From 992e54bde8d9c017597c178f6ce3bade00e10d85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chamalee <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 03:33:31 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] experiments added: revision

 .DS_Store                        | Bin 0 -> 8196 bytes                 | 275 ++++++++++++++++++++++ => |  87 +++----               |   2 +-               | 269 ---------------------                  | 386 -------------------------------               | 262 ---------------------                      |  43 ++--
 8 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 988 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .DS_Store
 create mode 100644
 rename => (89%)
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 mode change 100755 => 100644

diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dabd1b0ea9842e979373f59b048bc78ccbbd9085
GIT binary patch
literal 8196

literal 0

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a7ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+Effect of lambda: Fixed
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools
+from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+#  Initilaize
+results = np.zeros((50,3) , dtype=float)
+for itr_no in range(0,50):
+    num_roles=2
+    num_vertices=20
+    num_segments = 4
+    NO_SAMPLES= 1850
+    group_assignment= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_vertices))
+    nodes = np.arange(num_vertices)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[k]
+            W=list_of_groups[g]
+            if k == g:
+                size_all_pairs[k,g] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if k != g:
+                size_all_pairs[k,g] = len(U)*len(W)
+    lamda_arr = np.ones((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
+    lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
+    num_levels = 2
+    H =num_levels
+    # h-level lambda estimates
+    lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+    # _itr = 8   # Change _itr from 0 to 8 for large lambda differences
+    # _itr = 1
+    # yu = (9-_itr)*.1
+    # lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.01]
+    # lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.01, yu]
+    # lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+    # lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [yu, yu]
+    _itr  = 5 # Change _itr from 0 to 8   for  smaller lambda differences
+    yu = (9-_itr)*.01
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.01]
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.01, yu]
+    lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+    lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [yu, yu]
+    l1 =list(range(0, H))
+    l2 = []
+    if num_segments > num_levels:
+        l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]
+    # Mapping from segment to a level
+    g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+    # print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+    #Initialize  lamda
+    lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
+    for d in range(0, num_segments):
+        lamda_arr[:,:, d]= lambda_estimates_h[:,:,g_mapping[d]]
+    change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+    df_all= None
+    points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+    list1 = []
+    #  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+            for g in range(k, num_roles):
+                comb = []
+                if k == g:
+                    comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2))
+                    # print(type(comb))
+                else:
+                    # comb = []
+                    key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                    comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data))
+                    # print(comb)
+                if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                    print('not equal..')
+                change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+                lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+                tot_count = np.zeros((num_segments) , dtype=float)
+                for pair in comb:
+                    for d in range(0,num_segments):
+                        s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                        # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                        tot_count[d] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                        list1=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                        if len(list1) == 0:
+                            print('zero')
+                        list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list1]
+                        df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                        df.columns =['timestamp']
+                        N= df.size
+                        list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N
+                        list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                        df['source'] = list_start_stations
+                        df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                        df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+                for d in range(0,num_segments):
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,d] = tot_count[d]/(NO_SAMPLES*len(comb))
+                    # print(tot_count[d])
+    ## Other preparations
+    # Remove self loops
+    df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))]
+    #sort
+    df_all=df_all.sort_values('timestamp')
+    df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+    # Save as .csv file
+    # df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
+    df=df_all
+    dest_folder='./Results/synthetic/3'
+    t_df = df['timestamp']
+    nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int)
+    # list of nodes
+    nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+    num_vertices = len(nodes)
+    # node-group dictionary
+    group_dic = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment)
+    group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    # create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+    dic=df.groupby(['source','target'])['timestamp'].apply(list).to_dict()
+    # print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+    def _swap (row):
+        if row['source'] > row['target']:
+            row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+        return row
+    # Undirected graph
+    df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+    #scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+    refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+    df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+    # Experiment
+    import experiment
+    # User parameters
+    num_roles=2
+    # num_segments=4
+    # num_levels=2# Optional arg
+    algo_ver=3
+    dest_folder='./Results/synthetic/'
+    # tuning parameters
+    theta = 1e-7
+    eta = 1
+    tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+    exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)
+    [itr_d,likelihood_d,group_dic_d,lambda_estimates_d,change_points_arr_d] = exp_obj.execute()
+    t_df = sorted(t_df)
+    chg_points =  change_points_arr_d[0,0,:]
+    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
+    ranges_arr[0][0] = 0
+    list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)
+    # iterate over timestamps list
+    dis_arr = list()
+    gt_arr = list()
+    for item in list_time_stamps:
+        # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
+        # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
+        d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item))
+        dis_arr.append(d)
+    chg_points =  change_points_arr[0,0,:]
+    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
+    ranges_arr[0][0] = 0
+    list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)
+    # iterate over timestamps list
+    for item in list_time_stamps:
+        # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
+        # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
+        d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item))
+        gt_arr.append(d)
+    ind = adjusted_rand_score(gt_arr,dis_arr)
+    # print('rand index: seg {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind))
+    g1= group_dic_d
+    g2= group_dic_d[1]
+    ds= list(group_dic_d.values() )
+    gt1 = list(g1.values())
+    ind_grp=adjusted_rand_score(ds,gt1)
+    # print('rand index: group {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_grp))
+    results[itr_no][0] = ind
+    results[itr_no][1] = itr_d
+    results[itr_no][2] = ind_grp
+import pickle
+pickle.dump(results, open('large-fixed-file-{}.pickle'.format(_itr), 'wb'))
+arr = results
+ll_avg_val =    (sum(arr)/len(arr))
diff --git a/ b/
similarity index 89%
rename from
rename to
index 1d4c07b..deb26c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Effect of lambda: LD
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import utils
@@ -14,19 +14,18 @@ from itertools import combinations
 import itertools 
 from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
 #  Initilaize
-res = np.zeros((9,5) , dtype=float)
+results = np.zeros((50,3) , dtype=float)
-for _itr in range(0,1):
+for itr_no in range(0,50):
     num_segments = 4
     num_levels = 2
-    NO_SAMPLES= 200
+    NO_SAMPLES= 1850
     nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
     lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
@@ -36,12 +35,18 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
     # h-level lambda estimates    
     lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
-    lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
-    # Make high variant lambdas
+    _itr = 3
     yu = (9-_itr)*.1
-    lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.1]
-    lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, yu]
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.01]
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.01, yu]
+    lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+    lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [yu, yu]
+    _itr  = 4
+    yu = (9-_itr)*.01
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.01]
+    lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.01, yu]
     lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
     lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [yu, yu]
@@ -188,13 +193,10 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
                         df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
-                # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
-                        # dd = d    
                         lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
                         lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
-                    # print('tot count')
-                    # print(tot_count[dd])
-                    # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
                 print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
     # Remove self loops
@@ -205,8 +207,7 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
     # Save as .csv file
     # df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
     df= None
@@ -296,8 +297,6 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
     ind_seg = adjusted_rand_score(gt_arr,dis_arr) 
     print('ind {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_seg))
-    liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
-    print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
     print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
@@ -308,13 +307,12 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
         print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
-    #group ass, of level 1
-    list_of_groups_1=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-    #group ass, of level 2
-    list_of_groups_2=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
     g1= group_dic_d[0]
     g2= group_dic_d[1]
+    # print('rand index: group {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_grp))  
     found_cont = 0
     for i_h in range(0,num_levels):
@@ -329,8 +327,7 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
         ds= list(group_dic_d[i_h].values() )   
         gt1 = list(g1.values()) 
         gt2 =  list(g2.values())
@@ -340,35 +337,25 @@ for _itr in range(0,1):
     ind = found_cont/2
-    res[_itr][1] = ind
-    res[_itr][4] = ind_seg
-# 0.9898951352373943
-# 0.9904822820772498
-# 0.9894069501702982
-# 0.9892811884102554
-# 0.9893223431465236
-# 0.9886669698061425
-# 0.4041524218474172
-# 0.4968349779236352
-# 0.49583738728791915
+    results[itr_no][0] = ind_seg
+    results[itr_no][1] = it
+    results[itr_no][2] = ind  
+import pickle
+# pickle.dump(results, open('max-small-file-{}.pickle'.format(_itr), 'wb'))
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 6
-# 4
-# 3
-# 5
-# 4
-# 3
+arr = results
+ll_avg_val =    (sum(arr)/len(arr))
diff --git a/ b/
index 003aadb..ef260be 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ df = df[:1000]
-algo_ver= 2
+algo_ver= 3
 # tuning parameters
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f914a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-Affect of Lambda
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import utils
-import sbm_core
-import math
-from itertools import combinations
-import itertools 
-from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
-#  Initilaize
-num_segments = 2
-group_assignment= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_vertices))
-nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
-list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
-    list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
-size_all_pairs = {}
-for k in range(0, num_roles):
-    for g in range(k, num_roles):
-        U=list_of_groups[k]
-        W=list_of_groups[g]
-        if k == g:
-            size_all_pairs[k,g] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
-        if k != g:
-            size_all_pairs[k,g] = len(U)*len(W)
-lamda_arr = np.ones((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
-lamda_arr = 1e-1* np.random.randint(1,9, size=(num_roles, num_roles,num_segments))
-#set value for each iteration ( 0 - 8 )
-_itr = 8
-_itr = 0
-yu = (9-_itr)*.1
-lamda_arr[0,0]=[yu, 0.1]
-lamda_arr[0,1]= [0.1, yu]
-lamda_arr[1,1]=[yu, yu]
-lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
-change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
-df_all= None
-points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
-list1 = []
-#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
-for k in range(0, num_roles):
-        for g in range(k, num_roles):
-            comb = []
-            if k == g:
-                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
-                # print(type(comb))
-            else:
-                # comb = []
-                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
-                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
-                # print(comb)
-            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
-                print('not equal..')
-            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
-            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
-            tot_count = np.zeros((num_segments) , dtype=float)
-            for pair in comb:
-                for d in range(0,num_segments):
-                    s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
-                    # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
-                    tot_count[d] += np.count_nonzero(s)
-                    list1=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
-                    if len(list1) == 0:
-                        print('zero')
-                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list1]
-                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
-                    df.columns =['timestamp']                    
-                    N= df.size
-                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
-                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
-                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
-                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
-                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
-            for d in range(0,num_segments):
-                lamda_arr_act[k,g,d] = tot_count[d]/(NO_SAMPLES*len(comb))
-                # print(tot_count[d])
-## Other preparations
-# Remove self loops
-df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
-df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
-# Save as .csv file
-# df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
-t_df = df['timestamp']
-nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
-# list of nodes         
-nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
-num_vertices = len(nodes)
-# node-group dictionary
-group_dic = {}
-keys = nodes
-values = list(group_assignment)
-group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
-# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
-print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
-liklihood_sum = sbm_core.compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic)
-print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
-def _swap (row):
-    if row['source'] > row['target']:
-        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
-    return row
-# Undirected graph
-df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
-#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
-refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
-df['timestamp'] -= refValue
-# Experiment
-import experiment
-# User parameters
-num_levels=2# Optional arg
-# tuning parameters
-theta = 0
-eta = 1
-tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
-import time
-start_time = time.time()
-exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
-[itr_d,likelihood_d,group_dic_d,lambda_estimates_d,change_points_arr_d] = exp_obj.execute()
-print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
-t_df = sorted(t_df)    
-chg_points =  change_points_arr_d[0,0,:]
-ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-# iterate over timestamps list
-dis_arr = list()  
-gt_arr = list()       
-for item in list_time_stamps:
-    # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-    # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-    d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-    dis_arr.append(d)                    
-chg_points =  change_points_arr[0,0,:]
-ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-# iterate over timestamps list
-for item in list_time_stamps:
-    # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-    # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-    d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-    gt_arr.append(d)    
-ind = adjusted_rand_score(gt_arr,dis_arr) 
-print('rand index: seg {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind))
-g1= group_dic_d
-g2= group_dic_d[1]    
-ds= list(group_dic_d.values() )   
-gt1 = list(g1.values()) 
-print('rand index: group {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_grp))   
-# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
-# num_roles=1
-# num_segments=1
-# num_levels=1
-# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
-# exp_obj.execute()
-# 0.9757628970136779
-# 0.9766007299178403
-# 0.976928378298833
-# 0.9768191326709813
-# 0.9786828903097778
-# 0.9762078453564311
-# 0.9731767168042805
-# 0.9753286095154328
-# 0.5773249110735138
-# 3
-# 3
-# 2
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 4
-# 4
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c3e70..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-Effect of lambda: LD
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import utils
-import sbm_core
-import math
-from itertools import combinations
-import itertools 
-from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
-#  Initilaize
-res = np.zeros((9,5) , dtype=float)
-for _itr in range(8,9):
-    num_roles=2
-    num_vertices=20
-    num_segments = 4
-    num_levels = 2
-    NO_SAMPLES= 200
-    nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
-    lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
-    H =num_levels
-    print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
-    # h-level lambda estimates    
-    lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
-    lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
-    # Make high variant lambdas
-    yu = (9-_itr)*.1
-    lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [yu, 0.1]
-    lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, yu]
-    lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
-    lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [yu, yu]
-    l1 =list(range(0, H))
-    l2 = []
-    if num_segments > num_levels:
-        l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
-    # Mapping from segment to a level
-    g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
-    print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
-    # initilaize group assignment randomly
-    group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
-    # node-group dictionary
-    group_dic = {}
-    for i in range(0,num_levels ):
-        level = i
-        group_dic_level = {}
-        keys = nodes
-        values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
-        group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
-        group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
-    print('initial')
-    # print(group_dic)
-    for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
-        g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
-        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-        for idx, val in g_a.items():
-            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
-        print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
-            # Plotting
-    #Initialize  lamda
-    lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
-    for d in range(0, num_segments):
-        for k in range(0, num_roles):
-            for g in range(k, num_roles):
-                lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
-                lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
-    change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
-    df_all= None
-    points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
-    list1 = []
-    level_seg_mapping  = {}
-    for d in range(num_segments): 
-        level = g_mapping[d]
-        if level in level_seg_mapping:
-            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
-        else:
-            level_seg_mapping[level] = []
-            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
-    # %%
-    #  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
-    tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
-    com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
-    # for pair in comb:
-    for i in range(0,num_levels):
-        # i = g_mapping[d]
-        group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
-        print(group_assignment)
-        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-        for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
-            list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
-        # print(list_of_groups)
-        size_all_pairs = {}
-        for kk in range(0, num_roles):
-            for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
-                U=list_of_groups[kk]
-                W=list_of_groups[gg]
-                if kk == gg:
-                    size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
-                if kk != gg:
-                    size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
-        for k in range(0, num_roles):
-            for g in range(k, num_roles):
-                change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
-                lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
-                comb = []
-                if k == g:
-                    comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
-                    # print(type(comb))
-                else:
-                    # comb = []
-                    key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
-                    comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
-                    # print(comb)
-                if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
-                    print('not equal..')
-                print('d val {}'.format( d))
-                com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
-                # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
-                tot_count[i] = 0
-                for pair in comb:
-                    s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
-                    # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
-                    tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
-                    list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
-                    if len(list_org) == 0:
-                        print('zero')
-                    for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
-                        list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
-                        df= None
-                        df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
-                        df.columns =['timestamp']
-                        # print(list1)
-                        # if max(list1) > 799:
-                        #     print('{} {}'.format(d, max(list1)))
-                        N= df.size
-                        # print(pair)  
-                        # print(pair[0])
-                        list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
-                        list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
-                        df['source'] = list_start_stations 
-                        df['target'] = list_end_stations
-                        df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
-                # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
-                        # dd = d    
-                        lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
-                        lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
-                    # print('tot count')
-                    # print(tot_count[dd])
-                    # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
-                print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
-    # Remove self loops
-    df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
-    #sort
-    df_all=df_all.sort_values('timestamp')
-    df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
-    # Save as .csv file
-    # df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
-    df= None
-    df=df_all
-    dest_folder='./Results/synthetic/3'
-    t_df = df['timestamp']
-    nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
-    # list of nodes         
-    nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
-    num_vertices = len(nodes)
-    # create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
-    dic=df.groupby(['source','target'])['timestamp'].apply(list).to_dict()
-    print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
-    # liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
-    # print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
-    def _swap (row):
-        if row['source'] > row['target']:
-            row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
-        return row
-    # Undirected graph
-    df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
-    #scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
-    refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
-    df['timestamp'] -= refValue
-    chg_points =  change_points_arr[0,0,:]
-    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-    ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-    list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-    # iterate over timestamps list
-    gt_arr = list()                    
-    for item in list_time_stamps:
-        # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-        # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-        d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-        gt_arr.append(d) 
-    # Experiment
-    import experiment
-    # User parameters
-    # num_roles=2
-    # num_segments=10
-    # num_levels=5# Optional arg
-    algo_ver=4
-    dest_folder='./Results/synthetic/'
-    # tuning parameters
-    theta = 1e-7
-    eta = 1
-    tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
-    exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
-    # [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
-    [it,ll1,group_dic_d,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr_d]= exp_obj.execute()
-    t_df = sorted(t_df)    
-    chg_points =  change_points_arr_d[0,0,:]
-    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-    ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-    list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-    # iterate over timestamps list
-    dis_arr = list()                    
-    for item in list_time_stamps:
-        # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-        # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-        d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-        dis_arr.append(d)                    
-    gt_arr= np.array(gt_arr, dtype=np.float64)
-    dis_arr= np.array(dis_arr, dtype=np.float64) 
-    ind_seg = adjusted_rand_score(gt_arr,dis_arr) 
-    print('ind {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_seg))
-    liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
-    print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
-    print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
-    for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
-        g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
-        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-        for idx, val in g_a.items():
-            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
-        print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
-    #group ass, of level 1
-    list_of_groups_1=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-    #group ass, of level 2
-    list_of_groups_2=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-    g1= group_dic_d[0]
-    g2= group_dic_d[1]
-    found_cont = 0
-    for i_h in range(0,num_levels):
-        # i_h level
-        grp = group_dic_d[i_h]
-        list_of_groups_d=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-        for idx, val in grp.items():
-            list_of_groups_d[val].append(idx)
-        ds= list(group_dic_d[i_h].values() )   
-        gt1 = list(g1.values()) 
-        gt2 =  list(g2.values())
-        ind1=adjusted_rand_score(ds,gt1)
-        ind2=adjusted_rand_score(ds,gt2)    
-        d_in = max(ind1,ind2)
-        found_cont += d_in
-    ind = found_cont/2
-    res[_itr][1] = ind
-    res[_itr][4] = ind_seg
-# 0.989349
-# 0.9899235585218414
-# 0.9887209171780673
-# 0.9900141929986654
-# 0.9900915114849232
-# 0.9895393785077311
-# 0.9890441642420313
-# 0.5056343918828786
-# 0.489279
-# 2
-# 3
-# 2
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 4
-# 3
-# 3
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec8864..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-Affect of Lambda
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import utils
-import sbm_core
-import math
-from itertools import combinations
-import itertools 
-from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
-#  Initilaize
-num_segments = 2
-group_assignment= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_vertices))
-nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
-list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
-    list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
-size_all_pairs = {}
-for k in range(0, num_roles):
-    for g in range(k, num_roles):
-        U=list_of_groups[k]
-        W=list_of_groups[g]
-        if k == g:
-            size_all_pairs[k,g] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
-        if k != g:
-            size_all_pairs[k,g] = len(U)*len(W)
-lamda_arr = np.ones((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
-lamda_arr = 1e-1* np.random.randint(1,9, size=(num_roles, num_roles,num_segments))
-#set value for each iteration ( 0 - 8 )
-_itr = 8
-_itr = 0
-yu = (9-_itr)*.1
-lamda_arr[0,0]=[yu, 0.1]
-lamda_arr[0,1]= [0.1, yu]
-lamda_arr[1,1]=[yu, yu]
-lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
-change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
-df_all= None
-points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
-list1 = []
-#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
-for k in range(0, num_roles):
-        for g in range(k, num_roles):
-            comb = []
-            if k == g:
-                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
-                # print(type(comb))
-            else:
-                # comb = []
-                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
-                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
-                # print(comb)
-            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
-                print('not equal..')
-            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
-            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
-            tot_count = np.zeros((num_segments) , dtype=float)
-            for pair in comb:
-                for d in range(0,num_segments):
-                    s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
-                    # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
-                    tot_count[d] += np.count_nonzero(s)
-                    list1=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
-                    if len(list1) == 0:
-                        print('zero')
-                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list1]
-                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
-                    df.columns =['timestamp']                    
-                    N= df.size
-                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
-                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
-                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
-                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
-                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
-            for d in range(0,num_segments):
-                lamda_arr_act[k,g,d] = tot_count[d]/(NO_SAMPLES*len(comb))
-                # print(tot_count[d])
-## Other preparations
-# Remove self loops
-df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
-df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
-# Save as .csv file
-# df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
-t_df = df['timestamp']
-nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
-# list of nodes         
-nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
-num_vertices = len(nodes)
-# node-group dictionary
-group_dic = {}
-keys = nodes
-values = list(group_assignment)
-group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
-# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
-print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
-liklihood_sum = sbm_core.compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic)
-print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
-def _swap (row):
-    if row['source'] > row['target']:
-        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
-    return row
-# Undirected graph
-df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
-#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
-refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
-df['timestamp'] -= refValue
-# Experiment
-import experiment
-# User parameters
-num_levels=2# Optional arg
-# tuning parameters
-theta = 0
-eta = 1
-tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
-import time
-start_time = time.time()
-exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
-[itr_d,likelihood_d,group_dic_d,lambda_estimates_d,change_points_arr_d] = exp_obj.execute()
-print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
-t_df = sorted(t_df)    
-chg_points =  change_points_arr_d[0,0,:]
-ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-# iterate over timestamps list
-dis_arr = list()  
-gt_arr = list()       
-for item in list_time_stamps:
-    # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-    # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-    d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-    dis_arr.append(d)                    
-chg_points =  change_points_arr[0,0,:]
-ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
-ranges_arr[0][0] = 0 
-list_time_stamps  = list(t_df)                  
-# iterate over timestamps list
-for item in list_time_stamps:
-    # find the segment which the timestamp belongs
-    # (is dependent on which groups the two nodes belong)
-    d =  sbm_core._findSegment(ranges_arr, len(ranges_arr) , int(item)) 
-    gt_arr.append(d)    
-ind = adjusted_rand_score(gt_arr,dis_arr) 
-print('rand index: seg {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind))
-g1= group_dic_d
-g2= group_dic_d[1]    
-ds= list(group_dic_d.values() )   
-gt1 = list(g1.values()) 
-print('rand index: group {} : {}'.format(_itr, ind_grp))  
-# 0.9785444674036701
-# 0.9791525131372905
-# 0.981440657362889
-# 0.9780947193990287
-# 0.9785576050121263
-# 0.9768656988977588
-# 0.9794087578274921
-# 0.9785467310928326
-# 0.8326828222297133
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 3
-# 5
-# 5
-# 5
diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 2ec7199..2da8eaa
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 # ###################################################################################
 # ### Utility Functions for Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Segmentation  ###
 # ###                  ( based on stochastic blockmodels )                        ###
@@ -21,26 +23,27 @@ def  _findSegment(a, n, K):
     # Binary search 
     while (end <= end): 
-        # mid point 
-        mid = (start + end) >> 1
-        #  element  found 
-        if (K >= a[mid][0] and K <= a[mid][1]): 
-            return mid 
-        # first half 
-        elif (K < a[mid][0]): 
-            end = mid - 1
-        # second half 
-        else: 
-            start = mid + 1
-    # Not found 
-    print('Not Found')
-    return -1
+        if end >= start:
+            # mid point 
+            mid = (start + end) //2
+            #  element  found 
+            if (K >= a[mid][0] and K <= a[mid][1]):                 
+                return mid 
+            # first half 
+            elif (K > a[mid][1]): 
+                start = mid +  1
+            # second half 
+            elif (K < a[mid][0]): 
+                end = mid  - 1
+        else:
+            # print('K : {} MID: {} START:{} END: {} ARRA : {}, n: {}'.format(K,mid, start,end, a,n))
+            # Not found 
+            print('Not Found')
+            return -1
 # split an empty group if it does exist
 def _split_the_empty_group(num_roles,list_of_groups,group_assignment):