Today, more and more decisions are made by algorithms based on statistical models learned from data~\cite{royal,kleinberg2018human}.
This is quite prevalent on the Web, where algorithms decide what results are shown by search engines or what products are recommended on online stores.
This is quite prevalent on the Web, where algorithms decide the search engine results or what products are recommended on online stores.
But automated decision systems start to be used also in other situations -- for credit scoring, choice of medical treatment, insurance pricing, but also judicial decisions (COMPAS~\cite{brennan2009evaluating} and RisCanvi~\cite{tolan2019why} are two examples of algorithmic tools used to evaluate the risk for recidivism in the US and Catalan prison system, respectively).
But automated decision systems are used also in other situations -- for credit scoring, insurance pricing, but also judicial decisions (COMPAS~\cite{brennan2009evaluating} and RisCanvi~\cite{tolan2019why} are two examples of algorithmic tools used to evaluate the risk for recidivism in the US and Catalan prison system, respectively).
% In comparison to human decision making, automated decision making by AI systems holds promise for a better decision quality~\cite{kleinberg2018human,royal}, and possibly even guarantees of fairness~\cite{DBLP:conf/icml/Kusner0LS19}.