import datetime import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple import requests import json import pandas import time import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_numeric_dtype STEAMSPY_ALL_GAMES_URL = "" STEAM_GAME_INFO_URL = "" STEAM_API_LANGUAGE = "&l=english" STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO = "" # There are 67 pages of data but for the heck of it, # we're going try to load 100 pages def get_all_data(iterations: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = 100, num_threads: int = 4, capped: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Retreives game data from steamspy and steam API. :param iterations: Contains the logic for choosing the page numbers for steamspy api of game pages to read. Each page contains 1000 games. The value can be an integer n which means that all pages from 0 to n-1 will be read. If the value is a list, only the indexes contained in that list will be read. :param num_threads: This value decides how many parallel threads are used for API queries. This can make the API query process faster. :param capped: This is for testing purposes. Either the value is an integer n in which case only the first n values of the (full) steamspy game list will be read and processed for further parsing. If it value is a tuple (a, b), the values will be read and further processed from a to b-1. :return: Returns a pandas dataframe containing game data. """ def get_api_data_for_game_threaded(game_id): steam_api_data = get_additional_game_data_steam(str(game_id)) steamspy_api_data = get_additional_game_data_steamspy(str(game_id)) return steam_api_data, steamspy_api_data iteration_list = iterations if isinstance(iterations, list) else range(iterations) game_dataframe = None for index in iteration_list: print(f"Loading the game list page: {str(index)}") url = STEAMSPY_ALL_GAMES_URL + str(index) try: response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) except Exception as some_shit: print(some_shit) break games = [value for (key, value) in response.items()] game_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(games) if not game_dataframe \ else pandas.concat([game_dataframe, pandas.DataFrame(games)], ignore_index=True, sort=False) if capped: if isinstance(capped, list): game_dataframe = game_dataframe.loc[capped[0]:capped[1]] elif isinstance(capped, int): game_dataframe = game_dataframe.iloc[0:capped] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor: combined_results = list(, game_dataframe["appid"])) steam_results = [result[0] for result in combined_results] steamspy_results = [result[1] for result in combined_results] game_dataframe = pandas.concat([game_dataframe, pandas.DataFrame(steam_results), pandas.DataFrame(steamspy_results)], axis=1) return game_dataframe def get_steam_API_response(url, game_id: str): fails = 0 base_wait = 60 response = None json_load_error = False try: payload = requests.get(url) response = json.loads(payload.text) except Exception as ex: print("Error occurred while parsing json from Steam:", ex) json_load_error = True print( while (not response or response[game_id]["success"] is False) or json_load_error: # This part is meant to catch errors in the loading process if (response and response[game_id]["success"] is False) or json_load_error: fails += 1 json_load_error = False if fails >= 10: return None else: print("Failed queries for", game_id, "is", fails) time.sleep(base_wait) try: response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) except Exception as ex: print("Error occurred while parsing json from Steam:", ex) json_load_error = True return response def get_steamspy_API_response(url): response = None fails = 0 while not response: try: response = json.loads(requests.get(url).text) return response except Exception as ex: print("Error occurred while parsing json from Steam:", ex) fails += 1 if fails >= 10: return None def get_additional_game_data_steam(game_id): url = STEAM_GAME_INFO_URL + game_id + STEAM_API_LANGUAGE response = get_steam_API_response(url, str(game_id)) if not response: return pandas.Series({"platforms": numpy.NaN, "release_date": numpy.NaN, "categories": numpy.NaN, "dlc": numpy.NaN}) data = response[game_id]["data"] if data["type"] != "game": print("Non game found", data["name"]) platforms = [platform for (platform, enabled) in data["platforms"].items() if enabled] release_date = data["release_date"]["date"] categories = [category_data["description"] for category_data in data["categories"]] if "categories" in data.keys() else [] dlc = [dlc for dlc in data["dlc"]] if "dlc" in data.keys() else [] return_values = pandas.Series({"platforms": platforms, "release_date": release_date, "categories": categories, "dlc": dlc}) return return_values def get_additional_game_data_steamspy(game_id): url = STEAM_SPY_GAME_INFO + game_id response = get_steamspy_API_response(url) if not response: return pandas.Series({"ccu": numpy.NaN, 'languages': numpy.NaN, 'genres': numpy.NaN, "tags": numpy.NaN}) languages = response["languages"].split(", ") if response["languages"] else [] genres = response["genre"] ccu = response["ccu"] tags = [tag for (tag, tag_id) in response["tags"].items()] if response["tags"] else [] return_values = pandas.Series({"ccu": ccu, "languages": languages, "genres": genres, "tags": tags}) return return_values def add_user_rating(df): def user_rating_function(pos, neg): if pos == neg == 0: return 0 return pos / (pos + neg) df["Review_rating"] = df.apply(lambda row: user_rating_function(row.positive, row.negative), axis=1) return df def price_to_dollars(convert_df): convert_df["price"] = convert_df["price"].apply(lambda val: int(val) / 100 if int(val) != 0 else 0) return convert_df def create_hist_plots(df): for col_name in df.columns: if is_numeric_dtype(df[col_name]): fig = plt.figure() plt.hist(df[col_name], log=True) title = " ".join([col_name, "log histogram"]) plt.title(title) fig.savefig("".join(["images\\", title, ".png"])) def replace_owner_number_with_symbol(df): def owner_strip(user_range: str): if isinstance(user_range, str): user_range = user_range.replace(",000,000", " M") user_range = user_range.replace(",000", " k") return user_range df["owners"] = df["owners"].apply(lambda name: owner_strip((name))) return df def create_heat_maps(df, plot_pairs): for (x, y) in plot_pairs: plt.figure() # Create a new figure for each heatmap heatmap = plt.imshow(df[[x, y]].values, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') plt.colorbar(heatmap) # Add a color bar plt.xlabel(x) plt.ylabel(y) plt.title(f"Heatmap of {x} vs {y}") def plot_statistics_data(df): create_hist_plots(df) # Create owners histogram plt.hist(df["owners"], log=True) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title("Histogram of game playerbase sizes with log scale") plt.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(0, 67): df = get_all_data(iterations=[i]) path = "file_segments" df = add_user_rating(df) df = replace_owner_number_with_symbol(df) df = price_to_dollars(df) file_name = "".join(["game_data", "_", str(i), ".csv"]) file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path, file_name) df.to_csv(file_path) print(f"Saved file {file_name}!") # plot_statistics_data(df) pass