diff --git a/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex b/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
index 3244a6e21822d287d0cba925697b74d9fd391b6b..c52a797d73fe2ff36ed5dd67a7b79125ce529118 100644
--- a/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
+++ b/analysis_and_scripts/notes.tex
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 \newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}} % "fancy M"
 \newcommand{\B}{\mathcal{B}} % "fancy B"
 \newcommand{\RR}{\mathcal{R}} % supistusalgon R
+\newcommand{\invlogit}{\text{logit}^{-1}} % supistusalgon R
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ Given the above framework, the goal is to create an evaluation algorithm that ca
-\section{Modular framework -- based on 19 June discussion} \label{sec:modular_framework}
+\section{Modular framework -- 19 June discussion} \label{sec:modular_framework}
 \emph{Below is the framework as was written on the whiteboard, then RL presents his own remarks on how he understood this.}
@@ -313,9 +314,9 @@ Both of the data generating algorithms are presented in this chapter.
 In the setting without unobservables Z, we first sample an acceptance rate $r$ for all $M=100$ judges uniformly from a half-open interval $[0.1; 0.9)$. Then we assign 500 unique subjects for each of the judges randomly (50000 in total) and simulate their features X as i.i.d standard Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit (1) variance. Then, probability for negative outcome is calculated as 
 \begin{equation} \label{eq:inv_logit}
-	P(Y=0|X=x) = \dfrac{1}{1+\exp(-x)}=logit^{-1}(x).
+	P(Y=0|X=x) = \dfrac{1}{1+\exp(-x)}=\invlogit(x).
-Because $P(Y=1|X=x) = 1-P(Y=0|X=x) = 1-logit^{-1}(x)$ the outcome variable Y can be sampled from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $1-logit^{-1}(x)$. The data is then sorted for each judge by the probabilities $P(Y=0|X=x)$ in descending order. If the subject is in the top $(1-r) \cdot 100 \%$ of observations assigned to a judge, the decision variable T is set to zero and otherwise to one.
+Because $P(Y=1|X=x) = 1-P(Y=0|X=x) = 1-\invlogit(x)$ the outcome variable Y can be sampled from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $1-\invlogit(x)$. The data is then sorted for each judge by the probabilities $P(Y=0|X=x)$ in descending order. If the subject is in the top $(1-r) \cdot 100 \%$ of observations assigned to a judge, the decision variable T is set to zero and otherwise to one.
 \begin{algorithm}[] 			% enter the algorithm environment
 \caption{Create data without unobservables} 		% give the algorithm a caption
@@ -325,8 +326,8 @@ Because $P(Y=1|X=x) = 1-P(Y=0|X=x) = 1-logit^{-1}(x)$ the outcome variable Y can
 \STATE Sample acceptance rates for each M judges from $U(0.1; 0.9)$ and round to tenth decimal place.
 \STATE Sample features X for each $N_{total}$ observations from standard Gaussian.
-\STATE Calculate $P(Y=0|X=x)=logit^{-1}(x)$ for each observation
-\STATE Sample Y from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $1-logit^{-1}(x)$.
+\STATE Calculate $P(Y=0|X=x)=\invlogit(x)$ for each observation
+\STATE Sample Y from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $1-\invlogit(x)$.
 \STATE Sort the data by (1) the judges and (2) by probabilities $P(Y=0|X=x)$ in descending order. 
 \STATE \hskip3.0em $\rhd$ Now the most dangerous subjects for each of the judges are at the top.
 \STATE If subject belongs to the top $(1-r) \cdot 100 \%$ of observations assigned to a judge, set $T=0$ else set $T=1$.
@@ -340,11 +341,11 @@ Because $P(Y=1|X=x) = 1-P(Y=0|X=x) = 1-logit^{-1}(x)$ the outcome variable Y can
 In the setting with unobservables Z, we first sample an acceptance rate r for all $M=100$ judges uniformly from a half-open interval $[0.1; 0.9)$. Then we assign 500 unique subjects (50000 in total) for each of the judges randomly and simulate their features X, Z and W as i.i.d standard Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit (1) variance. Then, probability for negative outcome is calculated as
-	P(Y=0|X=x, Z=z, W=w)=logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww)~,
+	P(Y=0|X=x, Z=z, W=w)=\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww)~,
 where $\beta_X=\beta_Z =1$ and $\beta_W=0.2$. Next, value for result Y is set to 0 if $P(Y = 0| X, Z, W) \geq 0.5$ and 1 otherwise. The conditional probability for the negative decision (T=0) is defined as 
-	P(T=0|X=x, Z=z)=logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)+\epsilon~,
+	P(T=0|X=x, Z=z)=\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)+\epsilon~,
 where $\epsilon \sim N(0, 0.1)$. Next, the data is sorted for each judge by the probabilities $P(T=0|X, Z)$ in descending order. If the subject is in the top $(1-r) \cdot 100 \%$ of observations assigned to a judge, the decision variable T is set to zero and otherwise to one.
@@ -640,7 +641,7 @@ Given our framework defined in section \ref{sec:framework}, the results presente
 \subsection{Modular framework -- Monte Carlo evaluator} \label{sec:modules_mc}
-For these results, data was generated either with module in algorithm \ref{alg:dg:coinflip_with_z} (drawing Y from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $\pr(Y=0|X, Z, W)$ as previously) or with module in algorithm \ref{alg:dg:threshold_with_Z} (assign Y based on the value of $logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$). Decisions were determined using one of the two modules: module in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:quantile} (decision based on quantiles) or \ref{alg:decider:lakkaraju} ("human" decision-maker as in \cite{lakkaraju17}). Curves were computed with True evaluation (algorithm \ref{alg:eval:true_eval}), Labeled outcomes (\ref{alg:eval:labeled_outcomes}), Human evaluation (\ref{alg:eval:human_eval}), Contraction (\ref{alg:eval:contraction}) and Monte Carlo evaluators (\ref{alg:eval:mc}). Results are presented in figure \ref{fig:modules_mc}. The corresponding MAEs are presented in table \ref{tab:modules_mc}.
+For these results, data was generated either with module in algorithm \ref{alg:dg:coinflip_with_z} (drawing Y from Bernoulli distribution with parameter $\pr(Y=0|X, Z, W)$ as previously) or with module in algorithm \ref{alg:dg:threshold_with_Z} (assign Y based on the value of $\invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$). Decisions were determined using one of the two modules: module in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:quantile} (decision based on quantiles) or \ref{alg:decider:lakkaraju} ("human" decision-maker as in \cite{lakkaraju17}). Curves were computed with True evaluation (algorithm \ref{alg:eval:true_eval}), Labeled outcomes (\ref{alg:eval:labeled_outcomes}), Human evaluation (\ref{alg:eval:human_eval}), Contraction (\ref{alg:eval:contraction}) and Monte Carlo evaluators (\ref{alg:eval:mc}). Results are presented in figure \ref{fig:modules_mc}. The corresponding MAEs are presented in table \ref{tab:modules_mc}.
 From the result table we can see that the MAE is at the lowest when the data generating process corresponds closely to the Monte Carlo algorithm.
@@ -704,10 +705,10 @@ We have three different kinds of data generating modules (DG modules). The DG mo
-                                             &                       & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Feature generation}                                             \\ \midrule
+                                             &                       & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Feature generation}                                             \\ \cmidrule(l){3-4} 
                                              &                       & \multicolumn{1}{l}{With unobservables} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Without unobservables} \\
 \multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{*}{Outcome}} & Drawn from Bernoulli  & \ref{alg:dg:coinflip_with_z}           & \ref{alg:dg:coinflip_without_z}           \\
-\multicolumn{1}{c}{}                         & Assigned by threshold & \ref{alg:dg:threshold_with_Z}          &                                           \\ \cmidrule(l){2-4} 
+\multicolumn{1}{c}{}                         & Assigned by threshold & \ref{alg:dg:threshold_with_Z}          &                                           \\ \cmidrule(l){2-4} \bottomrule
@@ -719,7 +720,7 @@ We have three different kinds of data generating modules (DG modules). The DG mo
 	\STATE Draw $x$ from from a standard Gaussian.
-	\STATE Draw $y$ from Bernoulli$(1-logit^{-1}(x))$.
+	\STATE Draw $y$ from Bernoulli$(1-\invlogit(x))$.
 \RETURN data
@@ -733,7 +734,7 @@ We have three different kinds of data generating modules (DG modules). The DG mo
 	\STATE Draw $x, z$ and $w$ from from standard Gaussians independently.
-	\IF{$logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww) \geq 0.5$}
+	\IF{$\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww) \geq 0.5$}
 		\STATE {Set $y$ to 0.}
 		\STATE {Set $y$ to 1.}
@@ -751,7 +752,7 @@ We have three different kinds of data generating modules (DG modules). The DG mo
 	\STATE Draw $x, z$ and $w$ from from standard Gaussians independently.
-	\STATE Draw $y$ from Bernoulli$(1-logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww))$.
+	\STATE Draw $y$ from Bernoulli$(1-\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz+\beta_Ww))$.
 \RETURN data
@@ -773,7 +774,7 @@ Below is presented the decision-maker by Lakkaraju \cite{lakkaraju17}. The decis
 \STATE Sample acceptance rates for each M judges from Uniform$(0.1; 0.9)$ and round to tenth decimal place.
 \STATE Assign each observation to a judge at random.
-\STATE Calculate $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ) + \epsilon$ for each observation and attach to data.
+\STATE Calculate $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = \invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ) + \epsilon$ for each observation and attach to data.
 \STATE Sort the data by (1) the judges and (2) by the probabilities in descending order. 
 \STATE If subject belongs to the top $(1-r) \cdot 100 \%$ of observations assigned to that judge, set $T=0$ else set $T=1$.
 \STATE Set $Y=$ NA if decision is negative ($T=0$).
@@ -781,7 +782,7 @@ Below is presented the decision-maker by Lakkaraju \cite{lakkaraju17}. The decis
-One discussed way of making the decisions independent was to "flip a coin at some probability". An implementation of that idea is presented below in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:coinflip}. As $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$ the parameter for the Bernoulli distribution is set to $1-logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$. In the practical implementation, as some algorithms need to know the leniency of the decision, acceptance rate is then calculated then from the decisions.
+One discussed way of making the decisions independent was to "flip a coin at some probability". An implementation of that idea is presented below in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:coinflip}. As $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = \invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$ the parameter for the Bernoulli distribution is set to $1-\invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$. In the practical implementation, as some algorithms need to know the leniency of the decision, acceptance rate is then calculated then from the decisions.
 \begin{algorithm}[H] 			% enter the algorithm environment
 \caption{Decider module: decisions from Bernoulli} 		% give the algorithm a caption
@@ -789,16 +790,16 @@ One discussed way of making the decisions independent was to "flip a coin at som
 \begin{algorithmic}[1] 		% enter the algorithmic environment
 \REQUIRE Data with features $X, Z$, knowledge that both of them affect the outcome Y and that they are independent / Parameters: $\beta_X=1, \beta_Z=1$.
-\STATE Draw $t$ from Bernoulli$(1-logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz))$ for all observations.
+\STATE Draw $t$ from Bernoulli$(1-\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz))$ for all observations.
 \STATE Compute the acceptance rate.
-\STATE Set $Y=$ NA if decision is negative ($T=0$). \emph{Optional.}
+\STATE Set $Y=$ NA if decision is negative ($T=0$).
 \RETURN data with decisions.
-A quantile-based decider module is presented in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:quantile}. The algorithm tries to emulate Lakkaraju's decision-maker while giving out independent decisions. The independence is achieved by comparing the values of $logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)$ to the corresponding value of the inverse cumulative distribution function $F^{-1}_{logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)}$ or $F^{-1}$ in short. The derivation of $F^{-1}$ is deferred to the next section. The decisions have a guarantee that the fraction of positive decisions will converge to $r$ based on the law of large numbers. 
+A quantile-based decider module is presented in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:quantile}. The algorithm tries to emulate Lakkaraju's decision-maker while giving out independent decisions. The independence is achieved by comparing the values of $\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)$ to the corresponding value of the inverse cumulative distribution function $F^{-1}_{\invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)}$ or $F^{-1}$ in short. The derivation of $F^{-1}$ is deferred to the next section. %The decisions have a guarantee that the fraction of positive decisions will converge to $r$ based on the law of large numbers. 
-\textbf{Example} Consider a decision-maker with leniency 0.60 who gets a new subject $\{x, z\}$ with a predicted probability $logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)\approx 0.7$ for a negative outcome with some coefficients $\beta$. Now, as the judge has leniency 0.6 their cut-point $F^{-1}(0.60)\approx0.65$. That is, the judge will not give a positive decision to anyone with failure probability greater than 0.65 so our example subject will receive a negative decision.
+\textbf{Example} Consider a decision-maker with leniency 0.60 who gets a new subject $\{x, z\}$ with a predicted probability $\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)\approx 0.7$ for a negative outcome with some coefficients $\beta$. Now, as the judge has leniency 0.6, their cut-point $F^{-1}(0.60)\approx0.65$. That is, the judge will not give a positive decision to anyone with failure probability greater than 0.65, so our example subject will receive a negative decision.
 \begin{algorithm}[H] 			% enter the algorithm environment
 \caption{Decider module: "quantile decisions"} 		% give the algorithm a caption
@@ -808,9 +809,9 @@ A quantile-based decider module is presented in algorithm \ref{alg:decider:quant
 \STATE Sample acceptance rates for each M judges from Uniform$(0.1; 0.9)$ and round to tenth decimal place.
 \STATE Assign each observation to a judge at random.
-\STATE Calculate $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = logit^{-1}(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$ for all observations.
-\STATE If $logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz) \geq F^{-1}(r)$ set $t=0$, otherwise set $t=1$.
-\STATE Set $Y=$ NA if decision is negative ($T=0$). \emph{Optional.}
+\STATE Calculate $\pr(T=0|X, Z) = \invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$ for all observations.
+\STATE If $\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz) \geq F^{-1}(r)$ set $t=0$, otherwise set $t=1$.
+\STATE Set $Y=$ NA if decision is negative ($T=0$).
 \RETURN data with decisions.
@@ -846,7 +847,7 @@ Black box predictive model. Another input to our framework is a black box predic
 True evaluation module computes the "true failure rate" of a predictive model \emph{had it been deployed to make independent decisions}. For computing the true failure rate "had the model been deployed" we need all outcome labels which is why the true failure rate can only be computed on synthetic data.
-In practice, the module first trains a model $\B$ and assigns each observation with a probability score $\s$ using it as described above. Then the observations are sorted in ascending order by the scores so that most risky subjects are last (subjects with the highest predicted probability for a negative outcome). Taking the first $r \cdot 100\%$ of observations, the true failure rate can be computed straight from the ground truth.
+In practice, the module first trains a model $\B$ and assigns each observation with a probability score $\s$ using it as described above. Then the observations are sorted in ascending order by the scores so that most risky subjects are last (subjects with the highest predicted probability for a negative outcome). Taking the first $r \cdot 100\%$ of observations, the true failure rate can be computed from the ground truth directly.
 \begin{algorithm}[H] 			% enter the algorithm environment
 \caption{Evaluator module: True evaluation} 		% give the algorithm a caption
@@ -899,8 +900,7 @@ This [failure rate estimation for human decision-makers] can be done by grouping
 \REQUIRE Data $\D$ with properties $\{j_i, t_i, y_i\}$, acceptance rate r
 \STATE Assign judges with similar acceptance rate to $\mathcal{J}$
-\STATE $\D_{released} = \{(j, t, y) \in \D~|~t=1 \wedge j \in  \mathcal{J}\}$
-\STATE \hskip3.0em $\rhd$ Subjects judged \emph{and} released by judges with correct leniency.
+\STATE Assign subjects judged and released by judges in $\mathcal{J}$ to $\D_{released}$.
 \RETURN $\frac{1}{|\mathcal{J}|}\sum_{i=1}^{\D_{released}}\delta\{y_i=0\}$
@@ -946,21 +946,21 @@ in probabilities or just deterministically
 In equations \ref{eq:Tprob} and \ref{eq:Tdet}, $\pr(Y=0|x, z, DG)$ is the predicted probability of a negative outcome given x and z. The probability $\pr(Y=0|x, z, DG)$ is predicted by the judge and here we used an approximation that 
-\pr(Y=0|x, z, DG) = logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)
+\pr(Y=0|x, z, DG) = \invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz)
 which is an increasing function of $z$ when $x$ is given. Now we do not know the $\beta$ coefficients so here we used the information that they are one. (In the future, they should be inferred.) 
 The inverse cumulative function $F^{-1}(r)$ in equations \ref{eq:Tprob} and \ref{eq:Tdet} is the inverse cumulative distribution of \emph{logit-normal distribution} with parameters $\mu=0$ and $\sigma^2=2$, i.e. $F^{-1}$ is the inverse cumulative distribution function of the sum of two standard Gaussians after logistic transformation. If $\beta_X \neq 1$ and/or $\beta_Z \neq 1$ then from the basic properties of variance $\sigma^2=Var(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)=\beta_X^2Var(X)+\beta_Z^2Var(Z)$. Finally the inverse cumulative function
-F^{-1}(r) = logit^{-1}\left(\text{erf}^{-1}(2r-1)\sqrt{2\sigma^2}-\mu\right)
+\begin{equation} \label{eq:cum_inv}
+F^{-1}(r) = \invlogit\left(\text{erf}^{-1}(2r-1)\sqrt{2\sigma^2}-\mu\right)
 where the parameters are as discussed and erf is the error function.
-With this knowledge, it can be stated that if we observed $T=0$ with some $x$ and $r$ it must have been that $logit^{-1}(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz) \geq F^{-1}(r)$. Using basic algebra we obtain that
+With this knowledge, it can be stated that if we observed $T=0$ with some $x$ and $r$ it must have been that $\invlogit(\beta_Xx+\beta_Zz) \geq F^{-1}(r)$. Using basic algebra we obtain that
 \begin{equation} \label{eq:bounds}
-logit^{-1}(x + z) \geq F^{-1}(r) \Leftrightarrow x+z \geq logit(F^{-1}(r)) \Leftrightarrow z \geq logit(F^{-1}(r)) - x
+\invlogit(x + z) \geq F^{-1}(r) \Leftrightarrow x+z \geq logit(F^{-1}(r)) \Leftrightarrow z \geq logit(F^{-1}(r)) - x
-as the logit and its inverse are strictly increasing functions and hence preserve the order of magnitude for all pairs of values in their domains. From equations \ref{eq:posterior_Z}, \ref{eq:Tprob} and \ref{eq:bounds} we can conclude that $\pr(Z < logit^{-1}(F^{-1}(r)) - x | T=0, X=x, R=r) = 0$ and that elsewhere the distribution of Z follows a truncated Gaussian with a lower bound of $logit(F^{-1}(r)) - x$. The expectation of Z can be computed analytically. All this follows analogically for cases with $T=1$ with the changes of some inequalities.
+as the logit and its inverse are strictly increasing functions and hence preserve the order of magnitude for all pairs of values in their domains. From equations \ref{eq:posterior_Z}, \ref{eq:Tprob} and \ref{eq:bounds} we can conclude that $\pr(Z < \invlogit(F^{-1}(r)) - x | T=0, X=x, R=r) = 0$ and that elsewhere the distribution of Z follows a truncated Gaussian with a lower bound of $logit(F^{-1}(r)) - x$. The expectation of Z can be computed analytically. All this follows analogically for cases with $T=1$ with the changes of some inequalities.
 In practise, in lines 1--3 and 10--13 of algorithm \ref{alg:eval:mc} we do as in the True evaluation evaluator algorithm with the distinction that some of the values of Y are imputed with the corresponding counterfactual probabilities. In line 4 we compute the bounds as motivated above. In the for-loop (lines 5--8) we merely compute the expectation of Z given the knowledge of the decision and that the distribution of Z follows a truncated Gaussian. The equation
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ computes the correct expectation automatically. Using the expectation, we then c
 \STATE Compute bounds $Q_r = logit(F^{-1}(r)) - x$ for all judges.
 \FORALL{observations in test set}
 	\STATE Compute expectation $\hat{z} = (1-t) \cdot E(Z | Z > Q_r) + t \cdot E(Z | Z < Q_r)$. % 
-	\STATE Compute $\pr(Y(1) = 0) = logit^{-1}(x + \hat{z})$.
+	\STATE Compute $\pr(Y(1) = 0) = \invlogit(x + \hat{z})$.
 \STATE Impute missing observations using the estimates $\pr(Y(1) = 0)$.
 \STATE Sort the data by the probabilities $\s$ to ascending order.
@@ -990,6 +990,44 @@ computes the correct expectation automatically. Using the expectation, we then c
+%Comments this approach:
+%\item Propensity ($\pr(T=1| X, Z)$) is taken as given and in correct form. In reality it is not known (?)
+%\item The equation for the inverse cdf \ref{eq:cum_inv} assumes the joint pdf of $\invlogit(\beta_XX+\beta_ZZ)$ known when in real data X might be multidimensional and non-normal etc.
+In the future, we should utilize a fully Bayesian approach to be able to include priors for the different $\beta$ coefficients into the model. 
+The following hierarchical model was used as an initial approach to the problem. Data was generated with unobservables and both outcome Y and decision T were drawn from Bernoulli distributions. The $\beta$ coefficients were systematically overestimated as shown in figure \ref{fig:posteriors}.
+\begin{align} \label{eq1}
+ 1-t~|~x,~z,~\beta_x,~\beta_z & \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\invlogit(\beta_xx + \beta_zz)) \\ \nonumber
+ Z &\sim N(0, 1) \\ \nonumber
+% \alpha_j & \sim N(0, 100), j \in \{1, \ldots, N_{judges} \} \\
+  \beta_x & \sim N(0, 10^2) \\ \nonumber
+  \beta_z & \sim N_+(0, 10^2) 
+    \centering
+    \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.475\textwidth}
+        \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sl_posterior_betax}
+        \caption{Posterior of $\beta_x$.}
+        %\label{fig:random_predictions_without_Z}
+    \end{subfigure}
+    \quad %add desired spacing between images, e. g. ~, \quad, \qquad, \hfill etc. 
+      %(or a blank line to force the subfigure onto a new line)
+    \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.475\textwidth}
+        \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sl_posterior_betaz}
+        \caption{Posterior of $\beta_z$.}
+        \label{fig:posteriors}
+    \end{subfigure}
+    \caption{Coefficient posteriors from model \ref{eq1}.}
+    %\label{fig:random_predictions}
 \subsection{Summary table}
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Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/sl_diagnostic_bad_decider_with_Z.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/sl_diagnostic_random_decider_with_Z.png differ
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Binary files a/figures/sl_diagnostic_threshold_batch_with_Z.png and b/figures/sl_diagnostic_threshold_batch_with_Z.png differ
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Binary files a/figures/sl_diagnostic_threshold_independent_with_Z.png and b/figures/sl_diagnostic_threshold_independent_with_Z.png differ
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