import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import json import base64 import socket import datetime import signal import argparse RTCM3_PREAMBLE = b'\xd3' # Specify the host name and port number of the broker here. MQTTBROKER_HOSTNAME = "localhost" MQTTBROKER_PORT = 8883 # The port number on which in the rtkrcv is publishing the RTCM3 messages. RTKRCV_SRV_HOST = "localhost" RTKRCV_SRV_PORT = 11235 # The topic for the messages. MQTT_RTCM3_TOPIC = "rtcm3" # The client ID used for publish MQTT_RTCM3_RELAY_ID = "rtcm3relay" class MQTTRelay: mqtt_client = None sock = None """ create an MQTT client that connects to the broker """ def __init__(self, mqtthost, mqttport): self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(client_id=MQTT_RTCM3_RELAY_ID, clean_session=True, userdata=None, transport='tcp') self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self._mqtt_connect self.mqtt_client.on_disconnect = self._mqtt_disconnect self.mqtt_client.connect(mqtthost, mqttport) print("Connected to MQTT Broker") self.sock = None # Specify the signal handlers. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_exit) return """ Debug messages to show when connected """ def _mqtt_connect(self, client, obj, flags, rc): return """ Do a clean disconnect """ def _mqtt_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc=0): print ("Disconnecting from the MQTT broker") client.loop_stop() return # """ # Publish a message with the given topic .. Made it inline. # """ # def publish_rtcm3(self, rtcm3_frame): # self.mqtt_client.publish(topic=MQTT_RTCM3_TOPIC, # payload=json.dumps({'rtcm3':rtcm3_frame, 'timestamp':})) # return def handle_exit(self, signum, frame): # Disconnect the client self.sock.close() self.mqtt_client.disconnect() return # """ # Read the log file and publish each RTCM3 frame in an individual message. # """ # def rtcm3_relay_file(fname, publisher): # print("Reading File Now") # cnt = 0 # with open(fname, mode="rb") as bfile: # # skip the first few bytes which are newline characters. # data = # while data != RTCM3_PREAMBLE: # data = # rtcm3_frame = bytes() # rtcm3_frame += base64.encodebytes(data) # while data != b"": # cnt = cnt + 1 # data = # print(data) # if data == RTCM3_PREAMBLE: # print("Found preamble") # utf8_rtcm3_frame = rtcm3_frame.decode('utf-8') # publisher.publish_rtcm3(utf8_rtcm3_frame) # rtcm3_frame = bytes() # rtcm3_frame += base64.encodebytes(data) # print(cnt) # return True """ Connect to the tcp server created by rtknavi/rtklib. Read the rtcm3 frames, and publish each frame as a message. """ def rtcm3_relay_socket(self, srv_host, srv_port): buff_size = 4096 rtcm3_frame = bytes() first_preamble = True try: self.sock = socket.create_connection((srv_host, srv_port)) print ("Connected to RTKRCV tcp port. Relaying the RTCM3 messages now") while True: data = self.sock.recv(4096) data = [bytes(data[i:i+1]) for i in range(len(data))] for i in range(len(data)): data_byte = data[i] # This needs to be optimized. Currently, we create a message each time the preamble is seen. # The correct way would be to fetch the length, and encode the payload up to the length. if data_byte == RTCM3_PREAMBLE: if first_preamble is False: self.mqtt_client.publish(topic=MQTT_RTCM3_TOPIC, json.dumps({'rtcm3':base64.b64encode(rtcm3_frame).decode('utf-8'), 'timestamp':})) #utf8_rtcm3_frame = base64.b64encode(rtcm3_frame).decode('utf-8') #self.publish_rtcm3(utf8_rtcm3_frame) first_preamble = False rtcm3_frame = bytes() rtcm3_frame += data_byte except IOError: pass except Exception as e: print(e) return True def main(mqtthost, mqttport, rtkhost, rtkport): mqtt_relay = MQTTRelay(mqtthost, mqttport) mqtt_relay.rtcm3_relay_socket(rtkhost, rtkport) print ("Quitting") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-r','--rtktcphost', help="hostname where the rtrcv is exporting rtcm3 over tcp", type=str) parser.add_argument('-p', '--rtktcpport', help="port number where the rtrcv is exporting rtcm3 over tcp", type=int) parser.add_argument('-b','--mqtthost', help="hostname of the MQTT broker", type=str) parser.add_argument('-m', '--mqttport', help="port number of the MQTT broker", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if None in [ args.rtktcphost, args.rtktcpport, args.mqtthost, args.mqttport ]: parser.print_help() else: main(args.mqtthost, args.mqttport, args.rtktcphost, args.rtktcpport)