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  change after the spinup phase, F otherwise
- [bool]surf_for_mat_props is a flag to specify whether a given surface should
  be used to assign elemental material properties, overriding the assignment
  from the cloud particles. NOTE, this option is only used when
  materials_on_cloud is true and the default value is true.
- [bool]remove_after_mat_def is T for surfaces that should be removed after the
  material numbers are assigned to the cloud particles, F otherwise. Note this
  parameter has no effect if not using the cloud for material properties.

      levelt1             = 7
      itype1              = 1
      surface_type_1      = 1
      rand1               = F
      surface_param_01_1  = 0.0953d0
      material1           = 1
      activation_time_1   = -1. 
      leveloct1           = 6
      stretch1            = 1.5d0
      anglemax1           = 180.d0
      criterion1          = 1
      anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
      spread_surface_points1 = 1
      fixed_surf_spinup1  = F
      fixed_surf1         = F
      surf_for_mat_props1 = F
      remove_after_mat_def1 = F

      levelt2             = 7
      itype2              = 1
      surface_type_2      = 1
      rand2               = F
      surface_param_01_2  = 0.03281d0
      material2           = 2
      activation_time_2   = -1.
      leveloct2           = 6
      stretch2            = 1.5d0
      anglemax2           = 180.d0
      criterion2          = 1
      anglemaxoctree2     = 180.d0
      spread_surface_points2 = 1
      fixed_surf_spinup2  = F
      fixed_surf2         = F
      surf_for_mat_props2 = F
      remove_after_mat_def2 = F

[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)

      niter_move = 10


[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of

      nboxes = 1

for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0,
[dp]boxnz1 and boxnlevel where n is the box number

      box1x0 = 0.d0
      box1x1 = 1.d0
      box1y0 = 0.d0
      box1y1 = 1.d0
      box1z0 = 0.d0
      box1z1 = 0.2d0
      box1level = 6

[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
For each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1

      ref_on_faces = F

      level_face1 = 5
      b1 = .02
      t1 = .51
      l1 = .11
      r1 = .81
      level_face2 = 5
      b2 = .45
      t2 = .55
      l2 = .46
      r2 = .56
      level_face3 = 5
      b3 = .0
      t3 = .2
      l3 = .3
      r3 = .7
      level_face4 = 5
      b4 = .4
      t4 = .5
      l4 = .14
      r4 = .4
      level_face5 = 6
      b5 = 0.
      t5 = 1.
      l5 = 0.
      r5 = 0.75
      level_face6 = 5
      b6 = .26
      t6 = .56
      l6 = .16
      r6 = .86


[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 

      erosion = F

if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE

      zerosion = 0.127734375d0

[dp]er_start and er_end define the start and end times for erosion.  While time
is within this range, and if erosion is on, erosion will be applied. Choose these
to correspond to the start of a time step.  To apply multiple periods of erosion, 
restart with new erosion parameters. 

      er_start = 0
      er_end = 0

If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale
to properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is
adequate for CASCADE; 
[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
if length_scale is negative, surface elevations will be limited to zerosion and
no call to CASCADE is needed

      length_scale = -640.d0
      velocity_scale = 20.d0

One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
(4d-2 32d-2)

      fluvial_erosion = 4.d-2
      diffusion_erosion = 32.d-2

One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel
(water and sediment exit)
if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel
(water and sediment exit)
if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel
(water and sediment exit)
if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel
(water and sediment exit)

      baselevelx0 = 1
      baselevelx1 = 1
      baselevely0 = 0
      baselevely1 = 1


[bool]sedimentation is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 

      sedimentation = F

[dp]er_start and er_end define the start and end times for sedimentation. While
time is within this range, and if sedimentation is on, sedimentation will be
applied. Choose these values to correspond to the start of a time step. To apply
multiple periods of sedimentation, restart with new sedimentation parameters.  

      sed_start = 0
      sed_end = 321

[integer] sedimentation_type differentiates between sedimenation style options. 
For now the options are 1: simple aggradation, or 2: aggradation modified within
a range of x values. This will be updated over the coming weeks, and additional
comments will be provided.

      sedimentation_type = 2

if sedimentation is true and sediment type is 1, one also needs to set the
aggradation level/height, [dp]zaggrade_init. Note that future versions will
allow for other sedimentation options

      zaggrade_init = 0.0165d0

If sedimentation type is 2, aggradation with 2D sinusoidal perterbuations over a
given range, the following inputs are required. 

[dp] aggrade_rate defines the rate at which the aggradation surface is moved 
vertically upwards.

      aggrade_rate = 1.55d-5

      x_agg_sinus_amp = 0.6d-2
      x_agg_sinus_wavelth = 0.1992d0

      y_agg_sinus_amp = 0.6d-2
      y_agg_sinus_wavelth = 0.1992d0

      x_agg_start = 0.2d0
      x_agg_end = 0.8d0  

      y_agg_start = 0.1d0
      y_agg_end = 0.9d0
If sedimentation type is 3, 2D half Gaussian progradation, the following inputs
are required.

      z_prog_init = 0.0225d0
      z_prog_fin = 0.0135d0
      x_prog_start = -0.25
      x_prog_end = 0.25
      x_prog_length = 0.25
      prog_rate_u = 4.673d-2


[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of
the matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are

      visualise_matrix = F


[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the
scale used to produce the postscript file.
[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by
x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet
or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of colours used to produce the plot. 

nsections = 0

xyz_1          = 1 
slice_1        = 0.5001
flag_press_1   = T
flag_spress_1  = T 
flag_e2d_1     = T
flag_e3d_1     = F
flag_strain_1  = F
flag_lode_1    = F 
flag_crit_1    = F 
flag_grid_1    = T 
flag_mu_1      = F   
flag_u_1       = F
flag_v_1       = F
flag_w_1       = F
flag_q_1       = F 
flag_uvw_1     = F 
flag_lsf_1     = F 
flag_vfield_1  = F 
flag_colour_1  = T
flag_plastic_1 = F
flag_temp_1    = F
flag_velvect_1 = T
scale_1        = 500.
colormap_1     = jet
ncolours_1     = 256