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Commit b880a8fc authored by Matthias Schmiddunser's avatar Matthias Schmiddunser
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Particle Density calculation only within domain

find_leaf crashes if particle lies outside domain too far.
parent 2f962354
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......@@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ double precision dt,current_time
!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables )))))))))))))
integer iproc,nproc,ierr,err,iter
integer i,j,k,trgridshape,gridstep,tracksi,ie
integer ntrpx,ntrpy,ntrpz
integer nsurfd,nreset,leaf,level,locc
double precision u,v,w,rat
double precision x0,y0,z0,xi,yi,zi,x,y,z,dxyz
......@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ character(4) cistep
call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr)
!write (*,'(i2,a,i6)') iproc,': Starting update_trcloud, np = ',trcl%np
! Creating Tracking Cloud at first timestep
......@@ -174,6 +177,8 @@ end if
! -- taken form update_cloud_fields.f90 |
!write (*,'(i2,a,i6)') iproc,': start interpolation, np = ',trcl%np
!Get upper surface level set function
allocate (lsf(osolve%nnode),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc lsf in update_cloud_fields')
......@@ -221,6 +226,8 @@ do i = 1,trcl%np
if (trcl%lsf0(i) > 0) nsurfd = nsurfd+1
end do
!write (*,'(i2,a,i4)') iproc,': interpolation done, nsurfd = ',nsurfd
savetracks: if (nsurfd>0) then
!increase tr acks array for newly surfaced particles
tracksize: if (trcl%ntracks > 0) then
......@@ -264,6 +271,8 @@ end if savetracks
! The log of all surfaced tracks is saved. |
!write (*,'(i2,a6)') iproc,': savetracks done, write to disk'
if (iproc.eq.0 .AND. mod(istep-params%tr_activation,params%tr_savstep)==0) then
call int_to_char (cistep,4,istep)
open (20,file='TROUT/tracking_t'//cistep//'.bin',status='replace',form='unformatted')
......@@ -295,6 +304,7 @@ end if
! taken from move_cloud.f90 |
!write (*,'(i2,a6)') iproc,': Start moving particles'
allocate (xbuf(trcl%np),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc xbuf in update_trcloud')
allocate (ybuf(trcl%np),stat=err)
......@@ -361,6 +371,8 @@ deallocate (zbuf)
! Check whether density referene array is still valid. If not, recalculate from
! initial particle positions.
!write (*,'(i2,a)') iproc,': start reset particles'
if (trcl%ne_init .ne. osolve%nleaves) then
if (iproc == 0) write (*,*) 'Start calculation reference array'
!get rid of old array
......@@ -380,23 +392,51 @@ if (trcl%ne_init .ne. osolve%nleaves) then
end if
!calculate the decrease in each element
allocate (trdenslossp(trcl%ne_init),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('error in alloc trdenslossp in update_trcloud')
allocate (trdensloss(trcl%ne_init),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('error in alloc trdensloss in update_trcloud')
allocate (indomain(trcl%ne_init),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('error in alloc indomain in update_trcloud')
allocate (indomainp(trcl%ne_init),stat=err)
if ( call stop_run ('error in alloc indomainp in update_trcloud')
do i=1,trcl%np
call octree_find_leaf (osolve%octree,osolve%noctree, &
trcl%x(i),trcl%y(i),trcl%z(i), &
do i=1+iproc,trcl%np,nproc
!write (*,'(a,3F10.6)') 'position', trcl%x(i), trcl%y(i), trcl%z(i)
indomainp(i) = 0.0d0<trcl%x(i) .AND. trcl%x(i)<1.d0 .AND. &
0.0d0<trcl%y(i) .AND. trcl%y(i)<1.d0 .AND. &
0.0d0<trcl%z(i) .AND. trcl%lsf0(i)<0.d0
if (indomainp(i)) then
call octree_find_leaf (osolve%octree,osolve%noctree, &
trcl%x(i),trcl%y(i),trcl%z(i), &
!write (*,*) 'np, leaf, trdensloss', i, leaf, trdensloss(leaf)+1
end if
trdensloss = trcl%trdens_init-trdensloss
call mpi_allreduce (trdensloss,trdenslossp,trcl%np,mpi_integer,mpi_sum,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
call mpi_allreduce (indomainp,indomain,trcl%np,mpi_logical,mpi_lor,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
trdensloss = trcl%trdens_init-trdenslossp
deallocate (indomainp)
deallocate (trdenslossp)
!write (*,'(i2,a)') iproc,': trdensloss calculated, start reset routine'
do i=1,trcl%np
if (trcl%x(i)>1.d0 .OR. trcl%x(i)<0.d0 .OR. &
trcl%y(i)>1.d0 .OR. trcl%y(i)<0.d0 .OR. &
trcl%lsf0(i)>0.d0 .OR. trcl%z(i)<0.d0) then
if (.NOT. indomain(i)) then
!find leaf with hightes loss of particles
ie = maxloc(trdensloss,DIM=1)
......@@ -426,6 +466,7 @@ if (iproc==0) write (*,'(a,i4,a,i4,a)') 'update_trcloud:',nsurfd, &
' particles surfaced and in total ',nreset,' particles reset'
deallocate (trdensloss)
deallocate (indomain)
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