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-# University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science - Thesis templates
-## How to use this template?
-### Instructions for teachers to modify this template
-Contact the owners of this project if you wish to contribute to the development.
-## Instructions for the students
-#### STEP 0 - Copy the thesis template for yourself
-One template for all theses:   
-You can download this template as a ZIP-file from the download-button.   
-You can also clone this template from the clone-button, as you would any Git-repository.  
-Either way, copy the whole repository for yourself.  
-#### STEP 1 - Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis, or seminar report.
-1) Select whether your are writing Bachelor's thesis (tkt), Master's thesis (csm), or a seminar report (seminar)
-2) Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish
-3) If you are writing Master's thesis, select your line / track
-#### STEP 2 - Set up your personal information
-1) Write the working title of your thesis / report
-2) Write your name to the author field
-3) Write the names of your supervisors and examiners of the thesis (can be omitted for seminars)
-#### STEP 3 - Write your abstract here
-1) You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with:
-Your abstract text goes here.
-#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis / report
-1) There are some instructions on writing the thesis in \[bsc/msc\]_\[finnish/english]_contents files. 
-2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/english_contents file and write your thesis inside that file
-3) For seminar reports, make adjustments as needed (limited support currently)  
-#### STEP 5 - Set your bibliography style
-1) The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases
+#  Thesis templates
+## University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science
+This repository is meant for the internal maintenance of the thesis templates.
+If you want to make changes to the template, then notify first the CSM board at csm-templates@helsinki.fi.
+*2021.08.24* All instructions for the use of templates will gradually be moved from this repository to the webpages of the BSc or MSc programs.
+* MSc Students: For your MSc thesis, refer to the [MSc Thesis webpage](https://courses.helsinki.fi/en/csm11005/) for instructions.
+* BSc Students: For your BSc thesis, find basic instructions [here](https://version.helsinki.fi/-/ide/project/cs/thesis-template/tree/revision-2021/-/bsc-instructions.md/#thesis-templates-instructions-for-bsc-students).
diff --git a/bsc-instructions.md b/bsc-instructions.md
new file mode 100644
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+#  Thesis templates: Instructions for BSc students
+# University of Helsinki, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science
+#### STEP 0 - Copy the thesis template for yourself
+One template for all theses:   
+You can download this template as a ZIP-file from the download-button.   
+You can also clone this template from the clone-button, as you would any Git-repository.  
+Either way, copy the whole repository for yourself.  
+#### STEP 1 - Bachelor's thesis or seminar report.
+1) Select whether your are writing Bachelor's thesis (tkt) or a seminar report (seminar)
+2) Select your language: finnish, english, or swedish
+#### STEP 2 - Set up your personal information
+1) Write the working title of your thesis / report
+2) Write your name to the author field
+3) Write the names of your supervisors of the thesis (can be omitted for seminars)
+#### STEP 3 - Write your abstract here
+1) You can also have the abstract in multiple languages with:
+Your abstract text goes here.
+#### STEP 4 - Writing your thesis / report
+1) There are some instructions on writing the thesis in \[bsc\]_\[finnish/english]_contents files. 
+2) You can delete the contents of finnish_contents/english_contents file and write your thesis inside that file.
+3) For seminar reports, make adjustments as needed (limited support currently)  
+#### STEP 5 - Set your bibliography style
+1) The default is Numbering alphabetic order, which should be used in most cases