace, we can now expand expression~(\ref{eq:counterfactual}) as follows.
@@ -256,6 +253,12 @@ Having obtained outcome estimates for data entries with $\decision_\human = 0$ a
Our approach is summarized in Figure~\ref{fig:approach}.
In practice, we use the MCMC functionality of Stan\footnote{\url{}} to obtain a sample \sample of this posterior distribution, where each element of \sample contains one instance of parameters \parameters.
Sample \sample can now be used to compute various probabilistic quantities of interest, including a (posterior) distribution of \unobservable for each entry in dataset \dataset.