import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import numpy
import pandas
import pandas as pd
from main import get_steam_API_response, get_steamspy_API_response, STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO, STEAM_API_LANGUAGE, \
STEAM_GAME_INFO_URL, replace_owner_number_with_symbol
def get_dlc_data_steam(id):
response = get_steam_API_response(url, str(id))
if not response:
return pandas.Series({"appid": numpy.NaN, "name": numpy.NaN, "data_type": numpy.NaN, "price_eur": numpy.NaN,
"category": numpy.NaN, "main_publisher": numpy.NaN, "main_developer": numpy.NaN,
"release_date": numpy.NaN})
data = response[str(id)]["data"]
data_type = data["type"]
name = data["name"]
appid = data["steam_appid"]
price_eur = data["price_overview"]["final"] if "price_overview" in data.keys() else ""
category = [category["description"] for category in data["categories"]] if "categories" in data.keys() else []
main_developer = data["developers"][0] if "developers" in data.keys() else ""
main_publisher = data["publishers"][0] if "publishers" in data.keys() else ""
release_date = data["release_date"]["date"] if "release_date" in data.keys() and "date" \
in data["release_date"].keys() else ""
return pandas.Series({"appid": appid, "name": name, "data_type": data_type, "price_eur": price_eur,
"category": category, "main_publisher": main_publisher, "main_developer": main_developer,
"release_date": release_date})
def get_dlc_data_steamspy(id):
url = STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO + str(id)
response = get_steamspy_API_response(url)
if not response:
return pandas.Series({"owners": numpy.NaN})
owners = response["owners"]
return pandas.Series({"owners": owners})
def get_dlc_data_for_list(dlc_list, num_threads=4):
def get_combined_dlc_data(id):
return get_dlc_data_steam(id).combine_first(get_dlc_data_steamspy(id))
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
combined_results = list(, [id for id in dlc_list]))
df = pandas.concat(combined_results, axis=1, ignore_index=True).T
return df
def get_dlc_for_df(df, **kwargs):
dlc_column = df["dlc"].to_list()
dlc_list = []
for val in dlc_column:
if val and (isinstance(val, str) and len(val) > 2):
entry_str = val[1:-1]
entries = [int(entry) for entry in entry_str.split(", ")]
dlc_list += entries
return get_dlc_data_for_list(dlc_list, **kwargs)
# def get_dlc_for_files_in_dir(path):
# files = os.listdir(path)
# df = None
# for file_name in files:
# # new_df = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path, os))
# df = pandas.concat([df, pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path, file_name), index_col=0)], axis=0,
# ignore_index=True) if df is not None \
# else pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path, file_name), index_col=0)
# print(files)
# return df
dlc_path = "dlc_segments"
path = "file_segments"
files = os.listdir(path)
files.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f))))
get_values = [int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f))) for f in files]
for file_index, file_name in zip(get_values, files):
if file_index not in [0, 1, 10, 11, 12]:
data = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path, file_name), index_col=0)
# data = data.iloc[0:10] # for testing
full_df = get_dlc_for_df(data)
full_df = replace_owner_number_with_symbol(full_df)
file_name = "".join(["dlc_data", "_", str(file_index), ".csv"])
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dlc_path, file_name)
print(f"Saved file {file_name}!")