# hy-box
<!-- Auto Generated Below -->
## Properties
| Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------- |
| `align` | `align` | value for vertical alignment (align-items) | `string` | `'baseline'` |
| `bg` | `bg` | background color. Must use one of css variable names from color tokens | `string` | `'transparent'` |
| `h` | `h` | fixed height for the container, useful for extra spacing containers | `number` | `undefined` |
| `headerstyle` | `headerstyle` | | `string` | `'common'` |
| `justify` | `justify` | Value for horisontal alignment (justify-content) | `string` | `'flex-start'` |
| `m` | `m` | All sides margin value in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `mb` | `mb` | Bottom margin in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `ml` | `ml` | Left margin in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `mr` | `mr` | Right margin in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `mt` | `mt` | Top margin in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `p` | `p` | All sides padding value in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `pb` | `pb` | Bottom padding in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `pl` | `pl` | Left padding in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `pr` | `pr` | Right padding in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `pt` | `pt` | Top padding in rems. Responsive when given Comma separated values. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `width` | `width` | Responsive width. Must be a comma separated string of percentage values for breakpoints. First item is the default value. | `string` | `'100'` |
Ekaterina Kondareva
- [hy-accordion-container](../accordion-container)
- [hy-adjacent-image-text](../adjacent-image-text)
- [hy-heading](../heading)
- [hy-hero](../hy-hero)
- [hy-image](../image)
- [hy-introduction](../hy-introduction)
Ekaterina Kondareva
- [hy-key-figure-group](../hy-key-figure-group)
- [hy-link-box-list](../link-box-list)
- [hy-paragraph-text](../paragraph-text)
Ekaterina Kondareva
- [hy-process-flow-box](../process-flow-box)
- [hy-shortcuts](../hy-shortcuts)
- [hy-tabs](../hy-tabs)
- [hy-video](../hy-video)
Ekaterina Kondareva
hy-accordion-container --> hy-box
hy-adjacent-image-text --> hy-box
hy-heading --> hy-box
hy-hero --> hy-box
hy-image --> hy-box
Ekaterina Kondareva
hy-key-figure-group --> hy-box
hy-link-box-list --> hy-box
Ekaterina Kondareva
hy-process-flow-box --> hy-box
hy-shortcuts --> hy-box
hy-tabs --> hy-box
hy-video --> hy-box
style hy-box fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px