title: Process flow
sidebar: true
# Process flow
Process flow
Design system contains two separate ways of displaying a process. When the descriptive content is short, it’s best to use this simple version.
This process consists of boxes that have
1. A number showing the order. This is generated automatically and is not optional
2. Title and description
3. Optional arrow element to emphasize visual flow and to add more information when needed.
## Usage
<hy-process variant="small"
data-items='[{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"}]'>
<hy-process variant="small"
data-items='[{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"},
{"heading":"Step title","description":"Step description text", "step":"Intermediate step"}]'>
<!-- Auto Generated Below -->
## Properties
| Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
| ------------ | ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `dataItems` | `data-items` | | `ProcessFlowBoxValue[] \| string` | `undefined` |
| `numberTerm` | `number-term` | | `string` | `undefined` |
| `variant` | `variant` | | `ProcessFlowBoxVariants.default \| ProcessFlowBoxVariants.small` | `ProcessFlowBoxVariants.default` |
## Dependencies
### Depends on
- [hy-process-flow-box](../process-flow-box)
### Graph
graph TD;
hy-process --> hy-process-flow-box
style hy-process fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Helsinki University Design System