import itertools import datetime from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import requests import json import pandas import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_numeric_dtype STEAMSPY_ALL_GAMES_URL = "" STEAM_GAME_INFO_URL = "" STEAM_API_LANGUAGE = "&l=english" STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO = "" # There are 67 pages of data but for the heck of it, # we're going try to load 100 pages def get_all_data(iterations: int = 100, num_threads: int = 4): def get_api_data_for_game_threaded(id): steam_api_data = get_additional_game_data_steam(str(id)) steamspy_api_data = get_additional_game_data_steamspy(str(id)) return steam_api_data, steamspy_api_data # def get_additional_game_data_steam_threaded(id): # return get_additional_game_data_steam(str(id)) # def get_additional_game_data_steamspy_threaded(id): # return get_additional_game_data_steamspy(str(id)) for i in range(iterations): print(i) url = STEAMSPY_ALL_GAMES_URL + str(i) try: response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) except Exception as some_shit: print(some_shit) break games = [value for (key, value) in response.items()] if i == 0: df = pandas.DataFrame(games) else: df = pandas.concat([df, pandas.DataFrame(games)], ignore_index=True, sort=False) # df = df.iloc[0:10] # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: # steam_results = list(, df["appid"])) # # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: # steamspy_results = list(, df["appid"])) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: combined_results = list(, df["appid"])) steam_results = [result[0] for result in combined_results] steamspy_results = [result[1] for result in combined_results] df = pandas.concat([df, pandas.DataFrame(steam_results), pandas.DataFrame(steamspy_results)], axis=1) # steam_api_data = df["appid"].iloc[:].apply(lambda x: get_additional_game_data_steam(str(x))) # df = pandas.concat([df, steam_api_data], axis=1) return df def get_additional_game_data_steam(id): url = STEAM_GAME_INFO_URL + id + STEAM_API_LANGUAGE response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) print( fails = 0 base_wait = 60 while not response or response[id]["success"] == False: # This part is meant to catch if response and response[id]["success"] == False: fails += 1 if fails >= 10: return pandas.Series({'platforms': [], 'release_date': "", 'categories': []}) print("Failed queries for", id, "is", fails) time.sleep(base_wait) response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) data = response[id]["data"] if data["type"] != "game": print("Non game found", data["name"]) platforms = [platform for (platform, enabled) in data["platforms"].items() if enabled] release_date = data["release_date"]["date"] categories = [category_data["description"] for category_data in data["categories"]] if "categories" in data.keys() else [] return_values = pandas.Series({'platforms': platforms, 'release_date': release_date, 'categories': categories}) return return_values def get_additional_game_data_steamspy(id): url = STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO + id response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) # tags = [tag for (tag,tag_id) in response["tags"]] languages = response["languages"].split(", ") genres = response["genre"] ccu = response["ccu"] tags = [tag for (tag, tag_id) in response["tags"].items()] if response["tags"] else [] return_values = dict(ccu=ccu, languages=languages, genres=genres, tags=tags) return return_values def add_user_rating(df): def user_rating_function(pos, neg): if pos == neg == 0: return 0 return pos / (pos + neg) df["Review_rating"] = df.apply(lambda row: user_rating_function(row.positive, row.negative), axis=1) return df def create_hist_plots(df): for col_name in df.columns: if is_numeric_dtype(df[col_name]): fig = plt.figure() plt.hist(df[col_name], log=True) title = " ".join([col_name, "log histogram"]) plt.title(title) fig.savefig("".join(["images\\", title, ".png"])) def replace_owner_number_with_symbol(df): def owner_strip(user_range: str): user_range = user_range.replace(",000,000", " M") user_range = user_range.replace(",000", " k") return user_range df["owners"] = df["owners"].apply(lambda name: owner_strip((name))) return df def create_heat_maps(df, plot_pairs): for (x, y) in plot_pairs: plt.figure() # Create a new figure for each heatmap heatmap = plt.imshow(df[[x, y]].values, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') plt.colorbar(heatmap) # Add a colorbar plt.xlabel(x) plt.ylabel(y) plt.title(f"Heatmap of {x} vs {y}") def price_to_dollars(convert_df): convert_df["price"] = convert_df["price"].apply(lambda val: int(val) / 100 if int(val) != 0 else 0) return convert_df if __name__ == "__main__": df = get_all_data() df = add_user_rating(df) df = replace_owner_number_with_symbol(df) df = price_to_dollars(df) df.to_csv("game_data_experimental.csv") h = df.describe() j = df.isna().sum() c = df["userscore"].value_counts() numeric_cols = [col for col in df.columns if is_numeric_dtype(df[col])] plot_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(numeric_cols, 2)) print(df.columns) print("price", df["price"].unique()) print("discount", df["discount"].unique()) print("owners", df["owners"].unique()) create_hist_plots(df) plt.hist(df["owners"], log=True) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title("Histogram of game playerbase sizes with log scale") plt.tight_layout() df.to_csv("game_data_full.csv") pass