Repository for the research project called *Causal approach to selective labels*
with the required data sets. This repository has originally been forked from
[the ProPublica repository for COMPAS analysis](
## Structure of the repository
The contents of the repository is divided into four main folders:
* `analysis_and_scripts` contains the scripts and notebooks for performing the analysis. Additionally, the
folder contains `notes.tex` file which contains much of the different research done.
* `data` folder contains the original data sets from the ProPublica analysis (see below for more information)
* `figures` contains the figures used for the notes file mentioned earlier. This
folder is also used for the figures for the BSocSc thesis.
* `paper` contains the draft for a research publication.
Didn't Reoffend |____|____|
Reoffended | | |
This repository contains a Jupyter notebook and data for the ProPublica story "Machine Bias."
Notebook (you'll probably want to follow along in the methodology):
Main Dataset:
compas.db - a sqlite3 database containing criminal history, jail and prison time, demographics and COMPAS risk scores for defendants from Broward County.