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module definitions

!this type is to store edges in a trianglulation
! it is used to update (in a generalized Delaunay sense)
! the triangulation of the 3D points on the surfaces
! for each edge:
! n1, n2 are the node numbers defining the edge
! t1, t2 are the triangle numbers on either side of the edge
! going from n1 to n2, t1 is to the left and t2 is to the right
! m1, m2 are the node numbers of the two other nodes making t1 and t2

      type edge
      integer n1,n2,m1,m2,t1,t2
      end type edge

! this type to store surfaces tracked by particles
! nsurface is number of particles
! x,y,z and xn,yn,zn are the coordinates and normals of the particles
! r,s are the 2D positions of the particles
! levelt is the resolution level (power of 2)
! itype is the type of surface (0 not foldable, 1 foldable)
! material is the material number

      type sheet
      integer nsurface,nt
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::r,s,x,y,z,xn,yn,zn,u,v,w
      integer levelt,itype,material,surface_type
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      double precision :: sp01,sp02,sp03,sp04,sp05,sp06,sp07,sp08,sp09,sp10
      double precision activation_time
      logical rand
      integer leveloct
      double precision :: stretch,anglemax,anglemaxoctree
      integer :: criterion
      integer spread_surface_points
      end type sheet

! octreev type to store velocity/temperature octree
! octree is octree
! noctree is onctree max size
! nnode is number of nodes on the octree
! nleaves is number of leaves in the octree
! x,y,z are the coordinates of the nodes
! unode,vnode,wnode are the velocity conponents at the nodes
! wiso is the velocity z-component due to isostasy
! temp is temperature at the nodes
! icon is connectivity array between nodes

      type octreev
      integer noctree,nnode,nleaves
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::x,y,z,temp
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::unode,vnode,wnode,wnodeiso
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::pressure,spressure
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::temporary_nodal_pressure
      logical, dimension(:),pointer :: whole_leaf_in_fluid
      end type octreev

! octreelsf type to store level set function
! octree is octree
! noctree is onctree max size
! nnode is number of nodes on the octree
! nleaves is number of leaves in the octree
! x,y,z are the coordinates of the nodes
! lsf is level set fuction values at the nodes
! icon is connectivity array between nodes

      type octreelsf
      integer noctree,nnode,nleaves
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::x,y,z,lsf
      end type octreelsf

! same as octreelsf except that this type can store nlsf lsfs
! total accuulated strain interpolated from a 3D cloud
! nodal velocities u,v,w, interpolated from octreev
! temperature velocities temp
! and bad faces

      type octreesolve
      integer noctree,nnode,nleaves,nlsf,nface
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::x,y,z
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::strain,pressure,spressure
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::crit
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::e2d
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::e3d
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::lode
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::u,v,w,wiso,temp
      double precision,dimension(:,:),pointer::lsf
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::eviscosity,q,dilatr
      end type octreesolve

! type material to define different materials
! density is product of density by g
! viscosity is viscosity
! expon is the stress exponent in the expression for the viscosity
! activationenergy is the activation energy
! expansion is the coefficient of thermal expansion (note that the temperature is first multiplied by the
! temperature scale before it is multiplied by the expansion coefficient)
! penalty is incompressibility penalty factor
! plasticity_type is the type of plasticity (vM for von Mises)
! plasticity_parameters are the nine plasticity parameters

      type material
      double precision density,viscosity,penalty,expon,activationenergy,diffusivity,heat,expansion
      character(len=8) plasticity_type
      double precision  plasticity_parameters(9)
      end type material

! type void to store information on node, leaves and faces that are in the void
! node=1 for nodes that are conpletely in the void (they are taken out of the equation set)
! leaf=1 for leaves that are completely in the void
! face=1 for faces that are completely in the void
! nnode is the number of nodes to be solved for (number of nodes not in the void)
! nleaves is the number of active leaves
! nface is the number of active faces
! rtf (restricted to full) is an array that provides the connectivity
!   between the restricted and full
!   node numbers (j=rtf(i) where i is restricted node number (1 to vo%nnode)
!   and j is full node number (1 to nnode))
! ftr (full to restricted) is the complement
! influid is true for nodes that are in the fluid

      type void
      integer nnode,nleaves,nface
      end type void

! type cloud is to store volumetric cloud of points
! it is very simple and made of
! np : number of particles!
! x,y,z : location
! x0, y0, z0: original particle position (used to calculate F: deformation gradient
!                                         and from it the total strain)
! strain: accumulated strain

      type cloud
      integer np,ntag
      double precision,dimension(:),pointer::x,y,z,x0,y0,z0,strain,lsf0,temp,press
      end type cloud

! type topology is used to store the matrix topology for the solver

      type topology
      integer nheight,nheightmax
      end type topology

! type box is used to store the geometrical information about a general box
! that is used to refine an octree in an arbitrary manner

      type box
      double precision x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1
      integer level
      end type box

! type face is used to store the refinement informations on a given face of the cube

      type face
      integer level
      double precision t,b,l,r
      end type

! this type is used to store all the parameters related to the cross sections 
! the 'flag' parameters toggle on/off the associated ield cross section
! scale is the global scale of the output postscript
! xyz =1,2,3 corresponding to a cross section at constant x,y, or z (resp.)

   type cross_section
      integer xyz
      double precision slice,scale
      logical flag_spress,flag_press,flag_e2d,flag_e3d,flag_crit,flag_grid,flag_lsf
      logical flag_u,flag_v,flag_w,flag_uvw,flag_q,flag_vfield,flag_strain
      logical flag_colour,flag_lode,flag_mu,flag_plastic,flag_velvect,flag_temp
      character(len=3) colormap
      integer ncolours
   end type

! this contains all sorts of parameters used in the code, such as flags, 
! convergence parameters, octree levels, ... pretty much all parameters
! that are read in the input file.
! isobc is a boolean value used to turn on/off the use of the modified isostasy 
! boundary conditions (dwhipp 12/09)

   type parameters 
      logical compute_qpgram
      logical normaladvect
      logical excl_vol
      logical doDoRuRe
      logical ref_on_faces
      logical visualise_matrix
      logical renumber_nodes
      logical erosion
      logical adaptive_tol
      logical calculate_temp
      logical isostasy
      logical flexure
      logical bulkvisc
      logical init_e2d
      logical invariants_2d
      integer nmpi
      integer levelcut
      integer levelapprox
      integer nstep
      integer noctreemax
      integer levelmax_oct
      integer leveluniform_oct
      integer smoothing_type
      integer debug
      integer npmin,npmax
      integer irestart
      logical ismooth      
      integer refine_criterion
      integer niter_move
      integer griditer
      integer nonlinear_iterations
      integer mpe
      integer nmat
      integer nboxes
      integer nb_iter_nl_min
      integer nsections
      integer ns
      integer initial_refine_level
      double precision ztemp
      double precision dt
      double precision refine_ratio
      double precision courant
      double precision octree_refine_ratio
      double precision distance_exponent
      double precision tol
      double precision penalty
      double precision tempscale
      double precision zerosion
      double precision viscositymin,viscositymax
      double precision velocity_scale,length_scale
      double precision diffusion_erosion
      double precision fluvial_erosion
      double precision elastic_plate_thickness
      double precision density_difference
      double precision e2d0
      integer baselevelx0
      integer baselevelx1
      integer baselevely0
      integer baselevely1
      character*128 restartfile
      character*40  infile
   end type

!=====[INTERFACE SCANFILE]======================================================
! following is a general interface to read stuff from a file

      interface scanfile
        subroutine iscanfile (fnme,text,res,ires)
        character*(*) fnme,text
        end subroutine iscanfile
        subroutine dscanfile (fnme,text,res,ires)
        character*(*) fnme,text
        double precision,intent(out)::res
        end subroutine dscanfile
        subroutine cscanfile (fnme,text,res,ires)
        character*(*) fnme,text
        end subroutine cscanfile
      end interface

!=====[INTERFACE QSORT]=========================================================
! following is a general interface to sort an array of numbers

      interface qsort
        subroutine iqsort (array,n,perm)
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        end subroutine iqsort
        subroutine rqsort (array,n,perm)
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        end subroutine rqsort
        subroutine dpqsort (array,n,perm)
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        end subroutine dpqsort
        subroutine iqsort_s (array,n)
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        end subroutine iqsort_s
        subroutine rqsort_s (array,n)
        integer,intent(in) :: n
        end subroutine rqsort_s
!        subroutine dpqsort_s (array,n)
!        integer,intent(in) :: n
!        real*8,dimension(n),intent(inout)::array
!        end subroutine dpqsort_s

      end interface

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! type ziso is used to store the isostatic deflection of the basal boundary
! due to isostasy

      type ziso
        double precision,dimension(:,:),pointer::zisodisp,zisoinc
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      end type ziso

end module definitions