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read_input_file.f90 84.6 KiB
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!              READ_INPUT_FILE    Feb. 2007                                    |
!                                                                              |

subroutine read_input_file (params,threadinfo,material0,mat,surface,boxes,     &

!(((((((((((((((( Purpose of the routine  ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

! subroutine where default values for all input parameters other than the
! controlling parameters are defined
! it is also where the input file 'input.txt' is read and the corresponding
! parameters are set

! nstep is number of time steps
! ns is number of surface - read in read_controlling_parameters
! dt is time step length
!  (note that if dt is negative, it will be replaced by a dynamically
!   determined value derived from Courant's condition and Courant's
!   parameter called "courant")
! nmat is number of material - read in read_controlling_parameters
! material0 is material number for stuff above 1st surface
!   or reference material when there is no surface
! mat:material properties, including, density,viscosity and compressibility
!     penalty parameters; ms is dimensioned (0:nmat)
!     material 0 is void
! leveluniform_oct is level of uniform discretization (power of 2)
! levelmax_oct is maximum discretization level
! matrule is the flag that determines the rule used for assigning material
!    properties within the model volume
! levelcut is maximum level (within a leave) used to estimate integrals
!    in divfem approximation
! levelapprox is maximum level to use to estimate positive volume
!    beyond levelcut
! noctreemax is maximum size of octrees when they are created
! penalty is penalty parameters for linear constraints arising from
!    bad faces in octree discretization (should be large)
! tempscale is temperature scaling parameter
! strain_ratio is used for refinement (if=1 no refinement;
!    if=0 uniform refinement) down to levelmax_oct
! istrain_refine: two algortihms are allowed for the refinement based on the strain ratio
!    one is based on the maximum difference between any two components of velocity
!    inside an element (istrain_refine=0) the other is based on the norm of the
!    velocity gradient (istrain_refine=1). Default is istrain_refine=1
! courant is ratio of courant conditoin used for moving particles (<1)
! stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two initially
!    adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a new
!    particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
!    stretch is specific to each surface
! anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals; when the
!    angle is reached, a new point is injected
!    anglemax is specific to each surface
!    default value is 1.d0
! surface are surface structure
!    for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material and fnme.
!    levelt is the initial level for the particles on the surface; to be accurate
!    and avoid wholes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one should use
!    levelt=levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; itype should be 1
!    for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; material is the material
!    type refering to the table of material available (max nmat); fnme is the name
!    of the file containing the geometry of the particles defining the surface
! npmin is the minimum number of particles in the strain cloud per element
! npmax is the maximum number of particles in the strain cloud per element
!       at levelmax_oct level (smallest possible elements)
! nonlineariter is number of iterations in nonlinear analysis
!   if nonlineariter is 0 no nonlinear iterations are performed (linear analysis)
!   if nonlineariter is positive, nonlineariter is the number of iterations performed
!                         regardless of convergence of solution
!   if nonlineariter is negative, -nonlineariter is maximum number of iterations allowed
!                         to reach convergence as determined by tol
! tol is relative tolerance (duvw/uvw) to achieve convergence
! criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
!    sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at
!    least one particle of any surface is at levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds
!    to imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the
!    surface; curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals.
!    the criterion is specific to each surface (default is 2)
! anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; it is the maximum allowable angle
!    between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree, the local
!    octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they are
!    proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
!    anglemaxoctree is specific to each surface
!   (be aware that these files are enormous...)
! niter_move is number of iterations used to move particles in an
!  implicit, mid-point algorithm
! restart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
!    an output file given by restartfile and at step irestart+1 - read in
!    read_controlling_parameters
! ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after refinement
!    for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked by
!    other leaves diffeing by more than 1 level of refinement
!    If ismooth is 0, no smoothing is performed; if ismooth is set to 1, smoothing
!    is performed (default is 1)
! boxes is the set of nboxes box structures defined by the user where a set level
!    of discretization is imposed

!((((((((((((((((  declaration of the subroutine arguments  ))))))))))))))))))))

use definitions
type (parameters) params
type (thread) threadinfo
integer material0
type (material) mat(0:params%nmat)
type (sheet) surface(params%ns)
type (box) boxes(params%nboxes)
type (cross_section) sections(params%nsections)
type (face),dimension(6) :: cube_faces
type (nest_info) :: nest
type (bc_definition) :: bcdef

!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables )))))))))))))

Dave Whipp's avatar
Dave Whipp committed
character(len=72) :: shift
character(len=3)  :: cm
character(len=1)  :: answer
integer iran,doru
integer flag


call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr)
Dave Whipp's avatar
Dave Whipp committed
shift=' '


if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'nstep',params%nstep,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%nstep,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'nstep_spinup',params%nstep_spinup,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%nstep_spinup,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

!=====[material properties]====================================================

if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'material0',material0,ires)
call mpi_bcast(material0,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) then
  call scanfile (params%infile,'bulkvisc',answer,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%bulkvisc,1,mpi_logical,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) then
  call scanfile (params%infile,'init_e2d',answer,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%init_e2d,1,mpi_logical,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'e2d0',params%e2d0,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%e2d0,1,mpi_double_precision,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'plastic_stress_min',params%plastic_stress_min,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%plastic_stress_min,1,mpi_double_precision,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)
if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'pressure0',params%pressure0,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%pressure0,1,mpi_double_precision,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

Dave Whipp's avatar
Dave Whipp committed
if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'dommat',params%dommat,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%dommat,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

if (iproc==0) call scanfile (params%infile,'domvol',params%domvol,ires)
call mpi_bcast(params%domvol,1,mpi_double_precision,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

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