From 5611a01e793f0cd0671bec1dc19130cd6c1d5694 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dave Whipp <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:42:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] New subroutine to read and store entire restart file

 src/NEST/read_restart.f90 | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 200 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/NEST/read_restart.f90

diff --git a/src/NEST/read_restart.f90 b/src/NEST/read_restart.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efe6448d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/NEST/read_restart.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+subroutine read_restart(params,istep,iter,current_time,osolve,ov,vo,surface,cl,&
+                        zi,nest)
+use definitions
+!use mpi
+implicit none
+include 'mpif.h'
+! Passed variables
+type (parameters) :: params
+integer :: istep,iter
+double precision :: current_time
+type (octreesolve) :: osolve
+type (octreev) :: ov
+type (void) :: vo
+type (sheet) :: surface(params%ns)
+type (cloud) :: cl
+type (ziso) :: zi
+type (nest_info) :: nest
+! Internal variables
+double precision :: current_time
+integer :: err;i,is,k
+allocate (osolve%octree(osolve%noctree),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%octree in read_restart$')
+open (9,file=trim(params%restartfile),status='old',form='unformatted')
+read (9) osolve%octree(3), &
+         osolve%nnode,     &
+         osolve%nleaves,   &
+         osolve%nface,     &
+         osolve%nlsf,      &
+         cl%np,            &
+         current_time
+! Massive allocation
+allocate (osolve%x(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%x in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%y(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%y in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%z(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%z in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%unode(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%unode in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%vnode(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%vnode in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%wnode(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%wnode in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%wnodeiso(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%wnodeiso in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%lsf(osolve%nnode,osolve%nlsf),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%lsf in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%temp(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%temp in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%strain(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%strain in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%kfix(osolve%nnode*3),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%kfix in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%kfixt(osolve%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%kfixt in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%icon(8,osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%icon in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%pressure(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%pressure in read_restart$') 
+allocate (osolve%spressure(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%spressure in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%crit(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%crit in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%e2d(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%e2d in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%eviscosity(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%eviscosity in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%is_plastic(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%is_plastic in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%dilatr(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%dilatr in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%matnum(osolve%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%matnum in read_restart$')
+allocate (osolve%iface(9,osolve%nface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc osolve%iface in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%node(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%node in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%leaf(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%leaf in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%ftr(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%ftr in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%rtf(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%rtf in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%influid(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%influid in read_restart$')
+allocate (vo%face(osolve%nface),stat=threadinfo%err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc vo%face in read_restart$')
+allocate (ov%temporary_nodal_pressure(ov%nnode),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc ov%temp_nodal_pressure in define_ov$')
+allocate (ov%whole_leaf_in_fluid(ov%nleaves),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc ov%whole_leaf_in_fluid in define_ov$')
+! Read info for octree solve nodes (x,y,z,u,v,w,lsf,temp)
+read (9) (osolve%x(i),                         &
+          osolve%y(i),                         &  
+          osolve%z(i),                         &
+          osolve%u(i),                         &
+          osolve%v(i),                         & 
+          osolve%w(i),                         &
+          osolve%wiso(i),                      &
+          (osolve%lsf(i,j),j=1,osolve%nlsf),   &
+          osolve%temp(i),                      &
+          ov%temporary_nodal_pressure(i),      &
+          osolve%strain(i),                    &
+          osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+1),              &
+          osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+2),              &
+          osolve%kfix((i-1)*3+3),              &
+          osolve%kfixt(i),                     &
+          i=1,osolve%nnode)
+! Read icon array
+read (9) ((osolve%icon(k,i),k=1,8),   &
+           osolve%pressure(i),        &
+           osolve%spressure(i),       &
+           osolve%crit(i),            &
+           osolve%e2d(i),             &
+           osolve%eviscosity(i),      & 
+           osolve%is_plastic(i),      &
+           osolve%dilatr(i),          &
+           osolve%matnum(i),          &
+           ov%whole_leaf_in_fluid(i), &
+           i=1,osolve%nleaves)
+! Read octree information
+read (9) (osolve%octree(i),i=1,osolve%octree(3))
+! Read bad face information
+read (9) ((osolve%iface(k,i),k=1,9),i=1,osolve%nface)
+! Read void information
+read (9) (vo%node(i),    &
+          vo%leaf(i),    &
+          vo%ftr(i),     &
+          vo%rtf(i),     &
+          vo%influid(i), &
+          i=1,osolve%nnode)
+! Read bad faces information
+read (9) (vo%face(i),i=1,osolve%nface)
+! Read surface information (r,s,x,y,z,xn,yn,zn)
+do is=1,osolve%nlsf
+  read (9) surface(is)%nsurface,        &
+           surface(is)%activation_time, &
+           surface(is)%nt
+  allocate (surface(is)%r(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%r in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%s(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%s in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%x(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%x in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%y(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%y in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%z(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%z in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%xn(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%xn in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%yn(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%yn in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%zn(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%zn in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%u(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%u in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%v(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%v in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%w(surface(is)%nsurface),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%w in read_restart$')
+  allocate (surface(is)%icon(3,surface(is)%nt),stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc surface(is)%icon in read_restart$')
+  read (9) (surface(is)%r(i),  &
+            surface(is)%s(i),  &
+            surface(is)%x(i),  &
+            surface(is)%y(i),  &
+            surface(is)%z(i),  &
+            surface(is)%xn(i), &
+            surface(is)%yn(i), &
+            surface(is)%zn(i), &
+            surface(is)%u(i),  &
+            surface(is)%v(i),  &
+            surface(is)%w(i),  &
+            i=1,surface(is)%nsurface)
+  read (9) ((surface(is)%icon(k,i),k=1,3),i=1,surface(is)%nt)
+  ! correct surface for vertical exageration
+  surface(is)%z=surface(is)%z/params%vex
+  surface(is)%zn=surface(is)%zn/params%vex
+! Read cloud information
+read (9) (cl%x(i),             &
+          cl%y(i),             &
+          cl%z(i),             &
+          cl%x0(i),            &
+          cl%y0(i),            &
+          cl%z0(i),            &
+          cl%strain(i),        &
+          cl%lsf0(i),          &
+          cl%temp(i),          &
+          cl%press(i),         &
+          cl%tag(i),           &
+          i=1,cl%np)
+! correct for vertical exaggeration
+! Read isostasy basal displacement array
+read (9) 2**params%levelmax_oct
+allocate (zi%zisodisp(2**params%levelmax_oct+1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1), stat=err) ; if ( call stop_run ('Error alloc zi%zisodisp in read_restart$')
+if (params%isobc) then
+  read (9) ((zi%zisodisp(i,j)+surface(osolve%nlsf)%sp01, &
+             j=1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1),i=1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1)
+  read (9) ((0.d0+surface(osolve%nlsf)%sp01,j=1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1), &
+             i=1,2**params%levelmax_oct+1)
+! Read nested model info
+if (params%nest) then
+  read (9) nest%sselemx,nest%sselemy,nest%sselemz,nest%xminls,nest%yminls,&
+           nest%zminls
+  nest%sselemx=0.d0
+  nest%sselemy=0.d0
+  nest%sselemz=0.d0
+  nest%xminls=0.d0
+  nest%yminls=0.d0
+  nest%zminls=0.d0
+close (9)