subroutine octree_interpolate_three(nf,octree,noctree,icon,nleaves,nfield,x,y,z, & field1,f1,field2,f2,field3,f3) ! octree_interpolate_many specialized for 3 ! optional parameters removed. ! Author: Douglas Guptill ! Date: 2009-07-19 ! This function returns the value of three fields (fieldi) known at the nodes ! of an octree by trilinear interpolation ! nf is the number of fields being interpolate (must be 3) ! icon is the connectivity matrix ! nleaves is the number of leaves in the octree ! fieldi are the arrays of dimension nfield containing the fields ! known at the nodes of the octree and to be interpolated ! x,y,z are the location of the point where the fields are to be interpolated ! fi are the resulting interpolated fields implicit none integer noctree,octree(noctree),nleaves,icon(8,nleaves) integer nfield,nf double precision field1(nfield),field2(nfield),field3(nfield) double precision f1,f2,f3 double precision x,y,z,x0,y0,z0,dxyz,r,s,t,h(8),phi,xt,yt,zt integer leaf,level,loc,k,iii,jjj,kkk,ii ! function modified by JEAN BRAUN on September 26 2005 ! to correct for an error in the logics that led to an interpolation ! from an octree to another identical octree with differences in the ! interpolated function. The reason for this problem was related to ! bad faces or hanging nodes. Indeed, for a hanging node it was very likely ! that the leaf that was detected as the loeaf in which the node resides ! was in fact a leave where the node was a hanging node (ie not one of the ! 4 corner nodes). This meant that the interpolated value was not equal ! to the "constrained" value imposed by the linear constraint at the ! hanging node. To correct for this we first check if the node can ! be interpolated with r,s,t values that are equal to 1 or -1. If this is ! true than this value is chosen as this would correspond to a nodal value xt=x yt=y zt=z if ( .or. return if ( .or. return if ( .or. return if ( xt=1.e-11 if ( xt=1.d0-1.d-11 if ( yt=1.e-11 if ( yt=1.d0-1.d-11 if ( zt=1.e-11 if ( zt=1.d0-1.d-11 if ( write(*,*) 'error: octree_interpolate_three, nf = ', nf do kkk=-1,1,2 do jjj=-1,1,2 do iii=-1,1,2 xt=x+iii*1.d-10 yt=y+jjj*1.d-10 zt=z+kkk*1.d-10 if (xt*(xt-1.d0).ge.0d0 .or. & yt*(yt-1.d0).ge.0d0 .or. & zt*(zt-1.d0).ge.0d0) goto 111 call octree_find_leaf (octree,noctree,xt,yt,zt,leaf,level,loc,x0,y0,z0,dxyz) r=(x-x0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 s=(y-y0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 t=(z-z0)/dxyz*2.d0-1.d0 h(1)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(2)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(3)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(4)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0-t)/8.d0 h(5)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(6)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0-s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(7)=(1.d0-r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 h(8)=(1.d0+r)*(1.d0+s)*(1.d0+t)/8.d0 phi=0.d0 do k=1,8 phi=phi+h(k)*field1(icon(k,leaf)) enddo f1=phi if (nf.eq.1) goto 222 phi=0.d0 do k=1,8 phi=phi+h(k)*field2(icon(k,leaf)) enddo f2=phi if (nf.eq.2) goto 222 phi=0.d0 do k=1,8 phi=phi+h(k)*field3(icon(k,leaf)) enddo f3=phi if (nf.eq.3) goto 222 222 continue !if (abs(r)-1.d0+abs(s)-1.d0+abs(t) return if (abs(abs(r)-1.d0).lt.1.d-10 .and. & abs(abs(s)-1.d0).lt.1.d-10 .and. & abs(abs(t)-1.d0).lt.1.d-10) return 111 continue enddo enddo enddo return end