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Leo Leppänen / sentiment-analysis-service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Leo Leppänen / comment-summarizer-service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Leo Leppänen / EMBEDDIA Comment Reporter
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Gram Adapt project / Verbin Lukukongruenssi 2021
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalLisäaineisto artikkeliin verbin lukukongruenssin vaihtelusta
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Gram Adapt project / UDW2020 Adpossessive Constructions
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Manage node keepalived labels so that they track current ingress state
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Cognitive Computing / personalization-evaluation
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyGUI to evaluate the personalization project.
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Here are the codes used to extract lat/lon residence time pairs and meteorology after flexpart runs have been successfully executed.
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HiPerCog group / DynOCog / WishGLD
MIT LicenseWisconsin-ish Global-Local Dissociation protocol
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Looks at the cluster certificate approval queue and sends notifications if there are requests needing manual handling.
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Gram Adapt project / DepLing2021 Number Agreement
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalRepository for the data and scripts of the article "Number agreement, dependency length, and word order in Finnish traditional dialects"