From 47569064ad0abe2aa87393926b928f91d328029d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Douglas Guptill <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:19:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] cosmetic

 DOUAR.f90                   | 51 +------------------------------------
 embed_surface_in_octree.f90 |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DOUAR.f90 b/DOUAR.f90
index d487b0ed..9a04f1e7 100644
--- a/DOUAR.f90
+++ b/DOUAR.f90
@@ -429,14 +429,8 @@ do while (istep.le.params%nstep)
       call octree_find_node_connectivity (osolve%octree,osolve%noctree, &
-      ! osolve%nnode has been changed by octree_find_node_connectivity.
-      ! re-size x, y, z
-      write(threadinfo%logunit,*) 'Before shrink, x,y,z sizes are', size(osolve%x), size(osolve%y), size(osolve%z)
+      ! osolve%nnode has been changed by octree_find_node_connectivity; re-size x,y,z
       call octreesolve_shrink_xyz(threadinfo, osolve, osolve%nnode)
-      !call shrink_dp_pointer_array(threadinfo, osolve%x, osolve%nnode)
-      !call shrink_dp_pointer_array(threadinfo, osolve%y, osolve%nnode)
-      !call shrink_dp_pointer_array(threadinfo, osolve%z, osolve%nnode)
-      write(threadinfo%logunit,*) 'After  shrink, x,y,z sizes are', size(osolve%x), size(osolve%y), size(osolve%z)
       ! resize lsf
       call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%lsf', 'main',size(osolve%lsf),'dp',-1)
       deallocate (osolve%lsf)
@@ -444,49 +438,6 @@ do while (istep.le.params%nstep)
       call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%lsf', 'main',size(osolve%lsf),'dp',+1)
-      ! This code works.  
-      ! It can be deleted once we verify that the subroutine works.
-      ! ---------------------------------
-      !allocate (xyz_t(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err)
-      !call heap (threadinfo, 'xyz_t', 'main', size(xyz_t), 'dp', +1)
-      ! re-size x
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  xyz_t(i) = osolve%x(i)
-      !enddo
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%x', 'main',size(osolve%x),'dp',-1)
-      !deallocate (osolve%x)
-      !allocate   (osolve%x(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err)               
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%x', 'main',size(osolve%x),'dp',+1)
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  osolve%x(i) = xyz_t(i)
-      !enddo
-      ! re-size y
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  xyz_t(i) = osolve%y(i)
-      !enddo
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%y', 'main',size(osolve%y),'dp',-1)
-      !deallocate (osolve%y)
-      !allocate   (osolve%y(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err)               
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%y', 'main',size(osolve%y),'dp',+1)
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  osolve%y(i) = xyz_t(i)
-      !enddo
-      ! re-size z
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  xyz_t(i) = osolve%z(i)
-      !enddo
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%z', 'main',size(osolve%z),'dp',-1)
-      !deallocate (osolve%z)
-      !allocate   (osolve%z(osolve%nnode),stat=threadinfo%err)               
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%z', 'main',size(osolve%z),'dp',+1)
-      !do i = 1, osolve%nnode
-      !  osolve%z(i) = xyz_t(i)
-      !enddo
-      ! delete the temporary buffer
-      !call heap (threadinfo,'xyz_t', 'main',size(xyz_t),'dp',-1)
-      !deallocate (xyz_t)
diff --git a/embed_surface_in_octree.f90 b/embed_surface_in_octree.f90
index b47ba765..bf7820a7 100644
--- a/embed_surface_in_octree.f90
+++ b/embed_surface_in_octree.f90
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ call heap (threadinfo,'osolve%z',   'embed_surf...',size(osolve%z),'dp',+1)
 call octree_find_node_connectivity (osolve%octree,osolve%noctree, &
                                     osolve%icon,osolve%nleaves,   &
-! osolve%nnode has been changed by octree_find_node_connectivity, re-size x, y, z
+! osolve%nnode has been changed by octree_find_node_connectivity; re-size x,y,z
 call octreesolve_shrink_xyz(threadinfo, osolve, osolve%nnode)
 ! now that osolve%nnode is known we can allocate osolve%lsf