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PraNA / device-fingerprinting / fingerprinting-code
Apache License 2.0Code for analyzing the IoT Sentinel traces for fingerprinting
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swift / swift-controller
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Code for paper Semi-supervised convolutional neural networks for identifying Wi-Fi interference sources (ACML 2017).
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Matteo Pozza / AvatarIFIP19
Apache License 2.0Software implementation of "Composing 5G Network Slices by Co-locating VNFs in μslices" published in IFIP NETWORKING 2019.
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RIO risk indices for ships in ice. Basically uses Andrea Gierisch's scripts with minor modifications.
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Python code for mining frequent strings from one long string (no gaps allowed). Based on suffix / LCP arrays.
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Matteo Pozza / MatryoshkaJSAC20
Apache License 2.0Software implementation of "On Reconfiguring 5G Network Slices" published in IEEE JSAC
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This project contains the locations and scripts to maintain the locations with the nordb database.
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This project contains implementation of CVHD Collective Variable Driven Hyperdynamics for LAMMPS Molecular Simulation package with source files and some supporting material.
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UAI 2020: Sensor Placement for Spatial Gaussian Processes with Integral Observations
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A "starter kit" for writing compiled cython code to work with scipy, in particular the numerical integration routines.
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tike-errbot / docker-errbot
MIT LicensePaikallinen klooni https://github.com/rroemhild/docker-errbot :istä kevyin muutoksin
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