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Commit c1427018 authored by Dave Whipp's avatar Dave Whipp
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Added version documents and example boundary condition file for DOUAR-WSMP v0.1

parent 19af5802
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DOUAR-WSMP v0.1 - 23/03/2011
Changes listed with revision number in the douar_newiso branch (r###) in the
following format:
<Description of the change or additional feature>
- <Files affected, file2, file3...>
Major changes since 2009:
Added new define_isostasy_bc.f90 routine to allow velocity boundary
conditions to adjust to the crustal subsidence/uplift.
- define_cloud.f90, define_isostasy_bc.f90, DOUAR.f90,
interpolate_ov_on_osolve.f90, isostasy.f90, Makefile,
module_definitions.f90, octree_interpolate_six.f90 (new@251),
read_input_file.f90, write_global_output.f90
Added modifications suggested by J. Braun to be able to vertically compress
the FE mesh by factor vex
- define_cloud.f90, define_surface.f90, erosion.f90, make_matrix.f90,
make_pressure.f90, module_definitions.f90, move_cloud.f90,
move_surface.f90, read_input_file.f90, write_global_output.f90
Calculate and apply isostasy after surfaces are advected
- build_system_wsmp.f90, DOUAR.f90, define_cloud.f90, define_ov.f90,
define_surface.f90, interpolate_ov_on_osolve.f90, isostasy.f90,
make_cut.f90, make_matrix.f90, module_definitions.f90, move_surface.f90,
Added ability of points to be removed when density becomes too high in a
given surface (surface level + 4)
- DOUAR.f90, refine_surface.f90
r306,310-311,315 (make_cut.f90 rewrite),317 (pressure_cut.f90 rewrite),327,330:
Added ability to choose to use a volumetric majority or minority to define
elemental material properties, in addition to using divFEM
- make_cut.f90, module_definitions.f90, pressure_cut.f90, read_input_file.f90
Revised vrm.f90 to have consistent formatting and 7 Drucker-Prager options.
Some are known to be bad, but available for comparison with older versions
of the code.
- vrm.f90
Minor changes:
e2d is now output as sqrt(J2d), not J2d (r164)
- do_leaf_measurements.f90
Elemental pressure, smoothed pressure, viscosity, pre-isostasy velocities,
isostasy-only velocities, is_plastic and countnode now output
- define_ov.f90, DOUAR.f90, input_of_outputs.txt, isostasy.f90,
module_definitions.f90, post.f90, write_global_output.f90
Gave post a Makefile like the rest of the code
- Makefile, VTK/Makefile
Fixed output formatting to be more flexible
- post.f90,
Added surface type(s)
12: rectangular emboss with specified slope
13: Simple plateau geometry with variable width
- create_surfaces.f90
Modified MPI usage to call mpi_ssend() rather than mpi_send()
- solve_with_pwgsmp.f90, solve_with_pwssmp.f90
Implemented fix from Anshul to make the temperature calculation work
- solve_with_pwgsmp.f90
Added storage/output of elemental dilatation rate
- define_cloud.f90, define_ov.f90, do_leaf_measurements.f90, DoRuRe.f90,
DOUAR.f90, input_of_outputs.txt, module_definitions.f90, post.f90,
Added ability to use an initial strain rate to place plastic materials on
- DOUAR.f90, make_matrix.f90, module_definitions.f90, read_input_file.f90,
r307, 311-312, 327:
Added option to specify an elemental bulk viscosity rather than penalty
- make_matrix.f90, make_pressure.f90, module_definitions.f90,
Revised nonlinear iteration convergence criterion to determine convergence
has been reached when the maximum vector difference over the maximum vector
length from the previous iteration is below the given tolerance value
- compute_convergence_criterion.f90
Removed output of 'done visu.vtk' from post.f90 since it is not part of the
standard VTK file format
- post.f90
r439, 441-443:
Added input option for choosing to use a 2D form of the strain rate tensor
invariants. Assumes plane strain in the x-z plane.
- do_leaf_measurements.f90, improve_osolve.f90, make_matrix.f90,
module_definitions.f90, module_invariants.f90, read_input_file.f90
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DOUAR-WSMP v0.1 - 23/03/2011
Running a DOUAR-WSMP example calculation
To facilitate testing of DOUAR-WSMP, we have included a simple example input.txt
and define_bc.f90 file (input_DOUAR_v0.1.txt and define_bc_DOUAR_v0.1.f90). You
can use these files to run an example calculation that will ensure DOUAR is
built properly and functional. To run the example, follow the steps below.
1. Copy the define_bc_DOUAR_v0.1.f90 file in the DOUAR-WSMP base directory to
2. Build the 'douar_wsmp' executable following the directions provided in the
3. Create a new directory to store the DOUAR-WSMP executable, input file and
output (e.g., mkdir ~/DOUAR-WSMP-test).
4. Copy the DOUAR-WSMP executable (douar_wsmp) and input file
(input_DOUAR_v0.1.txt) to the new directory. Note that the input file should
be renamed 'input.txt'.
5. Create subdirectories needed to store the DOUAR-WSMP output in the new
6. Assuming you have a MPI-enabled system, you can run the test from the
command line. For example:
mpirun -np 8 ./douar_wsmp
or submit a job to the queue for systems with job management software. The
example calculation should less than 10 minutes on 8 modern processor cores.
7. This should produce output in the OUT subdirectory that can be converted to
VTK format using the 'post' post-processing program. VTK output can be
viewed in Mayavi, Paraview or other suitable viewers.
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DOUAR-WSMP v0.1 - 23/03/2011
Installation instructions
There are several sets needed to build DOUAR-WSMP, the number of which varies
depending on the compiler selected and libraries used.
In general, the process is:
1. Select an appropriate from the available options (or create
your own) and copy that file to in the base DOUAR directory.
2. Edit the to ensure the compiler and library locations are
3. Copy your desired boundary condition file to define_bc.f90 in the DOUAR base
4. Build DOUAR by running 'make all'. If successful, this will create a binary
called 'douar_wsmp'. If unsuccessful, consult the *.compile files in the
base directory and subdirectories, or the* files.
5. Build the post-processing program by changing to the VTK directory and
running 'make all'. If successful, this will create a binary called 'post'.
6. The following environment variables should be set prior to running a
DOUAR-WSMP calculation:
MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 (if using the Intel MKL)
ulimit -s 131072 (sets stack size, larger values may
resolve crashes in DOUAR-WSMP)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* - Makefile include files
Known working combinations of compilers and libraries
(<compiler; MPI; additional libraries>)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ifort/icc v12; MPICH2; WSMP, Intel MKL) (ifort/icc v12; Open MPI; WSMP, Intel MKL) (ifort/icc v11/12; IntelMPI; WSMP, Intel MKL) (ifort/icc v11/12; MVAPICH2; WSMP, Intel MKL) (ifort/icc v11; Open MPI; WSMP, Intel MKL) (PGI v8; Open MPI; WSMP, ScaLAPACK, BLACS) (ifort/icc v12; MVAPICH2; WSMP, Intel MKL) (ifort/icc v12; Open MPI; WSMP, Intel MKL) (PGI v8; Open MPI; WSMP, ScaLAPACK, BLACS)
Obsolete Makefile.* from previous code versions (Available for reference)
(<compiler; MPI; additional libraries>), when known
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (similar to (DOUAR-WSMP for IBM p690 running AIX)
Makefile.cray (DOUAR-WSMP for Cray)
Makefile.ifort (DOUAR-MUMPS for Linux; ifort/icc)
Makefile.macosx (DOUAR-MUMPS for Mac; ifort/icc)
Makefile.macosx.cedric (DOUAR-MUMPS for Mac)
Makefile.pathscale (DOUAR-WSMP for Linux; Pathscale)
Makefile - List of source files to compile
Makefile (For use with DOUAR-WSMP v0.1)
Obsolete Makefiles for reference
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DOUAR-WSMP v0.1 - 23/03/2011
This is the README for DOUAR-WSMP version 0.1. This version of the code has been
modified primarily by D. Whipp and D. Guptill (Dalhousie) from a version of the
code handed down by J. Braun in early 2009. This version uses the WSMP solver,
and has diverged from the original version of the code that used the MUMPS
solver. Below, I list the changes that have been implemented in the code since
we began tracking them in July of 2009. There are still a large number of
features that need to be added, but hopefully this is helpful to new DOUAR
- Changes are summarized in the ChangeLog file.
- Detail on building the code can be found in the INSTALL file.
- Instructions for running a simple test model can be found in the EXAMPLE file.
Known bugs:
1. DOUAR-WSMP does not run reliably when linked with Open MPI. The cause of
this trouble is unclear.
2. The subdirectory DEBUG/mpilogs must exist when using debug level 1 or
higher. It seems this should only need to exist for level 2 or higher.
Known limitations:
1. Constant temperature boundary conditions for the thermal calculation are
applied at the top set of nodes on the free surface. Since this surface is
always a cut surface, this will not represent the actual surface
2. The largest successful simulation using the current code version was ~2.7
million elements on 128 cores with 8GB of RAM per core.
3. Some MPI implementations, including Open MPI do not support passing of
command line options to the code. This means that the use of the different
define_bc options is not functioning properly. This should be resolved in
version 0.2.
4. The code will crash if any surface is advected into the base of the model.
It is not clear how best to handle these surfaces.
Near-term planned feature additions/modifications:
1. Boundary condition selection and input parameters need to be input values
from the input.txt file.
2. There is no need to refine the surfaces following isostatic adjustment, so
the code will be modified to turn that off.
3. Need to further modify the velocity boundary conditions for the HT models so
that they adjust more accurately to crustal subsidence. Rather than looking
at the isostatic subsidence array, the Moho surface position should be used
to modify the basal velocity B/Cs.
4. Strain softening in vrm.f90 should be a function so that it could be more
flexible and apply to either the friction angle or cohesion.
5. More output should be reported to the stdout to ensure proper conversion of
input values. This may already be done in some of the debugging files, but
that is not currently clear.
6. There are numerous unused variables that could be pruned from the code and
unintialized variables that need initial values.
Long-term planned feature additions/modifications:
1. The solver should be selectable by the user so that either MUMPS or WSMP
could be used for people who don't have a WSMP license.
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! |
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! |
! DEFINE_BC Feb. 2009 |
! |
subroutine define_bc (params,osolve,vo,zi)
!(((((((((((((((( Purpose of the routine )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
! this routine assigns the boundary condition for the Tibet experiment
!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine arguments ))))))))))))))))))))
use definitions
implicit none
type (parameters) params
type (octreesolve) osolve
type (void) vo
type (ziso) zi
!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables )))))))))))))
integer i,iproc,nproc,ierr
double precision eps,lsf0,pi,lorig,h,x1,x2,phi,spu,spv,yend,cper,cscl,xstart
double precision ystart,theta,l,vin,vzfluxscl,cntvel,dxy,xend,xsym,ymax,xwidth
double precision ywidth
double precision,dimension(:),allocatable :: x0,ldisp
integer ie,ij,j,jp,nelemx,nelemz
logical firstcall
INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr)
vin=1.d0 ! Reference velocity
select case(trim(params%infile))
do i=1,osolve%nnode
if (osolve%x(i).lt.eps) then
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=1.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (osolve%x(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (osolve%y(i).lt.eps) then
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (osolve%y(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
! osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (osolve%z(i).lt.eps) then
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (osolve%x(i).le.0.5d0) osolve%u(i)=1.d0
if (osolve%z(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
if (.not.vo%influid(i)) then
case ('input.jgr')
call define_bc_jgr (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.sphere')
call define_bc_sphere (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.3Dpunch')
call define_bc_3Dpunch (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.2Dpunch')
call define_bc_2Dpunch (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.2Dpunch_vert')
call define_bc_2Dpunch_vert (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.folding')
call define_bc_folding (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.pipo')
call define_bc_pipo (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.ritske')
call define_bc_ritske (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.ritske_isurf')
call define_bc_ritske_isurf (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.subduction')
call define_bc_subduction (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.riedel')
call define_bc_riedel (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case ('input.parallipipede')
call define_bc_parallipipede (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo)
case default
if (iproc.eq.0) print *,params%infile
call stop_run (' pb with input file in define_bc.f90')
end select
! here we need to impose that the bc satisfy the bad faces constrains
do ie=1,osolve%nface
do j=1,4
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=(osolve%u(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%u(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=(osolve%v(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%v(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=(osolve%w(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%w(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%temp(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=sum(osolve%u(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=sum(osolve%v(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=sum(osolve%w(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=sum(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
if (params%debug==2) call output_bc (osolve)
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