# F90 = /usr/local/mpich.pgi.64/bin/mpif90
# F77 = /usr/local/mpich.pgi.64/bin/mpif77
# CC = /usr/local/mpich.pgi.64/bin/mpicc
# Libraries................
# PGPLOT=/home/dguptill/software/pgplot-5.2.2
# -L$(PGPLOT) -lpgplot \
# -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lX11 \
LIBS = \
-LOCTREE -lOctree$(BITS) \
-LNN -lnn_f$(BITS) \
-LNN -lnn_c$(BITS) \
-LCASCADE -lcascade$(BITS) \
-LRESAMPLE -lresample$(BITS) \
-lpthread -lacml
# The Makefiles look at compile output with this
# wsmp lives here.
WSMP_DIR = /home/dguptill/software/wsmp/wsmp-Linux/lib/X86_64/PGI
# Define FORTRAN compiler flags.......................
# Initial guess at flags:
# Using these, douar works much as it does on grace.
# These might be better
FFLAGS=-gopt -O2 -fastsse -Kieee
# Some debugging options; trying for a failure like on the p690
# We get a consistent crash where make_cut calls itself.
# "Error: floating point exception, integer divide by zero"
FFLAGS=-gopt -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf -mcmodel=medium \
-Mnofprelaxed -Mbounds -Mchkstk -Mnofpapprox \
-Mchkptr -Mnoonetrip -Mrecursive
# trying these; we get less information from the debugger.
# FFLAGS=-O2 -fastsse -gopt -Kieee -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf -mcmodel=medium -Mbounds
# Define C compiler flags.............................
# Initial guess at flags:
# Using these, douar works much as it does on grace.
# These might be better
CFLAGS=-fastsse -Kieee
# Some debugging options; trying for a failure like on the p690
CFLAGS=-gopt -O0 -Kieee -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf -mcmodel=medium \
-Mnofprelaxed -Mbounds -Mchkstk -Mnofpapprox \
# CFLAGS=-O2 -fastsse -gopt -Kieee -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf -mcmodel=medium -Mbounds
# compile rules.......................................
.SUFFIXES: .o .c .f .f90
@echo "--" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
@echo "$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $< >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
@echo "--" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
@echo "$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -c $< >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
@echo "--" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
@echo "$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1