diff --git a/src/Makefile.inc.geodyncomp b/src/Makefile.inc.geodyncomp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66ffe167e517f291c1300dac1c782599ced22c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.inc.geodyncomp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Define our compilers.................................
+# on geodyncomp, the defaults are OpenMPI (1.4.3), 
+# built with the GNU compilers
+F90 = mpif90
+F77 = mpif90
+cc  = mpicc
+# we take the standard ar
+# There are no BITS
+# no MKL
+# IMKL = /scinet/gpc/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/mkl/include
+# IMKL = /scinet/gpc/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/include
+# Define FORTRAN compiler flags.......................
+# Define C compiler flags.............................
+# no Intel MKL library
+# LMKL = /scinet/gpc/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/mkl/lib
+# LMKL = /scinet/gpc/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib
+# MPI libraries
+# (use the default)
+# WSMP Library
+# WSMP = /home/dwhipp/software/wsmp/wsmp-Linux64/lib/Intel
+# WSMP = /home/dwhipp/software/wsmp/wsmp-Linux64-MPI2
+# WSMP = /home/dwhipp/software/wsmp/wsmp-Linux64-IMPI
+WSMP = -L/opt/wsmp/wsmp-Linux64/lib/GNU/openmpi -lpwsmp64
+# Not using Google's TCMalloc
+# TCML   = /home/dwhipp/software/tcml
+LIBS = \
+ -LOCTREE -lOctree$(BITS) \
+ -LNN -lnn_f$(BITS) \
+ -LNN -lnn_c$(BITS) \
+ -LCASCADE -lcascade$(BITS) \
+ -LRESAMPLE -lresample$(BITS) \
+ $(WSMP) -lpthread
+# The Makefiles look at compile output with this
+# compile rules.......................................
+.SUFFIXES: .o .c .f .f90
+	@echo "--"                                   >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "$(F90) $(F90FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	$(F90) $(F90FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<         >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "--"                                   >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<" >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	$(F77) $(F77FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $<         >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "--"                                 >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	@echo "$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<"              >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<                      >>$(COMPILE_OUT) 2>&1
diff --git a/src/define_bc_2011-01-21.f90 b/src/define_bc_2011-01-21.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0600ddd9a714c3578174dea3084aa51d31957b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/define_bc_2011-01-21.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         | 
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!                                                                              |
+!              DEFINE_BC   Feb. 2009                                           |
+!                                                                              |
+subroutine define_bc (params,osolve,vo,zi) 
+!((((((((((((((((  Purpose of the routine  )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
+! this routine assigns the boundary condition for the Tibet experiment
+!((((((((((((((((  declaration of the subroutine arguments  ))))))))))))))))))))
+use definitions
+implicit none
+type (parameters) params
+type (octreesolve) osolve
+type (void) vo
+type (ziso) zi
+!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables )))))))))))))
+integer i,iproc,nproc,ierr
+double precision eps,lsf0,pi,lorig,h,x1,x2,phi,spu,spv,yend,cper,cscl,xstart
+double precision ystart,theta,l,vin,vzfluxscl,cntvel,dxy,xend,xsym,ymax,xwidth
+double precision ywidth
+double precision,dimension(:),allocatable :: x0,ldisp
+integer ie,ij,j,jp,nelemx,nelemz
+logical firstcall
+INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
+call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr)
+call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr)
+select case(trim(params%infile))
+   do i=1,osolve%nnode
+     if (osolve%x(i).lt.eps) then
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     if (osolve%x(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     if (osolve%y(i).lt.eps) then
+!       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+!       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     if (osolve%y(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
+!       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+!       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     if (osolve%z(i).lt.eps) then
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfixt(i)=1
+       osolve%temp(i)=1.d0
+     endif
+     if (osolve%z(i).gt.1.d0-eps) then
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1)=1 ; osolve%u(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3)=1 ; osolve%w(i)=0.d0
+       osolve%kfixt(i)=1
+       osolve%temp(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     if (.not.vo%influid(i)) then
+       osolve%kfixt(i)=1
+       osolve%temp(i)=0.d0
+     endif
+     ! Set velocity B/C everywhere to disallow flow in the y-direction
+     osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2)=1 ; osolve%v(i)=0.d0
+   enddo
+case ('input.jgr')
+   call define_bc_jgr (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.sphere')
+   call define_bc_sphere (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.3Dpunch')
+   call define_bc_3Dpunch (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.2Dpunch')
+   call define_bc_2Dpunch (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.2Dpunch_vert')
+   call define_bc_2Dpunch_vert (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.folding')
+   call define_bc_folding (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.pipo')
+   call define_bc_pipo (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.ritske')
+   call define_bc_ritske (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.ritske_isurf')
+   call define_bc_ritske_isurf (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.subduction')
+   call define_bc_subduction (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.riedel')
+   call define_bc_riedel (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case ('input.parallipipede')
+   call define_bc_parallipipede (osolve%nnode,osolve%kfix,osolve%kfixt,osolve%x,osolve%y,osolve%z,osolve%u,osolve%v,osolve%w,osolve%temp,vo) 
+case default
+   if (iproc.eq.0) print *,params%infile
+   call stop_run (' pb with input file in define_bc.f90')
+end select
+! here we need to impose that the bc satisfy the bad faces constrains
+do ie=1,osolve%nface
+  do j=1,4
+  jp=1+mod(j,4)
+  i=osolve%iface(j+4,ie)
+  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=(osolve%u(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%u(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=(osolve%v(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%v(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=(osolve%w(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%w(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+  if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(j,ie))+osolve%temp(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+  enddo
+if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=sum(osolve%u(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=sum(osolve%v(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=sum(osolve%w(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=sum(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+if (params%debug==2) call output_bc (osolve)
diff --git a/src/input.2011-01-21.txt b/src/input.2011-01-21.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..380aa4a4f080a2bf5121470b311b73a5ef7e0e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/input.2011-01-21.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         |
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!              Input File                                                      |
+This file is read by two subroutines in the code:
+- read_controlling_parameters
+- read_input_file
+The indications between [] indicate the type of the read parameter. It can be
+an integer [int], a real*8 [dp], a character chain [char] or a boolean [bool].
+[int]debug is a parameter that switches on/off various prints and outputs
+(the level of printing for error, warning and messages of the solver id%cntl(4)
+is set to the debug value).
+if debug is zero, no debugging 
+if debug is equal to one, this triggers the terminal display of some key
+if debug is equal to two, same as debug equal to one, and the code produces
+various vtk files in the DEBUG subdirectories (surfaces, olsf, ...), as well as
+cross sections for all nonlinear iterations. Careful, memory consuming!
+      debug = 1
+[bool]doDoRuRe is a flag that triggers the production of output files needed to
+produce the DoRuRes. DoRuRe stands for 'Douar Run Report'. 
+       doDoRuRe = F
+[bool]compute_qp_gram triggers the production of qpgrams for every grid.
+      compute_qpgram = F
+[bool]compute_reaction_forces toggles on/off the reaction forces computations.
+      compute_reaction_forces = F
+[int]irestart is a restart flag; if irestart is not 0, the run will restart from
+an output file given by [char]restartfile and at step.
+      irestart=0
+      restartfile=OUT/time_0000.bin
+[dp]dt is the time step length (if dt is negative, courant conidition is used
+and automatic time stepping is turned on)
+      dt=1.07d-1
+[int]nstep is the number of time steps
+      nstep = 50
+[dp]courant is only used when dt is negative; it determines the size of the time
+step from the maximum value of the velocity field amplitude. The time step s
+the product of courant by the ratio of the smallest leaf size by the maximum
+      courant=.5d0
+[bool]normaladvect is a flag used to determine which algorithm to use to
+calculate the new geoletry of the normals to the surfaces at the nodes on the
+if normaladvect is T, the normals are advected using the velocity gradient
+if normaladvect is F, the normals are re-computed from the geometry of the
+      normaladvect = T
+[int]griditer is a flag that allows for nonlinear iterations; when positive, a
+fixed number (griditer) of iterations is permitted; when negative, the number of
+nonlinear iterations is determined by a convergence criterion.
+      griditer = -100
+[dp]octree_refine_ratio is the threshold value used to determine whether the
+octree has converged or not. the larger the value, the less stringent the test.
+      octree_refine_ratio=.025d0
+[int]nonlinear_iterations is the maximum number of nonlinear iterations (i.e.
+the iterations on a given constant grid)
+if nonlinear_iterations is positive, it simply is the number of nonlinear
+iterations performed for each grid. When negative it indicates an upper bound
+of nonlinear iterations, but the actual number of nonlinear iterations is
+determined by a convergence criterion (see the 'tol' parameter)
+      nonlinear_iterations = 30 
+[dp]tol is the relative tolerance used to estimate convergence on the computed
+velocity field
+      tol=0.01d0
+[bool]adaptive_tol is a flag that toggles on/off the evolution of the tol
+parameter with the grid level: when velocity convergence is reached on a grid,
+the latest meaure of the velocity difference between the two last obtained
+solutions is put in tol, so that on the following generated grid, the solution
+reaches at least the same level of convergence. It allows to start with a not
+too stringent value of tol at uniform octree level that evolves with every
+grid, assuming that increasing the level of refinement of the octree allows to
+better capture the solution, hence allowing a tighter convergence. 
+      adaptive_tol = F
+[int]leveluniform_oct is the level of uniform discretization of space; note that
+a level is a power of two used to divide the unit cube
+      leveluniform_oct = 6
+[int]levelmax_oct is maximum level of octree discretization
+      levelmax_oct = 7
+[double]vex is the vertical exaggeration scaling factor that allows for
+variable aspect ratio elements. The value should range between 0-1, which
+will be multiplied by the vertical scale of the model domain. For example, a
+value of 0.25 would correspond to a model of dimensions 1x1x0.25, where the
+elements are 1/4 as tall as they are wide.
+      vex = 0.2d0
+[bool]ismooth is a flag to impose an additional level of smoothing after
+refinement for the surfaces and strain rate. It ensures that no leaf is flanked
+by other leaves differing by more than 1 level of refinement
+      ismooth = F
+[int]noctreemax is the maximum size of any octree used in all computations
+      noctreemax=10000000
+[dp]refine_ratio is used to determine octree refinement based on a given
+criterion. All leaves where the criterion is larger than refine_ratio times the
+maximum of this criterion are refined 
+      refine_ratio=-5500
+[int]refine_criterion determines which refinement algorithm is to be used.
+Several criteria exist for the refinement of the osolve octree. 1 is the second 
+invariant of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 2 is the sum of the squares of
+the diagonal terms of the deviatoric strain-rate tensor; 3 is the second
+invariant of the deviatoric strain rate tensor timses the leaf size. any other
+value sets the criterion to zero and leads to no refinement. 
+      refine_criterion=0
+[int]initial_refine_level is the initial level at which the refinement of the
+octree will be performed. it has to be smaller than levelmax_oct
+this should be used (different from levelmax_oct) in case the flow is very 
+localized (nonlinear/plastic analysis)
+      initial_refine_level = 7
+[bool]renumber_nodes is a flag that can toggle on/off the renumbering of the
+nodes by mean of Sloan's algorithm (T/F)
+      renumber_nodes = T
+[int]smoothing_type is a parameter allows to choose which type of smoothing is
+to be applied to the pressure field: 0 is none, 1 is center->nodes->center, 2 is
+the same, but weighted by neighbouring elemental volumes, 3 is regular grid+SPH,
+and 4 is SPH.  
+      smoothing_type = 1
+[int]npmin and [int]npmax are used to update the 3D volumetric cloud. npmin
+corresponds to the minimum number of particles in any leaf; npmax is the maximum
+allowable number in any leaf
+      npmin=1
+      npmax=4
+[int]matrule determines the rule used to assign material properties to
+elements that are cut by a surface. The default value (0) will use divFEM to
+determine the element properties. A value of 1 will assign the properties of
+the material that occupies the majority of the element, whereas a value of 2
+will assign the properties of the volumetric minority of the element. NOTE:
+divFEM is always used for any element containing void material.
+      matrule=1
+[int]levelcut is the number of levels used to estimate the volume integrals in
+the divFEM algorithmi for cut cells; by testing, it has been estimated that a
+value of 2 is very accurate
+      levelcut=2
+[int]levelapprox is the number of levels used to estimate the remaining
+integrals using an improved version of Marthijn's clever algorithm, usually 3 is
+      levelapprox=3
+[dp]penalty is a global penalty parameter used to impose the bad faces or
+incompatible faces linear constraints
+      penalty=1.d8
+[bool]excl_vol is a parameter that toggles off the assumption that lsf's are
+built on top of one another
+      excl_vol = F 
+[dp] ztemp is the height interval between which a linear temperature gradient is
+set: the temperature is 1 at the bottom, and 0 at ztemp.
+[dp] tempscale
+      calculate_temp = F
+      ztemp = .026564d0
+      tempscale=100.d0
+      isostasy = F
+      flexure = F
+      isobc = F
+[int]nmat is number of materials
+      nmat=2
+[int]material0 determines what is the material above the 1st surface (the free
+surface) if material0 is 0 then it is the void and the properties "0" are used
+for that part of the model; otherwise the material is one of the material,
+comprised between 1 and nmat
+      material0 = 0
+[bool]bulkvisc determines whether the user will input a material penalty value
+that scales with the shear viscosity or whether an independent bulk viscosity
+will be listed. If true, the values listed for [dp]penaltyi below should be
+bulk viscosity values for each material. Otherwise, the listed penalty value
+will be multiplied by the shear viscosity to enforce the incompressibility
+      bulkvisc = F
+[bool]init_e2d determines whether an initial e2d value will be used to put
+plastic materials on yield in the first time step, or whether the standard
+initial material viscosity will be used. If true, an initial e2d value will be
+used to ensure plastic materials behave as desired.
+      init_e2d = T
+[dp]e2d0 is the initial strain rate value to use if init_e2d is true. This
+value will be used in only the first nonlinear iteration of the first time
+step and should be in scaled DOUAR units.
+      e2d0 = 5.d-4
+[dp]densityi, [dp]viscosityi and [dp]penaltyi are the density, viscosity and
+incompressibility used for material i; there should be nmat sets of material
+properties; there should also be a nil material if material0 has been set to 0
+[dp]expon is the nonlinear viscosity exponent
+[dp]diffusivity is the heat diffusivity
+[dp]heat is the heat production
+[char]plasticity_type is the type of plasticity
+- No    -> no plasticity, purely (nonlinear) viscous material
+- vM    -> von Mises yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the yield strength
+- DPI-IV-> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion
+  DPI   -> the yield locus passes through the inner apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+           hexagon
+  DPII  -> the yield locus passes through the outer apices of the Mohr-Coulomb
+           hexagon
+  DPIII -> The average case, intermediate to DPI and DPII
+  DPIV  -> Plane strain Drucker-Prager formulation
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+        -> [dp]plasticity_3rd_param is the accumulated strain minimum, beyond
+           which phi is modified
+        -> [dp]plasticity_4th_param is the accumulated strain maximum, beyond
+           which phi is set to the value in plasticity_5th_param
+        -> [dp]plasticity_5th_param is the final phi value, if modified
+- DPV   -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion that does not calculate the
+           values of alpha and k from phi and c. They are specified here. Note
+           that strain softening cannot be used for this DP type.
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is alpha
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is k
+- DPVI  -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion that uses the equation below
+           sigma_y = pressure * tan(phi) + c
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+        -> [dp]plasticity_3rd_param is the accumulated strain minimum, beyond
+           which phi is modified
+        -> [dp]plasticity_4th_param is the accumulated strain maximum, beyond
+           which phi is set to the value in plasticity_5th_param
+        -> [dp]plasticity_5th_param is the final phi value, if modified
+- DPVII -> Drucker-Prager type of yield criterion that uses the same 2D
+           formulation that is used in Sopale
+           (sigma_y = pressure*sin(phi) + c*cos(phi))
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+        -> [dp]plasticity_3rd_param is the accumulated strain minimum, beyond
+           which phi is modified
+        -> [dp]plasticity_4th_param is the accumulated strain maximum, beyond
+           which phi is set to the value in plasticity_5th_param
+        -> [dp]plasticity_5th_param is the final phi value, if modified
+- MC    -> Mohr-Coulomb type of yield criterion
+        -> [dp]plasticity_1st_param is the angle phi
+        -> [dp]plasticity_2nd_param is the cohesion c
+        -> [dp]plasticity_3rd_param is the accumulated strain minimum, beyond
+           which phi is modified
+        -> [dp]plasticity_4th_param is the accumulated strain maximum, beyond
+           which phi is set to the value in plasticity_5th_param
+        -> [dp]plasticity_5th_param is the final phi value, if modified
+      density0              = 0.d0
+      viscosity0            = 1.d-5
+      penalty0              = 1.d8
+      expon0                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity0          = 1.d0
+      heat0                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy0     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type0      = No
+      density1              = -1.d0
+      viscosity1            = 1.d5
+      penalty1              = 1.d8
+      expon1                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity1          = 5.98d-4
+      heat1                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy1     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type1      = DPVII
+      plasticity_1st_param1 = 20.d0
+      plasticity_2nd_param1 = 0.d0
+      plasticity_3rd_param1 = 0.5d0
+      plasticity_4th_param1 = 1.5d0
+      plasticity_5th_param1 = 20.d0
+      density2              = -.935d0
+      viscosity2            = 1.d-3
+      penalty2              = 1.d8
+      expon2                = 1.d0
+      diffusivity2          = 1.20d-3
+      heat2                 = 0.d0
+      activationenergy2     = 0.d0
+      plasticity_type2      = No
+[dp]viscositymin and viscositymax are bounds on the viscosity (if negative bound
+is not imposed) These bounds are introduced to prevent the viscosity to reach
+unrealistic values, especially when using non-linear (power-law or brittle)
+      viscositymin=1.d-4
+      viscositymax=1.d7
+[int]ns is number of surfaces to track
+      ns=2
+for each surface, one needs to define a levelt, itype, material, surface_type,
+activation_time and surface_params.
+- [int]levelt is the inital level for the particles on the surface; to be
+  accurate and avoid holes in the surface during definition of the lsf, one
+  should use levelt eq to levelmax_oct+1 for all surfaces as a minimum value; 
+- [int]itype should be 1 for foldable surfaces or 0 for nonfoldable surfaces; 
+- [int]material is the material type refering to the table of material available
+  (max nmat);
+- [dp]activation_time is the time the surface becomes active (before that time,
+  it is glued to the 0th surface). this parameter is useful when defining
+  stratigraphic horizons; default is -1, ie the surface is not glued to the free
+  surface
+- [int]surface_type is comprised between 1 and 8. 
+  1 corresponds to  a flat surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+  2 to a rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+  3 to a convex spherical emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  4 to concave spherical emboss,
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x0,y0 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the radius 
+  5 to a double rectangular emboss, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are x3,x4 
+    -> surface_param_06 and 07 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_08 and 09 are y3,y4 
+    -> surface_param_10 is the thickness 
+  6 to a sinus, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the amplitude 
+  7 to a noisy surface, 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the noise amplitude
+  8 to a double sinus.
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 is the x-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_03 is the x-amplitude 
+    -> surface_param_04 is the y-wavelength 
+    -> surface_param_05 is the y-amplitude
+  12 for a rectangular emboss with defined margin slope 
+    -> surface_param_01 is the z level
+    -> surface_param_02 and 03 are x1,x2 
+    -> surface_param_04 and 05 are y1,y2 
+    -> surface_param_06 is the thickness 
+    -> surface_param_07 is the slope in degrees
+    - [int]leveloct is the level at which the octree will be refined in the vicinity
+  of the surface.
+      levelt1             = 8
+      itype1              = 0
+      surface_type_1      = 12
+      rand1               = F
+      surface_param_01_1  = 0.01289d0
+      surface_param_02_1  = -0.5d0
+      surface_param_03_1  = 0.5d0
+      surface_param_04_1  = -1.d0
+      surface_param_05_1  = 2.d0
+      surface_param_06_1  = -0.01289d0
+      surface_param_07_1  = 1.47676d0
+      material1           = 1
+      activation_time_1   = -1. 
+      leveloct1           = 7
+      stretch1            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax1           = 180.d0
+      criterion1          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree1     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points1 = 1
+      levelt2             = 8
+      itype2              = 0
+      surface_type_2      = 12
+      rand2               = F
+      surface_param_01_2  = 0.d0
+      surface_param_02_2  = 0.0625d0
+      surface_param_03_2  = 0.9375d0
+      surface_param_04_2  = -1.d0
+      surface_param_05_2  = 2.d0
+      surface_param_06_2  = -0.01289d0
+      surface_param_07_2  = 87.5d0
+      material2           = 2
+      activation_time_2   = -1.
+      leveloct2           = 7
+      stretch2            = 1.5d0
+      anglemax2           = 180.d0
+      criterion2          = 1
+      anglemaxoctree2     = 180.d0
+      spread_surface_points2 = 0
+[int]niter_move is the number of iterations used to update particle positions
+using an implicit, mid-point algorithm (default is 10)
+      niter_move = 10
+[dp]stretch is the maximum allowed increase in linear length between two
+initially adjacent particles on any surface; when this stretch is achieved, a
+new particle is inserted on the surface, half-way along the stretched edge
+      stretch = 1.5d0
+[dp]anglemax is the maximum allowed angle between two adjacent normals
+when the angle is reached a new point is inserted beteen the two points to
+reduce the angle between the two normals
+      anglemax=180.d0
+[int]criterion is criterion used to define the octree in the vicinity of the
+sufaces; criterion 1 corresponds to imposing that all leaves that are cut by any
+of the surfaces must be at level levelmax_oct; criterion 2 corresponds to
+imposing that discretization is proportional to the curvature of the surface;
+curvature is calculated from the local divergence of the normals. criterion 3
+corresponds to imposing that all leaves that contain at least one particle of
+any surface is at levelmax_oct; 
+      criterion = 2
+[dp]anglemaxoctree is only defined for criterion 2; t is the maximum allowable
+angle between two adjacent normals; if the angle is greater than anglemaxoctree,
+the local octree leaves are forced to be at level levelmax_oct; otherwise they
+are proportionally larger (smaller levels) (default is 10)
+     anglemaxoctree = 10.d0
+[int]nboxes is the number of boxes in which the user imposes a set level of
+      nboxes = 1
+for each box we need to specify the two end corners and the level
+the syntax is [dp]boxnx0, [dp]boxnx1, [dp]boxny0, [dp]boxny1, [dp]boxnz0,
+[dp]boxnz1 and boxnlevel where n is the box number
+      box1x0=0.d0
+      box1x1=1.d0
+      box1y0=0.d0
+      box1y1=1.d0
+      box1z0=0.d0
+      box1z1=.03d0
+      box1level=7
+      box2x0=0.d0
+      box2x1=.75d0
+      box2y0=.4d0 
+      box2y1=.6d0
+      box2z0=.05d0
+      box2z1=.25d0
+      box2level=7
+      box3x0=0.d0
+      box3x1=1.d0
+      box3y0=0.d0
+      box3y1=1.d0
+      box3z0=0.d0
+      box3z1=.001d0
+      box3level=6
+      box4x0=.4875d0
+      box4x1=.5125d0
+      box4y0=.4875d0
+      box4y1=.5125d0
+      box4z0=.0d0
+      box4z1=1.d0
+      box4level=9
+[bool]ref_on_faces toggles on/off the user imposed refinement on faces.
+For each of the six faces of the cube, on defines the level at which the
+desired area is to be refined. this area is given by bottom, top, left and
+right coordinates that are comprised between 0 and 1
+faces 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively correspond to x=0,x=1,y=0,y=1,z=0,z=1
+      ref_on_faces = F
+      level_face1=5
+      b1=.02
+      t1=.51
+      l1=.11
+      r1=.81
+      level_face2=5
+      b2=.45
+      t2=.55
+      l2=.46
+      r2=.56
+      level_face3=5
+      b3=.0
+      t3=.2
+      l3=.3
+      r3=.7
+      level_face4=5
+      b4=.4
+      t4=.5
+      l4=.14
+      r4=.4
+      level_face5=6
+      b5=0.
+      t5=1.
+      l5=0.
+      r5=0.75
+      level_face6=5
+      b6=.26
+      t6=.56
+      l6=.16
+      r6=.86
+[bool]erosion is a flag that toggles on/off the erosion. 
+      erosion = F
+if erosion is on, one also needs to set the erosion level/height, [dp]zerosion
+Note that this is a first attempt at erosion; in future versions, DOUAR
+should be easily linked to a surface processes model like CASCADE
+      zerosion=.0428d0
+If erosion is on, one also needs to define a length scale and a velocity scale
+to properly translate the uplift rate produced by DOUAR into something that is
+adequate for CASCADE; 
+[dp]length_scale is the scale of the unit model in km 
+[dp]velocity_scale is the velocity scale in km/Myr. 
+if length_scale is negative, erosion is assumed to be perfect (no call to
+CASCADE is needed)
+      length_scale=-600.d0
+      velocity_scale=50.d0
+One then needs to define the erosion constants in CASCADE
+[dp]fluvial_erosion is the fluvial erosion constant in 1/m^2
+[dp]diffusion_erosion is the diffusion erosion constant in m^2/yr
+(4d-2 32d-2)
+      fluvial_erosion=4.d-2
+      diffusion_erosion=32.d-2
+One finally needs to specify the boundary conditions for CASCADE
+if [int]baselevelx0 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevelx1 is set to 1 then the boundary at x=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely0 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=0 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+if [int]baselevely1 is set to 1 then the boundary at y=1 is set at baselevel
+(water and sediment exit)
+      baselevelx0=1
+      baselevelx1=1
+      baselevely0=0
+      baselevely1=1
+[bool]visualise_matrix allows the user to turn on the visual representation of
+the matrices used in the code. Be careful, the generated postscript files are
+      visualise_matrix = F
+[int]nsections is the number of cross-sections to be output. [dp]scale is the
+scale used to produce the postscript file.
+[int]xyz takes values 1, 2 or 3, and corresponds to planes defined by
+x=constant, y=constant, and z=constant resp.
+The [bool]flags are self explanatory. [char]colormap is the chosen colormap (jet
+or hot). [int]ncolours is the number of colours used to produce the plot. 
+nsections = 0
+xyz_1          = 1 
+slice_1        = 0.5001
+flag_press_1   = T
+flag_spress_1  = T 
+flag_e2d_1     = T
+flag_e3d_1     = F
+flag_lode_1    = F 
+flag_crit_1    = F 
+flag_grid_1    = T 
+flag_mu_1      = F   
+flag_u_1       = F
+flag_v_1       = F
+flag_w_1       = F
+flag_q_1       = F 
+flag_uvw_1     = F 
+flag_lsf_1     = F 
+flag_vfield_1  = F 
+flag_colour_1  = T
+flag_plastic_1 = F
+flag_velvect_1 = T
+scale_1        = 500.
+colormap_1     = jet
+ncolours_1     = 256
+xyz_2          = 2
+slice_2        = 0.901
+flag_press_2   = T
+flag_e2d_2     = T
+flag_e3d_2     = F 
+flag_lode_2    = F 
+flag_crit_2    = F 
+flag_grid_2    = F 
+flag_mu_2      = F   
+flag_u_2       = F
+flag_v_2       = F
+flag_w_2       = F
+flag_q_2       = F 
+flag_uvw_2     = F 
+flag_lsf_2     = F 
+flag_vfield_2  = F 
+flag_colour_2  = T
+flag_plastic_2 = F
+flag_velvect_2 = F
+scale_2        = 800.
+colormap_2     = jet 
+ncolours_2     = 256
+xyz_3          = 3
+slice_3        = 0.0010
+flag_press_3   = F 
+flag_e2d_3     = F
+flag_e3d_3     = F
+flag_lode_3    = F 
+flag_crit_3    = F 
+flag_grid_3    = F 
+flag_mu_3      = F   
+flag_u_3       = F
+flag_v_3       = F
+flag_w_3       = F
+flag_q_3       = F
+flag_uvw_3     = F 
+flag_lsf_3     = F 
+flag_vfield_3  = F 
+flag_colour_3  = T
+flag_plastic_3 = F
+flag_velvect_3 = F
+scale_3        = 400.
+colormap_3     = jet
+ncolours_3     = 256