From fa4a757ed97d1731d40c48e44ecb57524868a7ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Douglas Guptill <>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 16:04:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] tweaks

 Makefile      | 15 ++++-----
 Makefile.p690 | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4d7fd7f1..addf60ab 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 include Makefile.p690
 module_threads.o \
@@ -73,20 +74,20 @@ DOUAR.o \
 write_global_output.o vrm.o
-all: $(NAME)$(BITS)
-$(NAME)$(BITS): subdirs $(OBJECTS)
-	$(F90) $(FLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) -o $(NAME)$(BITS) \
- >$(NAME)$(BITS).link 2>&1
+all: $(BIN)
+$(BIN): subdirs $(OBJECTS)
+	$(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(OPTIONS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) -o $(BIN) \
+ >$(BIN).link 2>&1
 	echo "--"
 	echo "compiler output...."
 	more $(COMPILE_OUT)
 	echo "--"
 	echo "linker output...."
-	more $(NAME)$(BITS).link
+	more $(BIN).link
 .PHONY: install
-	mv -f $(NAME)$(BITS) bin
+	mv -f $(BIN) bin
 	cd CASCADE;   make all
@@ -109,5 +110,5 @@ clean: objclean
 	cd NN;        make $@
 	cd OCTREE;    make $@
 	cd RESAMPLE;  make $@
-	rm -f $(NAME)$(BITS) $(NAME)$(BITS).link
+	rm -f $(BIN) $(BIN).link
diff --git a/Makefile.p690 b/Makefile.p690
index 20e134db..5a28ff14 100644
--- a/Makefile.p690
+++ b/Makefile.p690
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
-# Define our compilers
+# Define our compilers.................................
 F90    = mpxlf90_r
 F77    = mpxlf_r
-CC     =  mpcc_r
+CC     = mpcc_r
-X11    = /usr/lpp/X11
+# wsmp lives here.
 WSMP_DIR   = /home/beaumnt1/software/wsmp/lib/Power4
-# for 32 bit compile
+# for 32 bit compile..................................
 OPTIONS = -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -bhalt:0 -bnoquiet
 PGPLOT = /home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2
 WSMP_LIB = -L$(WSMP_DIR) -lpwsmp
-# for 64 bit compile
+# for 64 bit compile..................................
 AR=ar -X 64
 OPTIONS = -b 64 -bmaxdata:0x80000000 -bhalt:0 -bnoquiet
@@ -22,65 +25,75 @@ PGPLOT = /home/beaumnt1/software/pgplot-5.2.2-q64
 WSMP_LIB = -L$(WSMP_DIR) -lpwsmp64
-# Define FORTRAN compiler flags
+# Define FORTRAN compiler flags.......................
 # I would like to add -u here, but Wow!  Just try it.
 # FLAGS  = -O3 -qstrict -Q -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qfloat=nomaf:nofold
 # Trouble on the p690; time to get serious.
-# douar bombs quickly; removing inexact
-# Signal generated for floating-point exception:
-#      FP inexact
-# So we'll take that one out.
-# -qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:inexact:enable 
+# douar bombs quickly; removing qflttrap=inexact
+# -qport options might be worth looking at later
+# -qwarn64 casues interesting messages in NN
+# for xlf 8.1
+# -qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:enable 
+# for xlf 10.1
+# -qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:NANQ:enable 
 # take -qextchk out for the final compile
-FLAGS  = -O2 -qmaxmem=-1 -qstrict -Q $(BITS)  -qarch=pwr4 -qtune=pwr4 \
+FFLAGS  = -g -O2 -qstrict -Q $(BITS)  -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qmaxmem=-1 \
+-qcheck -qwarn64 \
 -qfloat=nomaf:nofold:norsqrt:strictnmaf \
--qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:enable \
+-qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:NANQ:enable \
 -qsigtrap \
 -qhalt=s -qextchk
-# Define C compiler flags
+# Define C compiler flags.............................
 # take -qextchk out for the final compile
-CFLAGS  = -O2 -qstrict -Q $(BITS)  -qarch=pwr4 -qtune=pwr4 \
+CFLAGS  = -g -O2 -qstrict -Q $(BITS)  -qarch=auto -qtune=auto \
+-qcheck -qwarn64 \
 -qfloat=nomaf:nofold:norsqrt \
--qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:enable \
+-qflttrap=overflow:underflow:zerodivide:invalid:NANQ:enable \
 -qhalt=e -qextchk
-# libs removed on p690...
-# -lacml
-LIBS = \
--LOCTREE -lOctree$(BITS) \
--LNN -lnn$(BITS) \
--LCASCADE -lcascade$(BITS) \
--LRESAMPLE -lresample$(BITS) \
-$(WSMP_LIB) \
--L$(X11) -lX11 \
--L$(PGPLOT) -lpgplot \
-# compile rules
+# compile rules.......................................
 .SUFFIXES: .o .c .f .f90
-	@echo "--"                                               >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	@echo "xlf is `which xlf`"                               >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	@echo "$(F90) -qsuffix=f=f90 $(FLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $<"  >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	$(F90) -qsuffix=f=f90 $(FLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $<          >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "--"                                    >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "xlf is `which xlf`"                    >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "$(F90) -qsuffix=f=f90 $(FFLAGS) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	$(F90) -qsuffix=f=f90 $(FFLAGS) -c $<         >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
 	@echo "--"                                   >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
 	@echo "xlf is `which xlf`"                   >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	@echo "$(F77) -qsuffix=f=f $(FLAGS) -c $<"   >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	$(F77) -qsuffix=f=f $(FLAGS) -c $<           >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "$(F77) -qsuffix=f=f $(FFLAGS) -c $<"  >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	$(F77) -qsuffix=f=f $(FFLAGS) -c $<          >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
 	@echo "--"                     >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
-	@echo "cc is `which cc`"       >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
 	@echo "$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<"  >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<          >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+# Libraries................
+# libs removed on p690...
+# -lacml
+# -lpthread 
+LIBS = \
+-LOCTREE -lOctree$(BITS) \
+-LCASCADE -lcascade$(BITS) \
+-LRESAMPLE -lresample$(BITS) \
+-LNN -lnn$(BITS) \
+$(WSMP_LIB) \
+-L$(PGPLOT) -lpgplot \
+-L/usr/lpp/X11 -lX11