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code_linear_dependency.stan 3.86 KiB
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    Riku-Laine committed
      int<lower=1> D; // Dimensions of the features and coefficient vectors
      int<lower=0> N_obs;  // Number of observed observations (with T = 1)
      int<lower=0> N_cens; // Number of censored observations (with T = 0)
      int<lower=0> M; // Number of judges
      real<lower=0> sigma_tau; // Prior for the variance parameters.
      int<lower=1, upper=M> jj_obs[N_obs];   // judge_ID array
      int<lower=1, upper=M> jj_cens[N_cens]; // judge_ID array
      int<lower=0, upper=1> dec_obs[N_obs];   // Decisions for the observed observations
      int<lower=0, upper=1> dec_cens[N_cens]; // Decisions for the censored observations
      row_vector[D] X_obs[N_obs];   // Features of the observed observations 
      row_vector[D] X_cens[N_cens]; // Features of the censored observations 
      int<lower=0, upper=1> y_obs[N_obs]; // Outcomes of the observed observations
    parameters {
      // Latent variable
      vector[N_obs] Z_obs;
      vector[N_cens] Z_cens;
    Riku-Laine's avatar
    Riku-Laine committed
      // Intercepts and their variance parameters.
      real<lower=0> sigma_T;
      real<lower=0> sigma_Y;
      vector[M] alpha_T_raw;
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    Riku-Laine committed
      // vector[M] alpha_T;
      real alpha_Y_raw;
      // Temporary variables to compute the coefficients
      vector[D] a_XT;
      vector[D] a_XY;
      real<lower=0> a_ZT; // Presume latent variable has a positive coefficient.
      real<lower=0> a_ZY;
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    Riku-Laine committed
      real<lower=0> tau_X; // RL 08DEC2019: Combine taus for X.
      real<lower=0> tau_Z; // RL 24OCT2019: Combine taus for Z.
    transformed parameters {
      // Coefficients
      vector[D] beta_XT;
      vector[D] beta_XY;
      real<lower=0> beta_ZT; // Presume latent variable has a positive coefficient.
      real<lower=0> beta_ZY;
      // Intercepts
      vector[M] alpha_T;
      real alpha_Y;
    Riku-Laine's avatar
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      beta_XT = a_XT / sqrt(tau_X); // RL 08DEC2019: Combine taus for X.
      beta_XY = a_XY / sqrt(tau_X);
      beta_ZT = a_ZT / sqrt(tau_Z); // RL 24OCT2019: Combine taus for Z.
      beta_ZY = a_ZY / sqrt(tau_Z);
      // beta_XT = a_XT * tau_X; // RL 08DEC2019: Combine taus for X.
      // beta_XY = a_XY * tau_X;
      // beta_ZT = a_ZT * tau_Z; // RL 24OCT2019: Combine taus for Z.
      // beta_ZY = a_ZY * tau_Z;
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    Riku-Laine committed
      alpha_T = sigma_T * alpha_T_raw;
      alpha_Y = sigma_Y * alpha_Y_raw;
    model {
      // Latent variable
      Z_obs ~ normal(0, 1);
      Z_cens ~ normal(0, 1);
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    Riku-Laine committed
      // Variance parameter for the intercepts
      sigma_T ~ normal(0, sigma_tau);
      sigma_Y ~ normal(0, sigma_tau);
    Riku-Laine's avatar
    Riku-Laine committed
      // Intercepts
      alpha_T_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
    Riku-Laine's avatar
    Riku-Laine committed
      // alpha_T ~ logistic(0, 1);
      alpha_Y_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
      // According to 
      // section "Prior for the regression coefficients in logistic regression
      // (non-sparse case)" a good prior is Student's with parameters 3 < nu < 7, 
      // 0 and 1.
      // Also, according to
      // reparametrizing beta ~ student_t(nu, 0, 1) can be done by sampling
      // a ~ N(0, 1) and tau ~ gamma(nu/2, nu/2) so then beta = a * tau^(-1/2).
      // Reparametrizing is done to achieve better mixing.
      a_XT ~ normal(0, 1);
      a_XY ~ normal(0, 1);
      a_ZT ~ normal(0, 1);
      a_ZY ~ normal(0, 1);
      // nu = 6 -> nu/2 = 3
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    Riku-Laine committed
      tau_X ~ gamma(3, 3);
      tau_Z ~ gamma(3, 3);
      // tau_X ~ normal(0, 1);
      // tau_Z ~ normal(0, 1);
      // Compute the regressions for the observed observations
      for(i in 1:N_obs){
        dec_obs[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(alpha_T[jj_obs[i]] + X_obs[i] * beta_XT + beta_ZT * Z_obs[i]);
        y_obs[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(alpha_Y + X_obs[i] * beta_XY + beta_ZY * Z_obs[i]);
      // Compute the regression for the censored observations
      for(i in 1:N_cens)
        dec_cens[i] ~ bernoulli_logit(alpha_T[jj_cens[i]] + X_cens[i] * beta_XT + beta_ZT * Z_cens[i]);
    generated quantities {
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      // Array for predictions
      int<lower=0, upper=1> y_est[N_cens];
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      // Generate a draw from the posterior predictive for the outcome.
      for(i in 1:N_cens){
        y_est[i] = bernoulli_logit_rng(alpha_Y + X_cens[i] * beta_XY + beta_ZY * Z_cens[i]);