diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7ee237d6d5f6640f52d710bfcc45d841147ea71e..7a08e42e773d79ed2290828c9e6a7c3d8ab5f69c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ Repository for the research project called *Causal approach to selective labels*
 with the required data sets. This repository has originally been forked from 
 [the ProPublica repository for COMPAS analysis](https://github.com/propublica/compas-analysis).
+## Structure of the repository
+The contents of the repository is divided into four main folders: 
+* `analysis_and_scripts` contains the scripts and notebooks for performing the analysis. Additionally, the
+folder contains `notes.tex` file which contains much of the different research done.
+* `data` folder contains the original data sets from the ProPublica analysis (see below for more information)
+* `figures` contains the figures used for the notes file mentioned earlier. This 
+folder is also used for the figures for the BSocSc thesis.
+* `paper` contains the draft for a research publication.
 Original README:
 ```               Low  High