# hy-footer-info
<!-- Auto Generated Below -->
## Properties
| Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| --------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------- |
| `dataFooterInfoLinks` | `data-footer-info-links` | Data for links to be displayed. | `FooterInfoLinks[] \| string` | `undefined` |
| `linkText` | `link-text` | Content area link button text. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `linkUrl` | `link-url` | Content area link button url. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `textDescription` | `text-description` | Content area text. | `string` | `undefined` |
| `textTitle` | `text-title` | Content area title. | `string` | `undefined` |
## Dependencies
### Depends on
- [hy-heading](../../heading)
- [hy-button](../../button)
- [hy-accordion-container](../../accordion-container)
- [hy-accordion-item](../../accordion-item)
- [hy-footer-link-item](../hy-footer-link-item)
### Graph
graph TD;
hy-footer-info --> hy-heading
hy-footer-info --> hy-button
hy-footer-info --> hy-accordion-container
hy-footer-info --> hy-accordion-item
hy-footer-info --> hy-footer-link-item
hy-button --> hy-icon
hy-accordion-container --> hy-box
hy-accordion-item --> hy-icon
hy-footer-link-item --> hy-icon
hy-footer-link-item --> hy-heading
style hy-footer-info fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Helsinki University Design System