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  • # Introduction to Data Science, Luento-opetus, 2023
    # Sergei Panarin
    # Data preprocessing
    # Change the number of input files in the read_data function OR later replace with full data file
    # FUNCTION replace owner with symbol is copied from the main branch, DELETE LATER and IMPORT
    # Reading the data from source:
    # Pandas cannot read from GitLab URLs, so work is done with locally stored datasets.
    # Go through partial files containing parts of the whole dataset
    # @param  
    # @return: full pandas dataframe, containing all the relevant columns from the csv files
    def read_data():
        # full_data_df = pd.read_csv("full_data.csv")
        partial_dfs = []
        # range can be changed, reads segments of the full dataset
        for index in range(10):
        # Combine partial dataframes into the full version
        full_data_df = pd.concat(partial_dfs)
        return full_data_df
    # transform String columns into integer IDs.
    # @param: pandas dataframe with the full data
    # @return: pandas dataframe with developer, publisher, genres columns encoded with integer IDs
    def label_encoding(data):
        to_be_encoded = ["publisher", "developer"]
        # remove everything but the first element in those columns and categorize everything
        for val in to_be_encoded:
            data[val] = data[val].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(",")[0])
            data[val] = data[val].astype('category')
        # select the category columns and apply label encoding
        cat_columns = data.select_dtypes(['category']).columns
        data[cat_columns] = data[cat_columns].apply(lambda x:
    # Transforms full data dataframe into a dataframe with the following columns:
    # - Genre
    # - Amount of purchases
    # - Interval of time (default chosen as 2 months for now)
    # @param: pandas dataframe with the full data, interval integer meaning the number of months
    # @return: pandas dataframe with genre, # of purchases, time interval columns
    def genre_data_aggregation(data, interval):
        data["genres"] = data["genres"].apply(lambda x: str(x).split(","))
        # preprocess the release date column into the pandas datetime format
        data['release_date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['release_date'], dayfirst=True, format="mixed")
        # remove whitespaces
        data['genres'] = data['genres'].map(lambda x: list(map(str.strip, x)))
        data = data[['release_date', 'genres', 'owners']]
        agg_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['genre','dates','populations'])
        # big FOR loop, for now
        agg_data = data.explode('genres')
        agg_data = agg_data.groupby("genres")
        agg_data = [group for _, group in agg_data]
        for x in agg_data:
            x.dropna(how='any', inplace=True)
            x.sort_values(by=['release_date'], ascending=[True], inplace=True)
            #x = x.groupby( [pd.Grouper(key='release_date', freq=str(interval)+"M"), pd.Grouper('genres')] ).agg({'owners': 'sum'})
        # remove excessive columns and sort values
        # data = data[['release_date', 'genres', 'owners']].sort_values(['release_date','genres', 'owners'], ascending=[True, True, False])
        # group by the time interval and get sum of the owners
        for i in range(0, len(agg_data)):  
            name = agg_data[i]['genres'].iloc[0]
            agg_data[i] = agg_data[i].groupby(pd.Grouper(key='release_date', freq=str(interval)+"M")).agg({'owners': 'sum'})
            agg_data[i] = agg_data[i].reset_index()
            dict_data[name] = agg_data[i]
        return dict_data
    # Resets Index of the merged dataframe
    def clean_index(data):
        return data.reset_index(drop=True)
    # Transforms owners column values from str of range of values into the average float value
    # @param: pandas dataframe with the full data, interval integer meaning the number of months
    # @return: pandas dataframe with owners column modified
    def replace_owner_str_with_average_number(data):
        def replace_letters(entry):
            to_remove = {" M": "000000", " k": "000"}
            for char in to_remove.keys():
                entry = entry.replace(char, to_remove[char])
            return entry
        data["owners"] = data["owners"].apply(lambda name: replace_letters(name))
        data["owners"] = data["owners"].apply(lambda name: re.findall("\d+",name))
        data["owners"] = data["owners"].apply(lambda name: [int(item) for item in name])
        data["owners"] = data["owners"].apply(lambda name: float(sum(name)/len(name)))
        return data
    # Encodes time as numbers for processing
    # @param: pandas dataframe with the full data
    # @return: pandas dataframe with time modified
    def encode_time(df):
        return df
    def lin_reg(df):
        y = np.asarray(df['owners'])
        X = df[['release_date']]
        #X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,train_size=.7,random_state=42)
        model = LinearRegression() #create linear regression object, y_train) #train model on train data, y)
        #model.score(X_train, y_train) #check score
        return model
    # Plot the given genre data 
    def get_genre_plot(dict_data, genre):
        plt.scatter(dict_data[genre]["release_date"], dict_data[genre]["owners"])
    def get_data_interval(days):
        base =
        final_date = base + dt.timedelta(days=days)
        parts = list(pd.date_range(pd.Timestamp(base), pd.Timestamp(final_date), freq='2M')) 
        dates = [t.toordinal() for t in parts]
        return dates
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import pandas as pd
        import numpy as np
        import datetime as dt
        import re
        from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
        from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from math import isnan
        full_data_df = read_data()
        full_data_df = clean_index(full_data_df)
        data = replace_owner_str_with_average_number(full_data_df)
        genre_data = genre_data_aggregation(full_data_df, 2)
        genre = "Action"
        get_genre_plot(genre_data, genre)
        # 730 days = 2 years
        dates = np.array(get_data_interval(730))
        dates = dates.reshape(len(dates), 1)
        models = {}
        predictions = {}
        process_data = genre_data
        for x in process_data:  
            genre_data[x] = encode_time(genre_data[x])
            models[x] = lin_reg(genre_data[x])
        for genre in models:
            predictions[genre] = models[genre].predict(dates)