Dave Whipp
DOUAR-WSMP v0.1 - 23/03/2011
Running a DOUAR-WSMP example calculation
To facilitate testing of DOUAR-WSMP, we have included a simple example input.txt
and define_bc.f90 file (input_DOUAR_v0.1.txt and define_bc_DOUAR_v0.1.f90). You
can use these files to run an example calculation that will ensure DOUAR is
built properly and functional. To run the example, follow the steps below.
1. Copy the define_bc_DOUAR_v0.1.f90 file in the DOUAR-WSMP base directory to
2. Build the 'douar_wsmp' executable following the directions provided in the
3. Create a new directory to store the DOUAR-WSMP executable, input file and
output (e.g., mkdir ~/DOUAR-WSMP-test).
4. Copy the DOUAR-WSMP executable (douar_wsmp) and input file
(input_DOUAR_v0.1.txt) to the new directory. Note that the input file should
be renamed 'input.txt'.
5. Create subdirectories needed to store the DOUAR-WSMP output in the new
6. Assuming you have a MPI-enabled system, you can run the test from the
command line. For example:
mpirun -np 8 ./douar_wsmp
or submit a job to the queue for systems with job management software. The
example calculation should less than 10 minutes on 8 modern processor cores.
7. This should produce output in the OUT subdirectory that can be converted to
VTK format using the 'post' post-processing program. VTK output can be
viewed in Mayavi, Paraview or other suitable viewers.