From 821013fc02115f6db4d550b37deb98ee0505d03e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chamalee <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2023 13:05:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] level-dependent-membership variant added:

---             |  14 +-         |  25 +-           | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++++++           | 318 +++++++++++++++++++++++++           | 298 ++++++++++++++++++++++++           | 326 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++           | 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 105 +++++++++         |  75 ++++++   |  69 ++++++   |  81 +++++++    |  71 ++++++            |  75 ++++++           |  83 +++++++           | 530 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 15 files changed, 2663 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100755
 create mode 100755
 create mode 100755
 create mode 100755
 create mode 100755
 create mode 100755

diff --git a/ b/
index b2ed5d9..c97bf06 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ num_levels=1
 algo_ver= 3
-The files `` , `` , `` ,  ``,``, ``, and ``
+The files `` , `` , `` ,  ``,``, ``, and ``
 provide examples on real world dynamic networks.
 This zip folder consists experiments for both  for Synthetic and real-world datasets.
@@ -62,6 +62,18 @@ To switch the algorithm you choose, change `algo_ver` parameter to either 2 or 3
 The file ``  returns the running time and edges for given `NO_SAMPLES`.
 To reproduce the results of the paper, eg. set `NO_SAMPLES` = 50 from the list_samples =  [50,100,150,200] ; one at a time.
+Level-dependent Membership extension:
+New algo_ver `4` is dedicated to  level-dependent  (K-H)-segmentation algorithm variant.
+From the file `` to `` contain code to simulate synthetic datasets using our level-dependent algorithms.
+These files contain the code to generate synthetic data as well.
+The files `` , `` ,  ``,``, ``, and ``
+provide examples on real world dynamic networks for level-dependent variant.
 ## References
 SMAWK code:
diff --git a/ b/
index 2dd87b4..3c7c74c 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class Experiment:
         # Time stamps
         t_df = self.df["timestamp"]
         t_df = sorted(t_df)    
+        print('TIME')
+        print(len(t_df))               
         # initilaize group assignment randomly
         group_assignment= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_vertices))                   
         # node-group dictionary
@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ class Experiment:
         # create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+        print(len(dic.values()))
         # initialize change points
         change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
@@ -61,15 +64,27 @@ class Experiment:
         elif self.algo_ver == 3:  
             opt = optimize.Optimize( group_dic,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,nodes,num_roles,num_segments,dic,self.num_levels,self.tuning_params)    
             [group_dic,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,likelihood] = opt.k_h_seg_var_2()   
+        ### Level-dependent (K,H)-segmentation variant-2  ###
+        elif self.algo_ver == 4:              
+            opt = optimize.Optimize( group_dic,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,nodes,num_roles,num_segments,dic,self.num_levels,self.tuning_params)    
+            [group_dic,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,likelihood,g_mapping] = opt.mm_k_h_seg_var_2()   
+            # print('g_mapping_discoverd {}'.format(g_mapping))
+            # for e_h in range(0,self.num_levels):
+            #     g_a = group_dic[e_h]
+            #     list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+            #     for idx, val in g_a.items():
+            #         list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+            #     print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
         # Plotting
         # dest_folder= self.dest  + str(self.algo_ver)+'/'
         # utils.generate_plots(G,group_dic,lambda_estimates,num_roles,num_segments,dest_folder,nodes,change_points_arr,t_df,self.refValue)
-        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
-        for idx, val in group_dic.items():
-            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+        # list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+        # for idx, val in group_dic.items():
+        #     list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
         # print('group assignments: {}'.format(list_of_groups))            
         # print('lambdas: {}'.format(lambda_estimates))
+        # return [likelihood,group_dic]
         return likelihood
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e4f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson point process (NHPPP)
+To check the ground truth
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools 
+#  Initilaize
+num_segments = 4
+num_levels = 2
+nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
+lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
+H =num_levels
+print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
+# h-level lambda estimates    
+lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
+# Make high variant lambdas
+lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [0.7, 0.1]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, 0.9]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [0.8, 0.1]
+l1 =list(range(0, H))
+l2 = []
+if num_segments > num_levels:
+    l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
+# Mapping from segment to a level
+g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+# initilaize group assignment randomly
+group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
+    # node-group dictionary
+group_dic = {}
+# keys = (list(range(self.num_segments)),nodes)
+# values = list(group_assignment)
+# group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
+for i in range(0,num_levels ):
+    level = i
+    group_dic_level = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+    group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+# print(group_dic)
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+        # Plotting
+#Initialize  lamda
+lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
+for d in range(0, num_segments):
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
+            lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
+change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+df_all= None
+points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+list1 = []
+level_seg_mapping  = {}
+for d in range(num_segments): 
+    level = g_mapping[d]
+    if level in level_seg_mapping:
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    else:
+        level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+# %%
+#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+# for pair in comb:
+for i in range(0,num_levels):
+    # i = g_mapping[d]
+    group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
+    print(group_assignment)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for kk in range(0, num_roles):
+        for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[kk]
+            W=list_of_groups[gg]
+            if kk == gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if kk != gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+            comb = []
+            if k == g:
+                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
+                # print(type(comb))
+            else:
+                # comb = []
+                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
+                # print(comb)
+            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                print('not equal..')
+            print('d val {}'.format( d))
+            com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
+            # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
+            tot_count[i] = 0
+            for pair in comb:
+                s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                if len(list_org) == 0:
+                    print('zero')
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
+                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                    df.columns =['timestamp']
+                    # print(list1)
+                    # if max(list1) > 799:
+                    #     print('{} {}'.format(d, max(list1)))
+                    N= df.size
+                    # print(pair)  
+                    # print(pair[0])
+                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
+                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
+                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+            # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
+                    # dd = d    
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
+                    lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
+                # print('tot count')
+                # print(tot_count[dd])
+                # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
+            print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
+# Remove self loops
+df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
+df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+# Save as .csv file
+# df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
+t_df = df['timestamp']
+nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# list of nodes         
+nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+num_vertices = len(nodes)
+# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+# liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+# print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Experiment
+import experiment
+# User parameters
+# num_roles=2
+# num_segments=10
+# num_levels=5# Optional arg
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-7
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
+likelihood_f= exp_obj.execute()
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+# adjusted_rand_score([0,4,5],[0,5,4])
+# adjusted_mutual_info_score([0,4,5],[0,5,4])
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+# group assignments 0: [[2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39], [0, 1, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, 34, 38]]
+# group assignments 1: [[0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38], [2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 32, 36, 39]]
+# --- 14.958946704864502 seconds ---
+        # Plotting
+# group assignments 0: [[0, 1, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, 34, 38], [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39]]
+# group assignments 1: [[2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 32, 36, 39], [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 1, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, 34, 38], [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39]]
+# group assignments 3: [[2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 32, 36, 39], [0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38]]
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e130d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson point process (NHPPP)
+To check the ground truth
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools 
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score
+#  Initilaize
+num_segments = 3
+num_levels = 2
+# NO_SAMPLES= 700
+nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
+lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
+H =num_levels
+print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
+# h-level lambda estimates    
+lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
+# Make high variant lambdas
+lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [0.9, 0.1]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, 0.9]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [0.9, 0.1]
+l1 =list(range(0, H))
+l2 = []
+if num_segments > num_levels:
+    l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
+# Mapping from segment to a level
+g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+# initilaize group assignment randomly
+group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
+    # node-group dictionary
+group_dic = {}
+# keys = (list(range(self.num_segments)),nodes)
+# values = list(group_assignment)
+# group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
+for i in range(0,num_levels ):
+    level = i
+    group_dic_level = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+    group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+# print(group_dic)
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+        # Plotting
+#Initialize  lamda
+lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
+for d in range(0, num_segments):
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
+            lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
+change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+df_all= None
+points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+list1 = []
+level_seg_mapping  = {}
+for d in range(num_segments): 
+    level = g_mapping[d]
+    if level in level_seg_mapping:
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    else:
+        level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+# %%
+#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+# for pair in comb:
+for i in range(0,num_levels):
+    # i = g_mapping[d]
+    group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
+    print(group_assignment)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for kk in range(0, num_roles):
+        for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[kk]
+            W=list_of_groups[gg]
+            if kk == gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if kk != gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+            comb = []
+            if k == g:
+                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
+                # print(type(comb))
+            else:
+                # comb = []
+                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
+                # print(comb)
+            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                print('not equal..')
+            print('d val {}'.format( d))
+            com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
+            # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
+            tot_count[i] = 0
+            for pair in comb:
+                s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                if len(list_org) == 0:
+                    print('zero')
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
+                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                    df.columns =['timestamp']
+                    N= df.size
+                    # print(pair)  
+                    # print(pair[0])
+                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
+                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
+                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+            # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
+                    # dd = d    
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
+                    lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
+                # print('tot count')
+                # print(tot_count[dd])
+                # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
+            print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
+## Other preparations
+# g_mapping
+# Out[167]: array([0, 1, 0, 1])
+# d val 0
+#  0 0 0 0.5 : k g d :lamb
+# d val 2
+#  0 0 2 0.5 : k g d :lamb
+# d val 0
+#  0 1 0 0.1 : k g d :lamb
+# d val 2
+#  0 1 2 0.1 : k g d :lamb
+# d val 0
+#  1 1 0 0.5 : k g d :lamb
+# d val 2
+#  1 1 2 0.6 : k g d :lamb
+# Remove self loops
+df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
+df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+# Save as .csv file
+# df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
+t_df = df['timestamp']
+nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# list of nodes         
+nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+num_vertices = len(nodes)
+# node-group dictionary
+# group_dic = {}
+# keys = nodes
+# values = list(group_assignment)
+# group_dic = dict(zip(keys,values))
+# Extract graph
+# G = utils.getGraph(nodes_arr,df.values)
+# utils.generate_plots(G,group_dic,lamda_arr_act,num_roles,num_segments,dest_folder,nodes,change_points_arr,t_df,0)   
+# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+# liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+# print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Experiment
+import experiment
+# User parameters
+# num_roles=2
+# num_segments=10
+# num_levels=5# Optional arg
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-7
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
+# likelihood_f= exp_obj.execute()
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+# adjusted_rand_score([0,4,5],[0,5,4])
+# adjusted_mutual_info_score([0,4,5],[0,5,4])
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+algo_ver= 4
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b638cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson point process (NHPPP)
+To check the ground truth
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools 
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score
+#  Initilaize
+num_segments = 5
+num_levels = 3
+nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
+lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
+H =num_levels
+print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
+# h-level lambda estimates    
+lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
+# Make high variant lambdas
+lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [0.3, 0.9,0.6]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, 0.5, .9]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [0.1, 0.9,.5]
+# print(lambda_estimates_h)
+l1 =list(range(0, H))
+l2 = []
+if num_segments > num_levels:
+    l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
+# Mapping from segment to a level
+g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+# initilaize group assignment randomly
+group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
+    # node-group dictionary
+group_dic = {}
+for i in range(0,num_levels ):
+    level = i
+    group_dic_level = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+    group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+# print(group_dic)
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+        # Plotting
+#Initialize  lamda
+lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
+for d in range(0, num_segments):
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
+            lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
+change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+df_all= None
+points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+list1 = []
+level_seg_mapping  = {}
+for d in range(num_segments): 
+    level = g_mapping[d]
+    if level in level_seg_mapping:
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    else:
+        level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+# %%
+#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+# for pair in comb:
+for i in range(0,num_levels):
+    # i = g_mapping[d]
+    group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
+    print(group_assignment)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for kk in range(0, num_roles):
+        for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[kk]
+            W=list_of_groups[gg]
+            if kk == gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if kk != gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+            comb = []
+            if k == g:
+                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
+                # print(type(comb))
+            else:
+                # comb = []
+                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
+                # print(comb)
+            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                print('not equal..')
+            print('d val {}'.format( d))
+            com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
+            # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
+            tot_count[i] = 0
+            for pair in comb:
+                s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                if len(list_org) == 0:
+                    print('zero')
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
+                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                    df.columns =['timestamp']
+                    N= df.size
+                    # print(pair)  
+                    # print(pair[0])
+                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
+                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
+                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+            # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
+                    # dd = d    
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
+                    lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
+                # print('tot count')
+                # print(tot_count[dd])
+                # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
+            print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
+# Remove self loops
+df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
+df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+# Save as .csv file
+# df_all.to_csv('./Data/synthetic_ground_truth_g1.csv')
+t_df = df['timestamp']
+nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# list of nodes         
+nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+num_vertices = len(nodes)
+# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+# liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+# print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Experiment
+import experiment
+# User parameters
+# num_roles=2
+# num_segments=10
+# num_levels=5# Optional arg
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
+likelihood_f= exp_obj.execute()
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# group assignments 0: [[1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19], [0, 2, 3, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18]]
+# group assignments 1: [[0, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17], [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16], [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19]]
+# --- 18.024484872817993 seconds ---
+# -317502.0167726356
+#  Initial Actual likelihood   .......-317502.016773
+# g mapping [0 1 2 1 1]
+# group assignments 0: [[0, 2, 3, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18], [1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19]]
+# group assignments 1: [[3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19], [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17], [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19]]
+# group assignments 3: [[3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19], [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16]]
+# group assignments 4: [[3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19], [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5707f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson point process (NHPPP)
+To check the ground truth
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools 
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score
+#  Initilaize
+num_segments = 8
+num_levels = 4
+nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
+lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
+H =num_levels
+print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
+# h-level lambda estimates    
+lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
+# Make high variant lambdas
+lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [0.3, 0.9,0.1,.6]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, 0.5, .9, .3]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [0.1, 0.5,.9, .3]
+# print(lambda_estimates_h)
+l1 =list(range(0, H))
+l2 = []
+if num_segments > num_levels:
+    l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
+# Mapping from segment to a level
+g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+# initilaize group assignment randomly
+group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
+    # node-group dictionary
+group_dic = {}
+for i in range(0,num_levels ):
+    level = i
+    group_dic_level = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+    group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+# print(group_dic)
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+        # Plotting
+#Initialize  lamda
+lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
+for d in range(0, num_segments):
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
+            lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
+change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+df_all= None
+points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+list1 = []
+level_seg_mapping  = {}
+for d in range(num_segments): 
+    level = g_mapping[d]
+    if level in level_seg_mapping:
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    else:
+        level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+# %%
+#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+# for pair in comb:
+for i in range(0,num_levels):
+    # i = g_mapping[d]
+    group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
+    print(group_assignment)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for kk in range(0, num_roles):
+        for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[kk]
+            W=list_of_groups[gg]
+            if kk == gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if kk != gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+            comb = []
+            if k == g:
+                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
+                # print(type(comb))
+            else:
+                # comb = []
+                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
+                # print(comb)
+            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                print('not equal..')
+            print('d val {}'.format( d))
+            com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
+            # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
+            tot_count[i] = 0
+            for pair in comb:
+                s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                if len(list_org) == 0:
+                    print('zero')
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
+                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                    df.columns =['timestamp']
+                    N= df.size
+                    # print(pair)  
+                    # print(pair[0])
+                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
+                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
+                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+            # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
+                    # dd = d    
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
+                    lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
+                # print('tot count')
+                # print(tot_count[dd])
+                # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
+            print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
+# Remove self loops
+df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
+df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+t_df = df['timestamp']
+nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# list of nodes         
+nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+num_vertices = len(nodes)
+# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+# liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+# print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Experiment
+import experiment
+# User parameters
+# num_roles=2
+# num_segments=10
+# num_levels=5# Optional arg
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
+likelihood_f= exp_obj.execute()
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+# -293495.2248026046
+#  5 -293495.224803
+# g_mapping_discoverd [0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0]
+# group assignments 0: [[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], [0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
+# group assignments 1: [[0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14], [1, 3, 4, 11, 13]]
+# group assignments 2: [[1, 7, 14], [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]]
+# group assignments 3: [[0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12], [2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14]]
+# --- 33.311949253082275 seconds ---
+# -293958.6558912792
+#  Initial Actual likelihood   .......-293958.655891
+# g mapping [0 1 2 3 1 1 3 1]
+# group assignments 0: [[0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14], [1, 3, 4, 11, 13]]
+# group assignments 1: [[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], [0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12], [2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14]]
+# group assignments 3: [[1, 4, 7, 14], [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]]
+# group assignments 4: [[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], [0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
+# group assignments 5: [[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], [0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
+# group assignments 6: [[1, 4, 7, 14], [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]]
+# group assignments 7: [[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12], [0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14]]
+from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+# adjusted_rand_score([1, 7, 14],[1, 4, 7, 14])
+# adjusted_rand_score([0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],[0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
+from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+labels_true = [1, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
+labels_pred = [1, 0, 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
+adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels_pred) 
+# 0.7190366972477065
+labels_true = [1, 0, 1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]
+labels_pred = [1, 0, 1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]
+adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels_pred) 
+ # 0.7190366972477065
+# ( 1+1+1+0.7190366972477065)/4 =  0.9297591743119267
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d21719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson point process (NHPPP)
+To check the ground truth
+Dataset-5- modified
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import utils
+import sbm_core
+import math
+from itertools import combinations
+import itertools 
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score
+# from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score
+#  Initilaize
+num_segments = 6
+num_levels = 3
+nodes = np.arange(num_vertices) 
+lamda_arr_act = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_levels) , dtype=float)
+H =num_levels
+print('k-h levels %d'%(num_levels))
+# h-level lambda estimates    
+lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(num_roles, num_roles, H)
+lambda_estimates_h = 1e-2*np.random.randint(11,99, size=(num_roles, num_roles, H)) 
+# Make high variant lambdas
+lambda_estimates_h[0,0,:] = [0.3, 0.9,0.1]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:] = [0.1, .9, .4]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,0,:] = lambda_estimates_h[0,1,:]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,1,:] = [0.1, .9, .5]
+lambda_estimates_h[0,2,:] = [0.1, .6, .1]
+lambda_estimates_h[1,2,:] = [0.8, .1, .1]
+lambda_estimates_h[2,2,:] = [0.9, .9, .1]
+l1 =list(range(0, H))
+l2 = []
+if num_segments > num_levels:
+    l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(num_segments-H)]  
+# Mapping from segment to a level
+g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+# initilaize group assignment randomly
+group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(num_roles, size=(num_levels,num_vertices))  
+    # node-group dictionary
+group_dic = {}
+for i in range(0,num_levels ):
+    level = i
+    group_dic_level = {}
+    keys = nodes
+    values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+    group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+    group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+# print(group_dic)
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+        # Plotting
+#Initialize  lamda
+lamda_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)    
+for d in range(0, num_segments):
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            lamda_arr[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,g_mapping[d]]
+            lamda_arr[g,k, d]= lamda_arr[k,g, d]
+change_points_arr = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles, num_segments+1) , dtype=int)
+df_all= None
+points= list(range(0, (num_segments+1)*NO_SAMPLES, NO_SAMPLES))
+list1 = []
+level_seg_mapping  = {}
+for d in range(num_segments): 
+    level = g_mapping[d]
+    if level in level_seg_mapping:
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    else:
+        level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+        level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+# %%
+#  Generate piecewise non-homogeneous poisson process
+tot_count = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+com_len = np.zeros((num_levels) , dtype=float)
+# for pair in comb:
+for i in range(0,num_levels):
+    # i = g_mapping[d]
+    group_assignment =  group_assignment_arr[i]
+    print(group_assignment)
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in enumerate(group_assignment):
+        list_of_groups[val].append(nodes[idx])
+    # print(list_of_groups)
+    size_all_pairs = {}
+    for kk in range(0, num_roles):
+        for gg in range(kk, num_roles):
+            U=list_of_groups[kk]
+            W=list_of_groups[gg]
+            if kk == gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+            if kk != gg:
+                size_all_pairs[kk,gg] = len(U)*len(W)
+    for k in range(0, num_roles):
+        for g in range(k, num_roles):
+            change_points_arr[k,g,:] = points
+            lamda_arr[k,g,:] = lamda_arr[g,k,:]
+            comb = []
+            if k == g:
+                comb = list(combinations(list_of_groups[k], 2)) 
+                # print(type(comb))
+            else:
+                # comb = []
+                key_data = [list_of_groups[k],list_of_groups[g],]
+                comb = list(itertools.product(*key_data)) 
+                # print(comb)
+            if len(comb) != size_all_pairs[k,g]:
+                print('not equal..')
+            print('d val {}'.format( d))
+            com_len[i]   = len(comb)  
+            # print('comb len {}'.format( com_len[d]))
+            tot_count[i] = 0
+            for pair in comb:
+                s = np.random.poisson(lamda_arr[k,g,d], NO_SAMPLES)
+                # print(np.count_nonzero(s))
+                tot_count[i] += np.count_nonzero(s)
+                list_org=[i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e != 0]
+                if len(list_org) == 0:
+                    print('zero')
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    list1 = [x+points[d] for x in list_org]
+                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=list1)
+                    df.columns =['timestamp']
+                    N= df.size
+                    # print(pair)  
+                    # print(pair[0])
+                    list_start_stations =[pair[0]] * N                    
+                    list_end_stations =[pair[1]] * N
+                    df['source'] = list_start_stations 
+                    df['target'] = list_end_stations
+                    df_all=pd.concat([df_all, df], ignore_index=True)
+            # for dd in level_seg_mapping:
+                    # dd = d    
+                    lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] = round(((tot_count[i])/(NO_SAMPLES*com_len[i])),1)
+                    lamda_arr_act[g,k,i] = lamda_arr_act[k,g,i] 
+                # print('tot count')
+                # print(tot_count[dd])
+                # print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,d,lamda_arr_act[g,k,dd]))
+            print(' {} {} {} {} : k g d :lamb'.format(k,g,i,lamda_arr_act[g,k,i]))
+# Remove self loops
+df_all = df_all[((df_all['source'] ) != (df_all['target']))] 
+df_all = df_all[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+t_df = df['timestamp']
+nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# list of nodes         
+nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+num_vertices = len(nodes)   
+# create a new dictionary - key: node-pair , value:  list of timestamps
+print('{} {} {} '.format(group_dic, lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr))
+# liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+# print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Experiment
+import experiment
+# User parameters
+# num_roles=2
+# num_segments=10
+# num_levels=5# Optional arg
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# [likelihood_f,group_dic_f] = exp_obj.execute()
+likelihood_f= exp_obj.execute()
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(group_dic,lamda_arr_act,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+print(' Initial Actual likelihood   .......%f'%liklihood_sum)
+print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+for e_h in range(0,num_segments):
+    g_a = group_dic[g_mapping[e_h]]
+    list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+    for idx, val in g_a.items():
+        list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+    print('group assignments {}: {}'.format(e_h,list_of_groups)) 
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# g_mapping_discoverd [1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1]
+# group assignments 0: [[2, 4, 14, 16, 19, 29], [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], [0, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 28]]
+# group assignments 1: [[3, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29], [1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 23, 26], [0, 2, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 29], [2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28], [1, 6, 9, 17, 19, 26]]
+# --- 45.705310344696045 seconds ---
+# -745779.9721702943
+#  Initial Actual likelihood   .......-745779.972170
+# g mapping [0 1 2 0 2 0]
+# group assignments 0: [[1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 23, 26], [0, 2, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27], [3, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29]]
+# group assignments 1: [[0, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 28], [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], [2, 4, 14, 16, 19, 29]]
+# group assignments 2: [[0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 29], [2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28], [1, 6, 9, 17, 19, 26]]
+# group assignments 3: [[1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 23, 26], [0, 2, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27], [3, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29]]
+# group assignments 4: [[0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 29], [2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28], [1, 6, 9, 17, 19, 26]]
+# group assignments 5: [[1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 23, 26], [0, 2, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27], [3, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29]]
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ec20ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Experiments for London Cycling Dataset
+Nodes	735
+Temporal Edges	32,258
+Time span	1 day
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","9b-Journey-Data-Extract-06Sep15-19Sep15.csv")
+# pick 9th of September-2015
+start_date = "2015-9-9 0:00:00"
+end_date = "2015-9-9 23:59:59"
+# Read data
+df = pd.read_csv(filepath, dtype={'StartStation Id': 'Int64', 'EndStation Id': 'Int64'}, usecols=lambda x: x in ['Start Date', 'StartStation Id',  'EndStation Id'], parse_dates=['Start Date'])
+df=df.set_axis(['source', 'timestamp', 'target'], axis=1)
+# Remove null value
+df = df[df['target'].isnull() != True]
+# Filter dates    
+if start_date and end_date:
+    after_start_date = df["timestamp"] >= start_date
+    before_end_date = df["timestamp"] <= end_date
+    between_two_dates = after_start_date & before_end_date
+    df = df.loc[between_two_dates]
+# Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))] 
+# convert datetime to epoch
+df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'].astype('int64')//1e9
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+df = df[:1000]
+# # Experiments
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# User parameters
+algo_ver= 4
+# tuning parameters
+# theta = 1e-5
+theta = 1e-7
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+# num_segments=20
+# num_levels=11
+# algo_ver= 4
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+# print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+algo_ver= 4
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81cc92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Experiments for Bitcoin Dataset
+Dataset statistics
+Nodes	3,783
+Edges	24,186
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","soc-sign-bitcoinalpha.csv")
+header_list =  ['source','target','Rate', 'timestamp']
+df = pd.read_csv(filepath,   names=header_list)
+df = df[['source', 'timestamp','target']]
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+ # Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))]
+# # Experiments
+# User parameters
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-7
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+algo_ver= 4
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd75df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Experiments for EU
+SRC: id of the source node (a user)
+TGT: id of the target node (a user)
+TS: timestamp (in seconds), starting from 0
+Nodes	309
+Temporal Edges	61046
+Edges in static graph	3031
+Time span	803 days
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","email-Eu-core-temporal-Dept1.txt")
+header_list =  ['source','target', 'timestamp']
+df = pd.read_table(filepath,sep=' ',names=header_list)
+df = df[['source', 'timestamp','target']]
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+ # Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))]
+# # Experiments
+# User parameters
+algo_ver= 4
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94f7077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Experiments for EU
+SRC: id of the source node (a user)
+TGT: id of the target node (a user)
+TS: timestamp (in seconds), starting from 0
+Nodes	162
+Temporal Edges	46772
+Edges in static graph	1772
+Time span	803 days
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","email-Eu-core-temporal-Dept2.txt")
+header_list =  ['source','target', 'timestamp']
+df = pd.read_table(filepath,sep='\t',names=header_list)
+df = df[['source', 'timestamp','target']]
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+ # Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))]
+# # Experiments
+# User parameters
+algo_ver= 4
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-7
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# exp_obj.execute()
+algo_ver= 4
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93fa10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Experiments for mathoverflow
+Nodes	21688
+Temporal Edges	107581
+Edges in static graph	90489
+Time span	2350 days
+SRC: id of the source node (a user)
+TGT: id of the target node (a user)
+UNIXTS: Unix timestamp (seconds since the epoch)
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","sx-mathoverflow-a2q.txt")
+header_list =  ['source','target', 'timestamp']
+df = pd.read_table(filepath,sep=' ',names=header_list)
+df = df[['target', 'timestamp','source']]
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))]
+# # Experiments
+# User parameters
+algo_ver= 4
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee4a494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Experiments for mooc Dataset
+Number of users	7,047
+Number of targets	97
+Number of actions	411,749
+Number of positive action labels	4,066
+Timestamp	seconds
+import experiment
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+# read data
+filepath = os.path.join("Data","mooc_actions.tsv")
+df = pd.read_table(filepath)
+header_list =  ['target', 'timestamp','source']
+df.columns = header_list
+# filter vertices
+#num_vertices =  100000
+#df = df[((df['source'] < num_vertices) & (df['target'] < num_vertices))] 
+def _swap (row):
+    if row['source'] > row['target']:
+        row['source'] , row['target'] =row['target'] , row['source']
+    return row
+# Undirected graph
+df=df.apply(lambda row: _swap(row), axis=1)
+#scale timestamps for zeroth reference point
+refValue = df['timestamp'].min()
+df['timestamp'] -= refValue
+# Remove self-loops
+df = df[((df['source'] ) != (df['target']))]
+# # Experiments
+# User parameters
+algo_ver= 4
+# tuning parameters
+theta = 1e-5
+eta = 1
+tuning_params= {'theta':theta,'eta':eta}
+import time
+start_time = time.time()
+exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# import numpy as np
+# nodes_arr = np.union1d(df['target'],df['source']).astype(int) 
+# # list of nodes         
+# nodes = nodes_arr.tolist()
+# likelihood for single group and single segment # Normlaized likelihood
+# num_roles=1
+# num_segments=1
+# num_levels=1
+# exp_obj = experiment.Experiment(df,num_roles,num_segments,algo_ver,dest_folder,tuning_params,num_levels,refValue)    
+# likelihood_f = exp_obj.execute()
diff --git a/ b/
index c77497d..b675353 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Optimize:
        self.tuning_params = tuning_params
+       self.g_mapping =  None
     def k_seg(self):        
@@ -155,3 +156,85 @@ class Optimize:
             _curr_val = liklihood_sum
         return [self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,liklihood_sum]
+    def com_h_lvl_lambda_group(self):
+        H = self.num_levels
+        print('k-h levels %d'%(self.num_levels))
+        # h-level lambda estimates    
+        # lambda_estimates_h = 1e-1*np.random.rand(self.num_roles, self.num_roles, H)
+        lambda_estimates_h = np.random.rand(self.num_roles, self.num_roles, H)
+        # print(lambda_estimates_h)
+        l1 =list(range(0, H))
+        l2 = []
+        if self.num_segments > self.num_levels:
+            l2 = [np.random.randint(0,H) for i in range(self.num_segments-H)]  
+        # Mapping from segment to a level
+        g_mapping= np.array(l1 + l2)
+        print('g mapping {}'.format(g_mapping))
+        R = int(self.num_roles)
+        for k in range(0, R):
+            for g in range(0, R):
+                for d in range(0, self.num_levels):
+                    self.lambda_estimates[k,g, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,d]
+                    self.lambda_estimates[g,k, d]= lambda_estimates_h[k,g,d]
+        num_vertices = len(self.nodes)
+        group_assignment_arr= np.random.randint(self.num_roles, size=(self.num_levels,num_vertices))  
+            # node-group dictionary
+        group_dic = {}
+        for i in range(0,self.num_levels):
+            level = i
+            group_dic_level = {}
+            keys = self.nodes
+            values = list(group_assignment_arr[level])
+            group_dic_level = dict(zip(keys,values))
+            group_dic[i] = group_dic_level
+        self.group_assignment = group_dic   
+        self.g_mapping = g_mapping
+    def mm_k_h_seg_var_2(self):
+        """(K,H)-segmentation variant-2"""
+        # initilaization algorithm: initialize lambdas randomly and segments through linear seg. ver 2.            
+        self.com_h_lvl_lambda_group()
+        [self.change_points_arr,self.g_mapping,self.group_assignment]=sbm_core.mm_linear_seg_ver_2(self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+        self.lambda_estimates=sbm_core.mm_estimate_lamda_kh(self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.lambda_estimates,self.group_assignment,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping,self.tuning_params)        
+        liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+        _prev_val = math.inf 
+        _curr_val = liklihood_sum
+        _itr = 0        
+        while round(_prev_val,2) != round(_curr_val,2):
+            print("iteration no........... %d " %(_itr+1)) 
+            self.group_assignment=sbm_core.mm_group_assignment_ver2_2(self.nodes,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.lambda_estimates,self.group_assignment,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+            print('after grouping')
+            liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+            self.lambda_estimates=sbm_core.mm_estimate_lamda_kh(self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.lambda_estimates,self.group_assignment,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping,self.tuning_params)
+            print('after lambda estimate')
+            liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+            print('after seg')
+            # self.change_points_arr = sbm_core.dyn_prog_seg(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df)
+            [self.change_points_arr,self.g_mapping,self.group_assignment]=sbm_core.mm_linear_seg_ver_2(self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping)
+            liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df,self.g_mapping)            
+            self.lambda_estimates=sbm_core.mm_estimate_lamda_kh(self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.lambda_estimates,self.group_assignment,self.change_points_arr,self.df,self.g_mapping,self.tuning_params)
+            print('after lambda estimate')
+            liklihood_sum = sbm_core.mm_compute_cost(self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,self.num_roles,self.num_segments,self.df,self.g_mapping)            
+            print(' %d %f'%(_itr+1,liklihood_sum))
+            _prev_val = _curr_val
+            _curr_val = liklihood_sum
+            _itr+=1            
+        return [self.group_assignment,self.lambda_estimates,self.change_points_arr,liklihood_sum,self.g_mapping]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 5117cbc..2ec7199 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-### Utility Functions for Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Segmentation  ###
-###                  ( based on stochastic blockmodels )                        ###
+# ###################################################################################
+# ### Utility Functions for Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Segmentation  ###
+# ###                  ( based on stochastic blockmodels )                        ###
+# ###################################################################################
 import math
 import numpy as np
@@ -997,3 +998,524 @@ def linear_seg_ver_2(num_roles,num_segments,group_assignment,lambda_estimates,ch
         # com_cost(num_roles,num_segments,m_lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,group_assignment,dic)
         lambda_estimates = m_lambda_estimates       
     return [lambda_estimates,change_points_arr]
+#level-dependent group membership
+def mm_group_assignment_ver2_2(nodes,num_roles,num_segments,lambda_estimates,group_assignment,change_points_arr,dic,g_mapping):
+    current_g_mapping = g_mapping
+    level_seg_mapping  = {}
+    for d in range(num_segments):
+        level = current_g_mapping[d]
+        if level in level_seg_mapping:
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+        else:
+            level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    h =  len(set(g_mapping))
+    print('h levels %d'%h)
+    # Multidigraph object
+    G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
+    G.add_nodes_from(nodes)
+    G.add_edges_from(list(dic))
+    G = G.to_undirected()
+    for i_h in range(0,h):
+        l_seg =  level_seg_mapping[i_h]
+        # print('i: {} seg_level_dic : {}'.format(i_h,l_seg))
+        grp = group_assignment[i_h]
+        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+        for idx, val in grp.items():
+            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+        t = 0
+        for d in l_seg:
+            delta_t =  change_points_arr[0,0,d+1] -  change_points_arr[0,0,d]
+            if d == 0:
+              delta_t +=  1
+            t = t + delta_t
+        ss= level_seg_mapping[i_h]
+        # iterate over all nodes
+        for v in nodes:
+                    # remove v
+            for g in range(0, num_roles):
+                #Extract Group g
+                _list_g = list_of_groups[g]
+                if v in _list_g :
+                    _list_g.remove(v)
+            # store current group of v
+            max_i = grp[v]
+            edge_counts =  np.zeros(num_roles)
+            # find neighbours of node v
+            neighbour_nodes  = [n for n in G.neighbors(v)]
+            # print('neignbours {}'.format(neighbour_nodes))
+            # iterate over all neigbour nodes of v
+            for neigh in neighbour_nodes:
+                v1 = v
+                v2 = neigh
+                # order of tuple : undirected
+                if v1 > v2:
+                    v1, v2 = v2, v1
+                # i=group_assignment.get(v1)
+                jk=grp[neigh]
+                # change-points of (i,j) group pair; in this case, equally partitioned
+                chg_points = change_points_arr[0,0,:]
+                ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
+                ranges_arr[0][0] = 0
+                # list of timestamps corresponding to (v1,v2) pair
+                list_time_stamps = dic.get((v1,v2))
+                # iterate over timestamps list
+                for item in list_time_stamps:
+                    d =  _findSegment(ranges_arr,  len(ranges_arr) , int(item))
+                    # print(' {} {} {} '.format(d, chg_points, item))
+                    if d in ss:
+                        # print('actual d {} ss {}'.format(d, ss))
+                        edge_counts[jk] += 1
+            # print('h: {} , cnt : {}'.format(i_h, edge_counts))
+            likelihood_sum = np.zeros(num_roles)
+                # if node a belongs to group a
+            for l in range(0, num_roles):
+                likelihood_sum[l] = 0
+                for b in range(0, num_roles):
+                    W = list_of_groups[b]
+                    # maximum possible number of  ways of interacting with node v
+                    factor = len(W)
+                    likelihood_sum[l] += (edge_counts[b]*math.log(lambda_estimates[l,b,i_h])  - factor*lambda_estimates[l,b,i_h]*t)
+            #SANITY CHECK
+            # if max_i  !=    np.argmax(likelihood_sum):
+            #     # print('{} : {} {} : {} : '.format(max_i, np.argmax(likelihood_sum),max(likelihood_sum),likelihood_sum))
+            #     l1 = mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+            #     group_assignment[i_h][v]  = np.argmax(likelihood_sum)
+            #     l2 = mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+            #     p1= round(abs(l2-l1),2)
+            #     p2= round(abs(likelihood_sum[0]-likelihood_sum[1]),2)
+            #     if p1 != p2:
+            #         print('p: {} : {} {} : {} : {} {}'.format(p1,p2, likelihood_sum,edge_counts,lambda_estimates[0,:,i_h],lambda_estimates[1,:,i_h] ))
+            #         if l2 < l1:
+            #             print('l : {} : {} {} : {} : '.format(max_i, np.argmax(likelihood_sum),max(likelihood_sum),likelihood_sum))
+            max_i = np.argmax(likelihood_sum)
+            group_assignment[i_h][v] = max_i
+            list_of_groups[max_i].append(v)
+            # mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+    return group_assignment
+# #level-dependent estimate (k-h) lamda
+def mm_estimate_lamda_kh(num_roles,num_segments,lambda_estimates,group_assignment,change_points_arr,dic,g_mapping,tuning_params=None):
+    # create dictionary to store interaction counts
+    # ( no of interactions between ith and jth group within dth segment)
+    key_data = [
+        range(0,num_roles),
+        range(0,num_roles),
+        range(0,num_segments),
+    ]
+    keys = list(itertools.product(*key_data))
+    i_j_d = {key: 0 for key in keys}
+    current_g_mapping = g_mapping
+    # print(lambda_estimates)
+    level_seg_mapping  = {}
+    for d in range(num_segments):
+        level = current_g_mapping[d]
+        if level in level_seg_mapping:
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+        else:
+            level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    # change-points of (i,j) group pair
+    chg_points = change_points_arr[0,0,:]
+    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
+    ranges_arr[0][0]=0
+    n = len(ranges_arr)
+    for key, val in dic.items():
+        for item in val:
+            d =  _findSegment(ranges_arr, n, int(item))
+            # l = current_g_mapping[d]
+            g_a = group_assignment[current_g_mapping[d]]
+            i=g_a.get(key[0]) #group of v1
+            j=g_a.get(key[1]) #group of v2
+            # undirected graph
+            if i>j:
+                i,j=j,i
+            i_j_d[(i,j,d)] += 1
+    # liklihood_sum = 0
+    h = len(set(g_mapping))
+    # iterate over levels
+    for i in range(0,h):
+        g_a = group_assignment[i]
+        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+        for idx, val in g_a.items():
+            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+        for k in range(0, num_roles):
+            for g in range(k,num_roles):
+                U=list_of_groups[k]
+                W=list_of_groups[g]
+                size_all_pairs = 0
+                if k == g:
+                    size_all_pairs = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+                if k != g:
+                    size_all_pairs = len(U)*len(W)
+                inter_count = 0
+                delta_t = 0
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    # print('i {} d {}'.format(i, d))
+                    delta_t += (change_points_arr[k,g,d+1] - change_points_arr[k,g,d])
+                    if d == 0:
+                        delta_t += 1
+                    inter_count += i_j_d[(k,g,d)]
+                alpha = inter_count
+                beeta = size_all_pairs*delta_t
+                lamda = (alpha+ random.random()*tuning_params['theta'])/(beeta+tuning_params['eta'])
+                lambda_estimates[k,g,i] = lamda
+                lambda_estimates[g,k,i] = lamda
+    return lambda_estimates
+# Level-dependent : Estimate change points : LINEAR algorithm ( Fast segmentation with SMAWK ) - Ver 2
+def mm_linear_seg_ver_2(num_roles,num_segments,group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,dic,g_mapping):
+    current_g_mapping = g_mapping
+    h = len(set(current_g_mapping))
+    time_edges = {}
+    time_stamps=[]
+    for key, val in dic.items():
+    # print('{} {}'.format(key[0],key[1]))
+        for item in val:
+            if  item not in time_edges:
+                time_edges[item] = []
+            time_edges[(item)] += {key}
+            time_stamps.append(item)
+    # find unique time-stamps
+    # (there are cases where multiple edges occur at the same timestamp )
+    time_stamps = sorted(time_stamps)
+    time_stamps_unique =  sorted(list(set(time_stamps)))
+    n =  len(time_stamps_unique)
+    startsfrom = np.zeros((n,num_segments) , dtype=int)
+    lamda_value = np.zeros((n,num_segments) , dtype=int )
+    c = np.zeros((n, h) , dtype=float)
+    o_ek = np.zeros((n, num_segments) , dtype=float)
+    # iterate over levels
+    for d in range(0, h):
+        # level specific group assignements
+        g_a = group_assignment[d]
+        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+        for idx, val in g_a.items():
+            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+        alpha = 0
+        cnt = 0
+        for k in range(0, num_roles):
+            for g in range(k, num_roles):
+                U=list_of_groups[k]
+                W=list_of_groups[g]
+                size_all_pairs = 0
+                if k == g:
+                    size_all_pairs = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+                if k != g:
+                    size_all_pairs = len(U)*len(W)
+                if  lambda_estimates[k,g,d] != 0:
+                    alpha +=   (size_all_pairs * lambda_estimates[k,g,d])
+                elif not U or not W:
+                    print('list is empty...')
+        for  ind, tmsp in enumerate(time_stamps_unique):
+            lst = time_edges.get(tmsp)
+            for key in lst:
+                i=g_a.get(key[0]) #group of v1
+                j=g_a.get(key[1]) #group of v2
+                cnt += math.log(lambda_estimates[i,j,d])
+            c[ind,d] = cnt - alpha*tmsp
+    for e in range(0, n):
+        # print('{} : {} {}'.format(c[e,:],max(c[e,:]),np.argmax(c[e,:])))
+        o_ek[e,0] = max(c[e,:])
+        lamda_value[e,0] = np.argmax(c[e,:])
+    LARGE_VAL = pow(10, 10)
+    for kk in range(1, num_segments):
+        max_m = np.zeros((n, h) , dtype=float)
+        indices = np.zeros((n, num_segments) , dtype=int)
+        for a in range(0, h):
+            def lookup(i,j):
+                x = -LARGE_VAL
+                if not ((j < kk) | (j >= i)):
+                    x = o_ek[j,kk-1] + c[i,a] - c[j,a]
+                return x
+            rows = list(range(0, n))
+            cols =  list(range(0, n))
+            col_set = utils.smawk(rows,cols,lookup)
+            # col_set = utils.Maxcompute(rows,cols,lookup)
+            for edg in range(0, n):
+                indices[edg,a] = col_set[edg]
+                max_m[edg,a] = lookup(edg,indices[edg,a])
+        for e in range(0, n):
+            o_ek[e,kk] = max(max_m[e,:])
+            lamda_value[e,kk] = np.argmax(max_m[e,:])
+            startsfrom[e,kk] = indices[e,lamda_value[e,kk]]
+    boundary_point_array=[n-1]
+    counter = num_segments-1
+    boundary_point = n-1
+    # new_lambda_estimates = np.zeros((num_roles, num_roles,num_segments) , dtype=float)
+    # print(o_ek[boundary_point,counter])
+    new_g = np.zeros(  num_segments, dtype=int)
+    while counter > -1:
+        # print(o_ek[boundary_point,counter])
+        d= int(lamda_value[boundary_point,counter])
+        new_g[counter] = int(d)
+        boundary_point = startsfrom[boundary_point, counter]
+        boundary_point_array.append(boundary_point)
+        counter -= 1
+    b_list = []
+    for b in boundary_point_array:
+        b_list.append(time_stamps_unique[b])
+    change_points_arr_ = list(reversed(b_list))
+    change_points_arr[:,:,:] = change_points_arr_
+    # print(change_points_arr_)
+    # mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping)
+    h_current = len(set(list(new_g)))
+    current_g_mapping =  list(new_g)
+    # mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,current_g_mapping)
+    print('h : {} , h_cur : {}'.format(h, h_current))
+    if h > h_current:
+        print('No of h-levels does not satisfied... (h:{} , h-new:{})'.format(h, h_current))
+        list_all =  [ele for ele in range(0,h)]
+        a = set(current_g_mapping)
+        b = set(list_all)
+        diff = list(b - a)
+        n = h - len(a)
+        missing_list = random.sample(diff, n)
+        # print(missing_list)
+        duplicate_entries = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(current_g_mapping).items() if count > 1]
+        # print(duplicate_entries)
+        new_g_mapping = copy.copy(current_g_mapping)
+        # we have duplicate and missing list
+        changes= []
+        for idx,m_e in  enumerate(missing_list):
+            # find index of duplicate entries
+            if  idx < len(duplicate_entries) :
+                ind = current_g_mapping.index(duplicate_entries[idx])
+            else:
+                new_duplicate_entries = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(new_g_mapping).items() if count > 1]
+                # print(len(new_duplicate_entries))
+                duplicate_entries.append(new_duplicate_entries[0])
+                ind = new_g_mapping.index(duplicate_entries[idx])
+            # update duplicate by a missing entry
+            new_g_mapping[ind] = m_e
+            # add (index,val) pair
+            changes.append([ind,m_e])
+        current_g_mapping=new_g_mapping
+        print(current_g_mapping)
+    return [change_points_arr,current_g_mapping,group_assignment]
+# Level-dependent : Compute cost
+def  mm_compute_cost(group_assignment,lambda_estimates,change_points_arr,num_roles,num_segments,dic,g_mapping):
+    # create dictionary to store interaction counts
+    # ( no of interactions between ith and jth group within dth segment)
+    key_data = [
+        range(0,num_roles),
+        range(0,num_roles),
+        range(0,num_segments),
+    ]
+    keys = list(itertools.product(*key_data))
+    i_j_d = {key: 0 for key in keys}
+    current_g_mapping = g_mapping
+    level_seg_mapping  = {}
+    for d in range(0,num_segments):
+        level = current_g_mapping[d]
+        # print(level_seg_mapping)
+        if level in level_seg_mapping:
+            # print(d)
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+        else:
+            # print(d)
+            level_seg_mapping[level] = []
+            level_seg_mapping[level].append(d)
+    # change-points of (i,j) group pair
+    chg_points = change_points_arr[0,0,:]
+    ranges_arr = [ [chg_points[s]+1,chg_points[s+1]] for s in range(0,len(chg_points)-1)]
+    ranges_arr[0][0]=0
+    n = len(ranges_arr)
+    for key, val in dic.items():
+        for item in val:
+            d =  _findSegment(ranges_arr, n, int(item))
+            # l = current_g_mapping[d]
+            g_a = group_assignment[g_mapping[d]]
+            i=g_a.get(key[0]) #group of v1
+            j=g_a.get(key[1]) #group of v2
+            # undirected graph
+            if i>j:
+                i,j=j,i
+            i_j_d[(i,j,d)] += 1
+    liklihood_sum = 0
+    h = len(set(g_mapping))
+    # iterate over levels
+    for i in range(0,h):
+        g_a = group_assignment[i]
+        list_of_groups=  [[] for _ in range(num_roles)]
+        for idx, val in g_a.items():
+            list_of_groups[val].append(idx)
+        for k in range(0, num_roles):
+            for g in range(k,num_roles):
+                U=list_of_groups[k]
+                W=list_of_groups[g]
+                size_all_pairs = 0
+                if k == g:
+                    size_all_pairs = math.comb(len(U), 2)
+                if k != g:
+                    size_all_pairs = len(U)*len(W)
+                inter_count = 0
+                delta_t = 0
+                for d in level_seg_mapping[i]:
+                    # print('i {} d {}'.format(i, d))
+                    delta_t += (change_points_arr[k,g,d+1] - change_points_arr[k,g,d])
+                    # delta_t += (change_points_arr[0,0,d+1] - change_points_arr[0,0,d])
+                    if d == 0:
+                        delta_t += 1
+                    inter_count += i_j_d[(k,g,d)]
+                # jj = level_seg_mapping[i]
+                lamda =  lambda_estimates[k,g,i]
+                liklihood_sum += (inter_count*math.log(lamda) - size_all_pairs*lamda*delta_t)
+    # print(liklihood_sum)            
+    return liklihood_sum