!------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! | ! ||===\\ | ! || \\ | ! || || //==\\ || || //==|| ||/==\\ | ! || || || || || || || || || || | ! || // || || || || || || || | ! ||===// \\==// \\==\\ \\==\\ || | ! | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! | ! UPDATE_CLOUD_STRUCTURE Feb. 2007 | ! | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| subroutine update_cloud_structure (cl,os,params,ninject,nremove,istep) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !(((((((((((((((( Purpose of the routine )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! this file contains the operations done on a 3D cloud of particles ! to check the density of particles, accordingly add or remove particles ! and transfer the fields carried by the cloud (here the original ! position of the particles) ! First it initializes the fields to the current (thus original) position ! then we also interpolate the fields (original position) onto the ! corresponding fields of the octree solve in order for the information ! to be available during matrix building operation ! cl is the cloud ! os is the octree solve ! npmin is the minimum number of particles in any leaf of the octree solve ! npmax is the maximum number of particles in the smallest leaves of the ! octree solve ! ninject is number of new particles injected in the cloud ! nremove is number of particles removed from the cloud ! levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree solve !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine arguments )))))))))))))))))))) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| use definitions !use mpi implicit none include 'mpif.h' type (cloud) cl type (octreesolve) os type (parameters) params integer ninject integer nremove type (octreev) ov integer istep !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables ))))))))))))) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| integer ierr,iproc,nproc,i,j,k,ic,jc,kk,ii integer np,ne,nn,npnew,ie,npswap,ntest,ninjectp,kinject,kkinject,nchoice integer,dimension(:),allocatable::loc,nloc,ntot,remove,lev,done integer err,leaf,level,locc,ndist,nisolated,ntodo,nremovep integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: imemswap double precision x0,y0,z0,dxyz,distmax,dist,distmin,xx,yy,zz,h(8),ww,r,s,t double precision,dimension(:),allocatable::xtest,ytest,ztest double precision,dimension(:),allocatable::xinject,yinject,zinject double precision,dimension(:),allocatable::straininject,x0inject,y0inject,z0inject double precision,dimension(:),allocatable::strain,w double precision,dimension(:,:),allocatable::memswap !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr) call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr) np=cl%np ne=os%nleaves nn=os%nnode ntest=10 ! check number of particles to inject/remove to adjust the size of arrays ! in main program allocate (ntot(ne),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in allocating ntot in update_cloud$') allocate (lev(ne),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in allocating lev in update_cloud$') ntot=0 do i=1,np call octree_find_leaf (os%octree,os%noctree,cl%x(i),cl%y(i),cl%z(i), & leaf,level,locc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) ntot(leaf)=ntot(leaf)+1 enddo call octree_find_element_level (os%octree,os%noctree,lev,ne) ninject=0 nremove=0 do ie=1,ne if (ntot(ie).lt.params%npmin) ninject=ninject+(params%npmin-ntot(ie)) if (ntot(ie).gt.params%npmax .and. lev(ie).ge.params%levelmax_oct) & nremove=nremove+(ntot(ie)-params%npmax) enddo deallocate (ntot) deallocate (lev) if (ninject.gt.0.and.iproc.eq.0) write (8,*) 'Injecting ',ninject,' particles' if (nremove.gt.0.and.iproc.eq.0) write (8,*) 'Removing ',nremove,' particles' npswap=cl%np if (npswap.ne.0) then allocate (memswap(10,npswap),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc memswap in main$') allocate (imemswap(1,npswap),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc imemswap in main$') memswap(1,:)=cl%x memswap(2,:)=cl%y memswap(3,:)=cl%z memswap(4,:)=cl%x0 memswap(5,:)=cl%y0 memswap(6,:)=cl%z0 memswap(7,:)=cl%strain memswap(8,:)=cl%lsf0 memswap(9,:)=cl%temp memswap(10,:)=cl%press imemswap(1,:)=cl%tag endif deallocate (cl%x) deallocate (cl%y) deallocate (cl%z) deallocate (cl%x0) deallocate (cl%y0) deallocate (cl%z0) deallocate (cl%strain) deallocate (cl%temp) deallocate (cl%press) deallocate (cl%lsf0) deallocate (cl%tag) npnew=cl%np+ninject-nremove npnew=max(npnew,npswap) allocate (cl%x(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%x in main$') allocate (cl%y(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%y in main$') allocate (cl%z(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%z in main$') allocate (cl%x0(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%x0 in main$') allocate (cl%y0(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%y0 in main$') allocate (cl%z0(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%z0 in main$') allocate (cl%strain(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%strain in main$') allocate (cl%temp(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%temp in main$') allocate (cl%press(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%press in main$') allocate (cl%lsf0(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%lsf0 in main$') allocate (cl%tag(npnew),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc cl%tag in main$') if (npswap.ne.0) then cl%x(1:npswap)=memswap(1,:) cl%y(1:npswap)=memswap(2,:) cl%z(1:npswap)=memswap(3,:) cl%x0(1:npswap)=memswap(4,:) cl%y0(1:npswap)=memswap(5,:) cl%z0(1:npswap)=memswap(6,:) cl%strain(1:npswap)=memswap(7,:) cl%lsf0(1:npswap)=memswap(8,:) cl%temp(1:npswap)=memswap(9,:) cl%press(1:npswap)=memswap(10,:) cl%tag(1:npswap)=imemswap(1,:) deallocate (memswap) deallocate (imemswap) else cl%strain=0.d0 cl%lsf0=0.d0 cl%temp=0.d0 cl%press=0.d0 cl%tag=1 endif ! first build location array ! ntot(ie) is number of particles in leaf ie ! nloc(ie) is location in array loc of where the particles belonging to ie are stored ! loc(nloc(ie):nloc(ie)+ntot(ie)-1) is list of particles belonging to ie allocate (loc(np),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc loc in update_cloud$') allocate (nloc(ne),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc nloc in update_cloud$') allocate (ntot(ne),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc ntot in update_cloud$') allocate (lev(ne),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc lev in update_cloud$') allocate (remove(np),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc remove in update_cloud$') ntot=0 do i=1,np call octree_find_leaf (os%octree,os%noctree,cl%x(i),cl%y(i),cl%z(i), & leaf,level,locc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) ntot(leaf)=ntot(leaf)+1 enddo nloc(1)=1 do ie=2,ne nloc(ie)=nloc(ie-1)+ntot(ie-1) enddo ntot=0 loc=0 do i=1,np call octree_find_leaf (os%octree,os%noctree,cl%x(i),cl%y(i),cl%z(i), & leaf,level,locc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) loc(nloc(leaf)+ntot(leaf))=i ntot(leaf)=ntot(leaf)+1 enddo call octree_find_element_level (os%octree,os%noctree,lev,ne) ! first check for injection ninjectp=ninject ninject=0 do ie=1,ne if (ntot(ie).lt.params%npmin) then ninject=ninject+(params%npmin-ntot(ie)) endif enddo allocate (xinject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc xinject in update_cloud$') allocate (yinject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc yinject in update_cloud$') allocate (zinject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc zinject in update_cloud$') allocate (straininject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc straininject in update_cloud$') allocate (x0inject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc x0inject in update_cloud$') allocate (y0inject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc y0inject in update_cloud$') allocate (z0inject(ninject),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc z0inject in update_cloud$') if (ninject.ne.ninjectp) call stop_run ('error 1 in update_cloud$') kinject=0 do ie=1,ne if (ntot(ie).lt.params%npmin) then kkinject=kinject+1 do ii=1,params%npmin-ntot(ie) allocate (xtest(ntest),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc xtest in update_cloud$') allocate (ytest(ntest),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc ytest in update_cloud$') allocate (ztest(ntest),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc ztest in update_cloud$') call random_number (xtest) call random_number (ytest) call random_number (ztest) xtest=os%x(os%icon(1,ie))+xtest*(os%x(os%icon(2,ie))-os%x(os%icon(1,ie))) ytest=os%y(os%icon(1,ie))+ytest*(os%y(os%icon(3,ie))-os%y(os%icon(1,ie))) ztest=os%z(os%icon(1,ie))+ztest*(os%z(os%icon(5,ie))-os%z(os%icon(1,ie))) distmax=0.d0 nchoice=0 do i=1,ntest dist=0.d0 ndist=0 do k=1,ntot(ie) dist=dist+(xtest(i)-cl%x(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2+ & (ytest(i)-cl%y(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2+ & (ztest(i)-cl%z(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2 ndist=ndist+1 enddo do k=1,8 dist=dist+(xtest(i)-os%x(os%icon(k,ie)))**2+ & (ytest(i)-os%y(os%icon(k,ie)))**2+ & (ztest(i)-os%z(os%icon(k,ie)))**2 ndist=ndist+1 enddo do k=kkinject,kinject dist=dist+(xtest(i)-xinject(k))**2+ & (ytest(i)-yinject(k))**2+ & (ztest(i)-zinject(k))**2 ndist=ndist+1 enddo dist=dist/ndist if (dist.gt.distmax) then distmax=dist nchoice=i endif enddo if (nchoice.eq.0) call stop_run ('error in finding inject part loc$') ! found the random particle that is the furthest away from the others and the ! 8 nodes of the leaf and previously injected ones; now we inject a particle kinject=kinject+1 xinject(kinject)=xtest(nchoice) yinject(kinject)=ytest(nchoice) zinject(kinject)=ztest(nchoice) deallocate (xtest) deallocate (ytest) deallocate (ztest) enddo endif enddo if (kinject.ne.ninjectp) call stop_run ('error 2 in update_cloud$') ! second check for removal remove=0 do ie=1,ne if (ntot(ie).gt.params%npmax.and.lev(ie).ge.params%levelmax_oct) then do ii=1,ntot(ie)-params%npmax distmin=1.d2 nchoice=0 do i=1,ntot(ie) if (remove(loc(nloc(ie)+i-1)).eq.0) then dist=0.d0 ndist=0 xx=cl%x(loc(nloc(ie)+i-1)) yy=cl%y(loc(nloc(ie)+i-1)) zz=cl%z(loc(nloc(ie)+i-1)) do k=1,ntot(ie) if (remove(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)).eq.0 .and. k.ne.i) then dist=dist+(xx-cl%x(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2+ & (yy-cl%y(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2+ & (zz-cl%z(loc(nloc(ie)+k-1)))**2 ndist=ndist+1 endif enddo do k=1,8 dist=dist+(xx-os%x(os%icon(k,ie)))**2+ & (yy-os%y(os%icon(k,ie)))**2+ & (zz-os%z(os%icon(k,ie)))**2 ndist=ndist+1 enddo dist=dist/ndist if (dist.lt.distmin) then distmin=dist nchoice=loc(nloc(ie)+i-1) endif endif enddo if (nchoice.eq.0) call stop_run ('error in finding inject part loc$') ! found the particle that is the closest to the others and the ! 8 nodes of the leaf; we remove it remove(nchoice)=1 enddo endif enddo ! now interpolate onto the nodes of the octree solve os%strain=0.d0 allocate (strain(nn),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc strain in update_cloud$') allocate (w(nn),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('error in alloc /w in update_cloud') strain=0.d0 w=0.d0 do i=1,np call octree_find_leaf (os%octree,os%noctree,cl%x(i),cl%y(i),cl%z(i), & leaf,level,locc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) r=(cl%x(i)-x0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 s=(cl%y(i)-y0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 t=(cl%z(i)-z0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 h(1)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(2)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(3)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(4)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(5)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(6)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(7)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(8)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 do k=1,8 ic=os%icon(k,leaf) ww=h(k)/dxyz**3 w(ic)=w(ic)+ww strain(ic)=strain(ic)+ww*cl%strain(i) enddo enddo if (np.gt.0) then allocate (done(os%nnode),stat=err) ; if (err.ne.0) call stop_run ('Error alloc done in update_cloud$') nisolated=0 done=0 do i=1,os%nnode if (w(i).gt.0.d0) then os%strain(i)=strain(i)/w(i) else done(i)=1 nisolated=nisolated+1 endif enddo if (iproc.eq.0) write (8,*) 'There were ',nisolated,' octree nodes' 111 continue strain=0.d0 w=0.d0 do ie=1,os%nleaves do k=1,8 ic=os%icon(k,ie) if (done(ic).eq.1) then do kk=1,8 jc=os%icon(kk,ie) if (done(jc).eq.0) then ww=1.d0/dxyz**3 w(ic)=w(ic)+ww strain(ic)=strain(ic)+os%strain(jc)*ww endif enddo endif enddo enddo ntodo=0 do i=1,os%nnode if (done(i).eq.1) then if (w(i).gt.0.d0) then done(i)=0 os%strain(i)=strain(i)/w(i) else ntodo=ntodo+1 endif endif enddo if (iproc.eq.0) write (8,*) ntodo,' Isolated left ' if (ntodo.ne.0) goto 111 deallocate (done) endif deallocate (strain) deallocate (w) ! now calculate the field value at the new (injected points) straininject=0.d0 x0inject=0.d0 y0inject=0.d0 z0inject=0.d0 do i=1,ninject call octree_find_leaf (os%octree,os%noctree,xinject(i),yinject(i),zinject(i), & leaf,level,locc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) r=(xinject(i)-x0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 s=(yinject(i)-y0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 t=(zinject(i)-z0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 h(1)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(2)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(3)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(4)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(5)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(6)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(7)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(8)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 do k=1,8 straininject(i)=straininject(i)+os%strain(os%icon(k,leaf))*h(k) x0inject(i)=x0inject(i)+os%x(os%icon(k,leaf))*h(k) y0inject(i)=y0inject(i)+os%y(os%icon(k,leaf))*h(k) z0inject(i)=z0inject(i)+os%z(os%icon(k,leaf))*h(k) enddo enddo ! modify the particle cloud for removal/injection of particles nremovep=0 do i=1,np if (remove(i).eq.1) then nremovep=nremovep+1 else cl%x(i-nremovep)=cl%x(i) cl%y(i-nremovep)=cl%y(i) cl%z(i-nremovep)=cl%z(i) cl%x0(i-nremovep)=cl%x0(i) cl%y0(i-nremovep)=cl%y0(i) cl%z0(i-nremovep)=cl%z0(i) cl%strain(i-nremovep)=cl%strain(i) cl%lsf0(i-nremovep)=cl%lsf0(i) cl%temp(i-nremovep)=cl%temp(i) cl%press(i-nremovep)=cl%press(i) cl%tag(i-nremovep)=cl%tag(i) endif enddo if (nremovep.ne.nremove) call stop_run ('error in update_cloud/remove$') np=np-nremovep do i=1,ninject np=np+1 cl%x(np)=xinject(i) cl%y(np)=yinject(i) cl%z(np)=zinject(i) cl%x0(np)=x0inject(i) cl%y0(np)=y0inject(i) cl%z0(np)=z0inject(i) cl%strain(np)=straininject(i) cl%lsf0(np)=0.d0 cl%temp(np)=0.d0 cl%press(np)=0.d0 cl%ntag=cl%ntag+1 cl%tag(np)=cl%ntag enddo ! in first step, we set the original particle positions to their ! current position if (cl%np.eq.0) then do i=1,np cl%x0(i)=cl%x(i) cl%y0(i)=cl%y(i) cl%z0(i)=cl%z(i) cl%strain(i)=0.d0 cl%temp(i)=0.d0 cl%press(i)=0.d0 cl%lsf0(i)=0.d0 cl%tag(i)=i enddo cl%ntag=np endif cl%np=np deallocate (xinject) deallocate (yinject) deallocate (zinject) deallocate (straininject) deallocate (x0inject,y0inject,z0inject) deallocate (loc) deallocate (nloc) deallocate (ntot) deallocate (remove) deallocate (lev) if (iproc.eq.0) then write (8,*) 'Strain on osolve ',minval(os%strain),maxval(os%strain) write (8,*) cl%np,' particles in 3D cloud' end if return end !------------------------------------------------------------------------------| !------------------------------------------------------------------------------|