From 84de35e8c2110dce4ede774c6c6f5a440e097485 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dave Whipp <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:59:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] added new isostasy B/C routine

 src/define_isostasy_bc.f90 | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/define_isostasy_bc.f90

diff --git a/src/define_isostasy_bc.f90 b/src/define_isostasy_bc.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65b26e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/define_isostasy_bc.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+!                                                                              |
+!              ||===\\                                                         | 
+!              ||    \\                                                        |
+!              ||     ||   //==\\   ||  ||   //==||  ||/==\\                   |
+!              ||     ||  ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||    ||                  |
+!              ||    //   ||    ||  ||  ||  ||   ||  ||                        |
+!              ||===//     \\==//    \\==\\  \\==\\  ||                        |
+!                                                                              |
+!                                                                              |
+!            DEFINE_ISOSTASY_BC   OCT. 2009                                    |
+!                                                                              |
+subroutine define_isostasy_bc(params,osolve,vo,zisodisp,firstcall,l,x0,spu,spv,&
+           ldisp)
+!((((((((((((((((  Purpose of the routine  )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
+! New subroutine to apply the modified isostasy velocity boundary conditions
+!  - This routine uses the basal displacement array defined in isostasy.f90 to
+!    modify the basal velocity boundary conditions to have the incoming flux
+!    velocity tangent to the moho. This might not be exactly correct, but works
+!    for now.
+! dwhipp (11/09)
+!((((((((((((((((  declaration of the subroutine arguments  ))))))))))))))))))))
+use definitions
+implicit none
+type (parameters) params
+type (octreesolve) osolve
+type (void) vo
+double precision zisodisp(2**params%levelmax_oct+1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1)
+double precision x0(osolve%nnode),ldisp(osolve%nnode)
+double precision l,spu,spv
+logical firstcall
+!(((((((((((((((( declaration of the subroutine internal variables )))))))))))))
+integer i,j,iproc,nproc,ierr,nb,xdisp,ydisp,xnow,ynow,ie,jp
+double precision eps,pi,zsl,dxy,zdisp,vinit
+double precision,dimension(:,:),allocatable::zisoslx,zisosly
+INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
+call mpi_comm_size (mpi_comm_world,nproc,ierr)
+call mpi_comm_rank (mpi_comm_world,iproc,ierr)
+! General variable definition
+eps=1.d-10                                                                      ! Tiny number
+pi=atan(1.d0)*4.d0                                                              ! Pi
+nb=2**params%levelmax_oct                                                       ! Number of nodes along one side of model
+dxy=1./real(nb)                                                                 ! Non-dimensional node spacing
+if (firstcall) then
+  do i=1,osolve%nnode
+    ! Shift s-line depth
+    xdisp=nint(x0(i)*nb)+1
+    ydisp=nint(osolve%y(i)*nb)+1
+    ldisp(i)=l+zisodisp(xdisp,ydisp)
+  enddo
+  allocate(zisoslx(nb+1,nb+1))!,zisosly(nb+1,nb+1))  
+  do j=1,nb+1
+    do i=1,nb+1
+      if (i==1) then
+        zisoslx(i,j)=(zisodisp(i+1,j)-zisodisp(i,j))/dxy                        ! Displacement between first and second nodes along x-axis
+      elseif (i==nb+1) then
+        zisoslx(i,j)=(zisodisp(i,j)-zisodisp(i-1,j))/dxy                        ! Displacement between second-to-last and last nodes along x-axis
+      else
+        zisoslx(i,j)=((zisodisp(i,j)-zisodisp(i-1,j))/dxy+&                     ! Average displacement of nodes on either side of current node, along x-axis
+                     (zisodisp(i+1,j)-zisodisp(i,j))/dxy)/2.d0
+      endif
+      !if (j==1) then
+      !  zisosly(i,j)=(zisodisp(i,j+1)-zisodisp(i,j))/dxy                        ! Displacement between first and second nodes along y-axis
+      !elseif (j==nb+1) then
+      !  zisosly(i,j)=(zisodisp(i,j)-zisodisp(i,j-1))/dxy                        ! Displacement between second-to-last and last nodes along y-axis
+      !else
+      !  zisosly(i,j)=((zisodisp(i,j)-zisodisp(i,j-1))/dxy+&                     ! Average displacement of nodes on either side of current node, along y-axis
+      !               (zisodisp(i,j+1)-zisodisp(i,j))/dxy)/2.d0
+      !endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=1,osolve%nnode
+    xnow=nint(osolve%x(i)*nb)+1
+    ynow=nint(osolve%y(i)*nb)+1
+    zsl=zisoslx(xnow,ynow)
+    ! Modify velocities
+    if (osolve%z(i).lt.eps) then
+!      if (osolve%x(i).le.x0) then
+!        if (spu.le.1.d0-eps) then                                                 ! No change in B/Cs
+          if (osolve%u(i).gt.eps) then
+            zdisp=osolve%u(i)*sin(atan(zsl))                                    ! Negative for negative slope
+            vinit=(osolve%u(i)**2.d0+osolve%w(i)**2.d0)**0.5d0                  ! Incoming velocity vector magnitude
+            osolve%w(i)=osolve%w(i)+zdisp                                       ! New z-velocity
+            osolve%u(i)=sqrt(vinit**2-osolve%w(i)**2.d0)                        ! New x-velocity
+          endif
+!        endif
+!      else
+!        if ( then
+!          zdisp=osolve%u(i)*sin(atan(zsl))                                        ! Negative for negative slope
+!          osolve%w(i)=zdisp-osolve%w(i)                                           ! New z-velocity
+!          osolve%u(i)=sqrt(vin**2-osolve%w(i)**2.d0)                              ! New x-velocity
+!        endif
+!      endif
+    endif
+  enddo
+  deallocate(zisoslx)
+! here we need to impose that the bc satisfy the bad faces constrains
+!do ie=1,osolve%nface
+!  do j=1,4
+!    jp=1+mod(j,4)
+!    i=osolve%iface(j+4,ie)
+!    if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=(osolve%u(osolve%iface(j,ie))+&
+!       osolve%u(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+!    if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=(osolve%v(osolve%iface(j,ie))+&
+!       osolve%v(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+!    if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=(osolve%w(osolve%iface(j,ie))+&
+!       osolve%w(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+!    if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(j,ie))+&
+!       osolve%temp(osolve%iface(jp,ie)))/2.d0
+!  enddo
+!  i=osolve%iface(9,ie)
+!  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1).eq.1) osolve%u(i)=&
+!     sum(osolve%u(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+!  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2).eq.1) osolve%v(i)=&
+!     sum(osolve%v(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+!  if (osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3).eq.1) osolve%w(i)=&
+!     sum(osolve%w(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0
+!  if (osolve%kfixt(i).eq.1) osolve%temp(i)=&
+!     sum(osolve%temp(osolve%iface(1:4,ie)))/4.d0