title: Heading
sidebar: true
# Heading
Heading element is used for different heading sizes. Heading type can be defined by giving the component heading attribute.
## Usage
### Basic usage
Provide heading attribute for the component to choose what type of heading to use.
<hy-heading heading="h2">This uses h2</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h2">This uses h2</hy-heading>
### Default heading
<hy-heading>Defaults to h1</hy-heading>
<hy-heading>Defaults to h1</hy-heading>
### different varians from h1 to h6
<hy-heading heading="h1">This is a Heading 1</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h2">This is a Heading 2</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h3">This is a Heading 3</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h4">This is a Heading 4</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h5">This is a Heading 5</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h6">This is a Heading 6</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h6" section="subsection">This is a Heading 2 with subsection divider</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h1">This is a Heading 1</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h2">This is a Heading 2</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h3">This is a Heading 3</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h4">This is a Heading 4</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h5">This is a Heading 5</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h6">This is a Heading 6</hy-heading>
<hy-heading heading="h6" section="subsection">This is a Heading 2 with subsection divider</hy-heading>
<!-- Auto Generated Below -->
## Properties
| Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------- | ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
Ekaterina Kondareva
| `headerstyle` | `headerstyle` | | `string` | `'common'` |
| `heading` | `heading` | | `HeadingVarians.default \| HeadingVarians.h2 \| HeadingVarians.h3 \| HeadingVarians.h4 \| HeadingVarians.h5 \| HeadingVarians.h6` | `HeadingVarians.default as any` |
| `negative` | `negative` | | `boolean` | `false` |
| `section` | `section` | | `HeadingSectionVariants.contentPageHeader \| HeadingSectionVariants.default \| HeadingSectionVariants.introduction \| HeadingSectionVariants.landingPageHeader \| HeadingSectionVariants.subSection` | `HeadingSectionVariants.default as any` |
## Dependencies
### Used by
- [hy-footer-info](../footer/hy-footer-info)
- [hy-footer-link-item](../footer/hy-footer-link-item)
- [hy-introduction](../hy-introduction)
- [hy-large-process-flow](../hy-large-process-flow)
### Depends on
- [hy-box](../hy-box)
### Graph
graph TD;
hy-footer-info --> hy-heading
hy-footer-link-item --> hy-heading
hy-large-process-flow --> hy-heading
style hy-heading fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px