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  • import math
    import re
    from collections import Counter
    from typing import Sequence, Optional, Any
    import numpy
    import pandas
    from dash import html
    from dash_plot_generation.styles_and_handles import SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY
    def get_owner_means(owner_limits: Sequence[Any]):
        if not isinstance(owner_limits, list):
            return owner_limits
            return (owner_limits[0] + owner_limits[1]) / 2
    def convert_owners_to_limits(owner_limit):
        if not isinstance(owner_limit, str):
            return owner_limit
        owners_raw = [rev.replace(" ", "") for rev in owner_limit.split(" .. ")]
        owners_clean = []
        for owner_limit in owners_raw:
            owner_limit = owner_limit.replace("M", "0" * 6)
            owner_limit = owner_limit.replace("k", "0" * 3)
        return owners_clean
    Max Väistö's avatar
    Max Väistö committed
    def split_companies(arr, illegal_continuations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None):
        Splits the given string at comma sign as long as following the comma none of the illegal
        continuations happen. In such a case, the string split does not happen that said comma.
        :param arr: Array containing the developers/publishers for a single game
        :param illegal_continuations: A list of illegal continuations. Must be uppercase.
        :return: Returns the given split input string as a list.
        :note: If the arr is numpy.NaN, this value is returned instead of a list.
        if illegal_continuations is None:
            illegal_continuations = DEFAULT_ILLEGAL_CONTINUATIONS
        if pandas.isna(arr):
            return arr
        results_list = []
        start_index = 0
        split_char = ", "
        for index in range(len(arr)):
            if index < len(arr) - 1:
                txt = arr[index:index + 2]
                if txt == split_char:
                    found_illegal = False
                    min_continuation = min([len(continuation) for continuation in illegal_continuations])
                    max_continuation = max([len(continuation) for continuation in illegal_continuations])
                    next_chars = arr[index + min_continuation:index + min_continuation + max_continuation]
                    for i in range(index + min_continuation, index + len(next_chars) + 2):
                        comp_txt = arr[index + 2:i + 2].upper()
                        if comp_txt in illegal_continuations:
                            found_illegal = True
                    if not found_illegal:
                        start_index = index + 1
            elif index == len(arr) - 1:
                results_list.append(arr[start_index:index + 1].strip())
        return results_list
    def extract_unique_companies(nested_companies):
        full_company_list = [dev for company_list in nested_companies
                             if isinstance(company_list, list) for dev in company_list]
        unique_companies = []
        for company in full_company_list:
            if company not in unique_companies:
        return unique_companies
    def replace_owner_number_with_symbol(df):
        def owner_strip(user_range: str):
            if isinstance(user_range, str):
                user_range = user_range.replace(",000,000", " M")
                user_range = user_range.replace(",000", " k")
            return user_range
        df["owners"] = df["owners"].apply(lambda name: owner_strip((name)))
        return df
    def replace_owner_number_with_symbol_real_numeric(value):
        value_str = str(value)
        value_str = re.sub("0" * 9 + "$", " billion", value_str)
        value_str = re.sub("0" * 6 + "$", " million", value_str)
        # value_str = re.sub("0" * 3 + "$", " thousand", value_str)
        return value_str
    Max Väistö's avatar
    Max Väistö committed
    def update_dots(n):
        num_dots = (n % 10) + 1
        dots = "." * num_dots
        return [dots]
    def convert_to_numeric_str(value, **kwargs):
        return replace_owner_number_with_symbol_real_numeric(round_to_three_largest_digits(value, **kwargs))
    def label_with_rev(label, rev, space, char=".", currency_symbol=""):
        processed_rev = convert_to_numeric_str(int(rev))
        return_val = label_with_text(label, "".join([currency_symbol, processed_rev]), space, char)
        return return_val
    def label_with_text(first_str, second_str, space, char="."):
        white_space_filler = char * (space - (len(first_str) + len(second_str)) - 2)
        return_val = " ".join([first_str, white_space_filler, second_str])
        return return_val
    def round_to_three_largest_digits(number, accuracy=2):
        round_val = -(len(str(round(number))) - accuracy)
        return_val = round(round(number), min(round_val, 0))
        return return_val
    def get_average_user_rating_label(dev_data):
        value_str = str(round(100 * dev_data["Review_rating"].mean())) + "%"
        label = label_with_text("Average game rating", value_str, SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY, ".")
        return label
    def get_game_count_label(dev_data):
        return label_with_text("Number of games", str(dev_data.shape[0]), SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY, ".")
    def get_top_revenue_game_labels(data):
        top_games = data.sort_values(by=["game_revenue"], ascending=False).head(3)
        top_games_processed = top_games.apply(lambda x: label_with_rev(x["name"], x["game_revenue"], SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY,
                                                                       ".", "$"), axis=1)
        dev_top_games_with_dot = [" ".join(["", game]) for game in top_games_processed]
        dev_top_games_label = html.Div("\n".join(dev_top_games_with_dot),
                                       style={'white-space': 'pre-line', 'padding-left': '5%'})
        return dev_top_games_label
    def get_total_revenue_label(data):
        top_games_processed = label_with_rev("• Total", numpy.nansum(data["game_revenue"]), SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY, ".", "$")
        return top_games_processed
    def get_top_genre_labels(data):
        genre_totals = [genre for genre_list in data["genres"] if isinstance(genre_list, str)
                        for genre in genre_list.split(", ")]
        genre_counts = Counter(genre_totals).most_common(3)
        top_genres_rows = [label_with_text(genre[0], str(genre[1]), 50, ".") for genre in genre_counts]
        top_genres_with_dot = [" ".join(["", row]) for row in top_genres_rows]
        top_genre_labels = html.Div("\n".join(top_genres_with_dot),
                                    style={'white-space': 'pre-line', 'padding-left': '5%'})
        return top_genre_labels
    def get_ccu_label(data):
        ccu = sum(data["ccu"])
        dev_ccu = convert_to_numeric_str(ccu)
        return label_with_text("Concurrent users", dev_ccu, SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY, ".")
    def get_genre_popularity_counts(df, group_after_largest=8):
        genre_df = df[["genres", "owner_means", "game_revenue"]]
        genre_owners = {}
        genre_revenue = {}
        for index, row in genre_df.iterrows():
            if not isinstance(row.genres, str):
            genre_list = row.genres.split(", ")
            for genre in genre_list:
                if genre in genre_owners.keys():
                    genre_owners[genre] += row["owner_means"]
                    genre_revenue[genre] += row["game_revenue"]
                    genre_owners[genre] = row["owner_means"]
                    genre_revenue[genre] = row["game_revenue"]
        top_owners = dict(Counter(genre_owners).most_common(group_after_largest))
        top_revenue = dict(Counter(genre_revenue).most_common(group_after_largest))
        top_owners["Other"] = sum([val for (key, val) in genre_owners.items()
                                   if key not in top_owners.keys()])
        top_revenue["Other"] = sum([val for (key, val) in genre_revenue.items()
                                    if key not in top_revenue.keys()])
        return top_owners, top_revenue
    def get_average_game_rev_label(data):
        game_revenue_per_game_raw = numpy.nansum(data["game_revenue"]) / len(data["game_revenue"])
        dev_game_revenue_per_game_row = label_with_rev("Average", game_revenue_per_game_raw, SPACE_NORMAL_ENTRY, ".", "$")
        dev_game_revenue_per_game = " ".join(["", dev_game_revenue_per_game_row])
        return dev_game_revenue_per_game
    def get_all_genres(df):
        unique_genres = set()
            for index, row in df.iterrows():
                    if not isinstance(row.genres, str):
                    fully_split = row.genres.split(", ")
        except Exception as ex:
        return unique_genres