import {Component, Prop, h} from '@stencil/core'; @Component({ tag: 'hy-accordion-container', styleUrl: 'accordion-container.scss', shadow: false }) export class AccordionContainer { @Prop() accordionid?: string; /* * data-allow-toggle Allow for each toggle to both open and close individually data-allow-multiple Allow for multiple accordion sections to be expanded at the same time. Assumes data-allow-toggle otherwise you would not be able to close any of the accordions */ render() { const classAttributes = ['hy-accordion-container', 'js-hy-accordion']; const id = this.accordionid.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '-'); return ( <div id={id} class={classAttributes.join(' ')} data-allow-multiple="true" data-allow-toggle="true"> <slot></slot> </div> ); } }