From 9da1f5a6ffc85998b2eba708159a3c3374510a11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Riku-Laine <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:21:55 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Data flow in modelling explained better

 analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex b/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
index ec0d21e..fd7b614 100644
--- a/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
+++ b/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
@@ -139,11 +139,12 @@ First, data is generated through a \textbf{data generating process (DGP)}. DGP c
 Next, the all of the generated data goes to the \textbf{labeling process}. In the labeling process, it is determined which instances of the data will have an outcome label available. This is done by humans and is presented in lines 5--7 of algorithm \ref{alg:data_without_Z} and 5--8 of algorithm \ref{alg:data_with_Z}. The data is then split randomly into training and test datasets, $\D_{train}$ and $\D_{test}$ respectively.
-In the third step, the labeled data is given to a machine that will either make decisions or predictions using some features of the data. The machine will be trained on the training data set. Then, the machine will output either binary decisions (yes/no), probabilities (a real number in interval $[0, 1]$) or a metric for ordering for all the instances in the test data set. The machine will be denoted with $\M$.
+After labeling, the labeled training data is used to train a machine that will either make decisions or predictions using some features of the data. Then, the test data will be given to the machine and it will output either binary decisions (yes/no), probabilities (a real number in interval $[0, 1]$) or a metric for ordering for all the instances in the test data set. The machine will be denoted with $\M$.
 Finally the decisions and/or predictions made by the machine $\M$ and human judges (see dashed arrow in figure \ref{fig:framework}) will be evaluated using an \textbf{evaluation algorithm}. Evaluation algorithms will take the decisions, probabilities or ordering generated in the previous steps as input and then output an estimate of the failure rate. \textbf{Failure rate (FR)} is defined as the ratio of undesired outcomes to given decisions. One special characteristic of FR in this setting is that a failure can only occur with a positive decision. More explicitly \[ FR = \dfrac{\#\{Failures\}}{\#\{Decisions\}}. \] Second characteristic of FR is that the number of positive decisions and therefore FR itself can be controlled through acceptance rate defined above.
 Given the above framework, the goal is to create an evaluation algorithm that can accurately estimate the failure rate of any model $\M$ if it were to replace human decision makers in the labeling process. The estimations have to be made using only data that human decision-makers have labeled. The failure rate has to be accurately estimated for various levels of acceptance rate. The accuracy of the estimates can be compared by computing e.g. mean absolute error w.r.t the estimates given by \nameref{alg:true_eval} algorithm.
 \begin{figure} [H]
 \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=1.5cm,